
Harry Potter : Wizard SI

"This is the story of a socially awkward medic's life after his reincarnation in the Harry Potter universe. " --------- This fanfic explores all aspects of J.K. Rowling's books, including magic, society, history, and even politics. ---------- As for romance, I didn't plan for it; I will wait for the characters to age and build upon it. The main character is only attracted to the female gender. ------ P.S: The first 6 chapters completely explain the mechanics of Magic. I kept it simple and precise. Please review, comment, and give power stones to the fic."

KK9494 · Bücher und Literatur
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31 Chs

Chapter 11 : Introduction to the house


As the Sorting Hat announced my house, I felt a mix of feelings wash over me. At least, I can say that I know myself a lot from this incident.

Making my way to the Slytherin table, I couldn't help but notice the slight surprise on the face of Miss Minerva, who was well aware of my Muggle-born status. It was no secret that Slytherin House had a reputation for favouring purebloods, making my placement among its ranks a surprise.

Despite the common belief that Slytherin only accepted purebloods, it was known to occasionally admit Half-bloods, albeit with some reluctance.

Muggleborns, on the other hand, were a rarity in Slytherin, often frowned upon by both Slytherin students and staff alike for generations. 

I couldn't help but wonder if my blood status would be revealed to the rest of the staff by the end of the day. 

Despite its negative talk among the common wizards, Slytherin was revered within the wizarding world as the breeding ground for future political leaders. The connections and alliances formed within its ranks spanned generations, affecting Wizarding Britain at large. The power and influence wielded by its members easily inspire jealousy.

Having anticipated my sorting results for some time. I looked at myself. I recognized that every individual was a complex amalgamation of various character traits, and I was no exception. While all the other traits were undoubtedly a component of my nature, they were always driven by my ambitions, both in this life and in the past life. 

From the small goals like surpassing my elder brother, making my father proud, and keeping my mother happy, to the larger ambitions of surpassing most wizards, including those watching me from the head table. 

Especially the twinkling eyes.


As I neared the table, Daphne, gestured for me to join her at the table showing a place she left for me. Our brief interaction seemed to have made a good impression, enough for her to reserve a seat.

Curious about her certainty regarding my placement in Slytherin, I couldn't help but ask, "How are you so sure I would be placed in Slytherin?"

Daphne's laughter was light and melodious as she responded, "It's the way you carry yourself, the way you interact with others. Most importantly, you left a good impression in the first meeting with Draco and Harry Potter, two people who seem to be already at odds with each other. My tutor always said that making a good first impression is crucial, and you did that. I can say with absolute certainty that my tutor is the epitome of Slytherin."

As Daphne gathered her friends around near as each was sorted by the hat, I couldn't help but notice something.

Her friends seated around her, including Tracy, Blaise, Alec Morti, and Catherine Poscoe, were a clear indication that political alliances from Wizengamot are mirrored in Slytherin.

Morsi's family was a major buyer of Greengrass Herbs, while Poscoe's connections in imports and exports signalled a useful business alliance. Tracey's family has been in Ministry employment since World War 1. 

I watched the groups of Childhood friends ranging across the various ages, each mirroring their parent's friendship or alliance. 

However, it feels a little weird to be the lone guy in the Slytherin table with no friend group. A stark contrast with the other three tables.

I just patiently waited since it was a matter of time before I found friends. I am confident in my capability to ensure that.




"Welcome to the new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! 'Thank you!" said Dumbledore, and the food appeared with a wave of his hands. All the students were hungry from a long trip, so they dug it happily, whilst chatting.


"Is the headmaster alright in the head?" a first-year asked.

"Many think he's going senile." Tracey Davis answered.

"That's what he wants some people to think. He isn't to be underestimated. Those who did suffer the consequences," One of the older students replied to the inexperienced first year. Truly a house meant for churning out politicians.

The feast was interesting for me as I listened to my tablemates talk about the things they heard from their sources.

The Burkes and Farley are having another dispute about the wiggenweld potion contract to Saint Mungo, which is ripe for opening in 2 weeks. It's funny to see the 4th year Farley and 2-year Burke glaring at each other.

The families cleaned the market out of the wiggenweld potions to eliminate the other competitors from the race. By the time the official announcement came, it became too late for the other competitors. 

The funny thing is the two heads of the houses tried to attempt to make the contract individually, bypassing each other. Now Saint Mungo's administrator who was the source of the insider news to them, tossed this hot potato back by revealing the bribes to both sides.

The ongoing gossip is that the issue will be resolved in a week. But, the loser is certainly going to release his stock into the market.

 The economic implication of this gossip is that the potion's rate is going to fall. This fact is not lost on the snakes. I am sure Owls will be flying today, carrying this news.


The feast finally ended, and Dumbledore began his speech that millions knew about my previous life-

"Have a few start-of-term notices I would like to announce. The first years please note that the dark forest is forbidden for all students. The caretaker has asked me to remind you that there is a list of forbidden items at school, you will find the complete list with him. Also, this year the third-floor corridor, on the right side, is out of bounds, to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you."

"Why does it seem like he wants us to go there?" Daphne Greengrass was the one who spoke this time, even though she was a person of a few words.

"Really? Telling a school full of curious children that something is dangerous and challenging, is inviting them? I think not." I told her sarcastically.

That got a laugh out of most of them, dissing Dumbledore is the way to popularity in Slytherin house. Then again ever since Dumbledore rose to power, The purebloods lost a lot of power. The oldest pureblood house before his rise can outright murder a witch/wizard as long the victim is not well connected.

At best, He might get a slap on the wrist as punishment.

Now in the present, let's say, as long you leave the slightest evidence of any major crime- rape, murder, and bloodline theft. You can see the following meme in the divination ball.

[Hello, Sir/Madam.

We at Azkaban will shower you with lots of despair and soul-sucking kisses from yours truly – A filled message from Dementors. (* ̄3 ̄)]

------------Common Room, Slytherin-----------

Severus Snape strode in from the Common Room entrance with his famous scowl etched upon his face, forcefully shoving the portrait open. With a precise swing, he angled his arms just so that his robes billowed gracefully behind him.

In the common room, the Slytherins were arranged by year, waiting silently for their head of house to address them. Snape nodded once to the prefects, Flint and Torrence, before striding purposefully to the front of the group.

"Welcome, new Slytherins, to your new home within Hogwarts," Snape began, his voice low and commanding. "You stand on the threshold of greatness, surrounded by those who share your ambition, cunning, and determination."

Snape's voice grew more intense as he continued, his words echoing off the stone walls of the common room. "In Slytherin House, we prize ambition above all else. We strive for greatness, and we will stop at nothing to achieve it. But remember, ambition alone is not enough. It must be armed with cunning, with strategy, with the ability to outmanoeuvre your opponents at every turn."

He waved his wand to create smoke, which formed 4 animals- Snake, Beaver, Lion and Crow.

All the animals that were playing with the Snake suddenly left. First the lion. After which it roared at the others to return. The hissing snake was left alone at the top looking down at the remaining three.


"As you embark on your journey as Slytherins, remember that the other houses may offer promises of friendship and alliances, but they often falter when it matters most," Snape continued, his voice taking on a darker tone. "They may speak of loyalty and camaraderie, but in the end, they are unreliable and prone to betrayal."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "In Slytherin, we do not make empty promises. We do not offer false friendships or hollow alliances. When we forge bonds, they are strong and unwavering, built on a foundation of mutual benefit. And this mutual Benefit, in time will grow into Trust and Friendship. A relation built on benefits to both sides is a strong relation."

He gave a small glance to Draco, who proudly stood under the gazes of everyone. The entire wizarding society knows Lucius Malfoy was the first to support Severus Snape. For this, he still reaps the benefits of being the exclusive manufacturer of Snape's invented Potions.

In a way, I can accept his words. Because with clear-cut benefits, it is easy to guess who is the enemy and who is the ally. Of course, finding the right ally is the task of a proper Slytherin. A right ally can give benefits that can make one promise loyalty and the same is true, and vice versa.

Snape's eyes narrowed as he spoke, his gaze sharpened through the dim light of the common room. "If you fail to uphold your end of the bargain, if you betray the trust of your fellow Slytherins, then it is your mistake and yours alone. But know this: Slytherins do not forgive easily, and we do not forget. Betrayal will be met with swift and severe consequences."

He let the weight of his words hang in the air for a moment before concluding with a final warning. "So, remember, new Slytherins, in Slytherin House, we stand by our allies, and we honour our commitments. But woe be to those who cross us, for in Slytherin, your reputation and loyalty to your end of the bargain is everything, and betrayal is unforgivable."

 With a wave of his wand, the snake ate the other three animals and hissed at us.

Snape then turned his attention to Marcus Flint, who stood at attention awaiting instruction. "Rule number one, Mr. Flint," Snape instructed. 

Flint acknowledged the command with a crisp, "Yes, sir. Rule One: Slytherin is The House."


Snape thanked him before elaborating on the expectations of Slytherin students, including assisting fellow housemates in need, maintaining proper attire, and adhering to strict schedules for homework and meals.

He concluded his speech with a warning about the consequences of disobeying house rules and advised the seniors to familiarize themselves with mandates from other houses.

As Snape opened the floor to questions, Draco Malfoy eagerly raised his hand. 

Snape acknowledged him with a raised eyebrow and promptly answered his unasked question, "Quidditch try-outs will be posted on the board by this year's Captain, Marcus Flint," Snape replied, his tone tinged with disdain. 

With that, Snape abruptly turned and made his exit, his glance lingering on me for a second before disappearing.