

The moment Aiden was roused from sleep, everything that had happened yesterday came rushing back, throwing him off balance so damn early in the morning.

Shit, but his head was starting to ache. A first in a long time, that was for sure.

Noah was in love with Haru. That revelation still hadn't fully sunken in yet.

When had it started? Why had Noah been hiding it for so long?

Then he thought how stupid his questions were. Hadn't he himself been hiding his forbidden feelings for Haru for over two years?

He frowned. Had Noah been in love with Haru longer than that, way before Aiden himself? He must admit Noah was damn good at hiding it. Even the nosy Tina hadn't figured it out even though she had spent quite a bit of time with them.

Aiden sat and shifted his gaze to the middle futon, which belonged to Noah. Obviously, it hadn't been touched.

Noah didn't come to bed? And it was morning now. Was he still in the living room?

Moving quietly so as not to disturb Connor, who was still asleep, Aiden headed out the door. He was a little out of sorts and wasn't fully awaken yet when he came into the living room to discover a scene that froze him in his place.

There by the window was Noah, fast asleep with his back resting against the wall. Sleeping comfortably in his arms was Haru.

The sight swept away Aiden's sleepiness and replaced it with a new emotion stirring up inside him. He felt his heart aching as he stood there, just watching them.

They made a handsome picture, Haru being cradled in Noah's arms.

He took in a shaky breath. Shit!

He turned on his heel and headed into the bathroom. He needed to get ready. He had a meeting with Uncle Jin before breakfast, after all.

After a quick shower, he got dressed in the new dark blue kimono he had received as a gift from Uncle Jin and then headed out the door, leaving a text message for Noah that he'd be out for a bit.

Higa-san met him in the hotel foyer. "Good morning, Mr. Davis."

Aiden chuckled. "Just call me Aiden. Mr. Davis is a bit strange to hear."

Higa-san nodded. "Then Aiden-san."

With Aiden nodding in approval, Higa-san continued, "You suit wearing a kimono."

"It's my first time," Aiden said. Suddenly, last night's episode flashed into his mind.

Haru had looked damn beautiful in that red kimono. So much so that he could be mistaken for a woman, especially with the matching deep red lipstick.

Aiden swallowed hard, his chest quivering.

They came into Uncle Jin's penthouse at the rooftop of the hotel building a few moments later and met the elderly man in the living room.

Once again, Uncle Jin was in his dark kimono and cheerfully greeted Aiden as the man came in.

"Ohayogozaimasu," Aiden said, bowing respectfully.

Uncle Jin chuckled. "I didn't know you spoke Japanese, Aiden-san."

Aiden took a seat on the sofa opposite the man as he said, "A little. Reo and Haru taught us brothers. Though I must admit we're not fluent."

"I see," Uncle Jin said.

The housekeeper came in then, and after serving them tea, she was gone again.

Uncle Jin turned to Higa-san and said, "You can leave for your duties now, Higa."

Higa-san bowed, and after, left the room.

Alone with Uncle Jin, Aiden asked, "You wished to speak with me in private?"

With Uncle Jin nodding his head, Aiden knew his suspicion had been confirmed. He had no doubt it'd be about Reo and Haru, and instantly, his stomach knotted in dread.

Uncle Jin cleared his throat and said, "I won't beat about the bush, Aiden-san. As you can see, I'm old and my health is…shit."

Aiden was quite shocked, and amused, at Uncle Jin's choice of words. Shit indeed. But perhaps the stern-looking CEO of a multimillion-dollar company was more down to earth than he thought. Perhaps the somber, unyielding demeanor was merely a facade?

"Yes?" I said.

"It won't be long before I retire. My plan is to bring both Reo and Haru back to Japan. This"—he spread his arms out to indicate the room, and hence, the hotel—"will all be theirs."

He knew it, and Aiden worked hard on controlling the emotions rushing through him.

He said, "Have you spoken of your plans to either Reo or Haru yet?"

Uncle Jin said, "I did, but only to Reo."

Aiden asked, "And what did he say?"

Uncle Jin smiled. "I'll leave it up to Reo to tell you and your brothers."

"Are you going to tell Haru?" Aiden asked.

The old man said, "Eventually. Before he leaves, of course."

"I see," Aiden said. "If you plan to tell Reo and Haru anyway, why bring me here for a private talk?"

Uncle Jin clasped his hands together and said, "Because you're an important person in their lives, Aiden-san. You've been raising them after your parents' deaths, and I appreciate that. I'm very grateful for what you've done."

Aiden said, "You don't need to thank me. Reo and Haru are my brothers and they're important to me."

Uncle Jin nodded. "Yes, of course, which is why it's important I talk to you about this, especially about Haru."

"Haru?" Aiden asked.

"I know he won't come…return to Japan and take over this with his brother unless you and your brothers are here with him."

Aiden's mind raced and then realization sunk in.

Uncle Jin chuckled. "Ah, you understand me, Aiden-san. I'm offering you a position, and no, you do not have to give me the answer now, but would you like to be the CEO of Lake Aoi Resort and Onsen, Aiden-san?"

Aiden was, naturally, shocked. Was the old man serious? But of course, he kept his face composed.