
Harry Potter: Winchester Chronicles

This is an original fic, as I couldn't find a better novel to translate so I figured why not write one myself. The world still revolves around the Harry Potter series but with original and extra plot added to it to not make things boring. P.S. This is not related to the TV series Supernatural, apart from slight inspiration for a couple of things. --------------------- "Voldermort? Who? Can't you see me fighting a literal Demon?" "Why do I have to kill all these monsters to be a wizard? I don't know it's a family tradition" "What do you mean, 'Why is Harry so buff?' How else is he supposed to fight the noseless demon?" Luke woke up in a body belonging to the youngest member of the last Winchester Family, during a 'exorcism' at that. Discovering that he had transmigrated to the Harry Potter world, dreaming of a magical future, he still couldn't fathom why there were so many inconsistencies in the plot. Not to mention his new family and his father's mysterious and weird actions, but why are there so many monsters and villains hatching a new plot every single day in this children's fiction? ---------- https://www.patreon.com/The_disciple ---------- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/481960 I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

The_disciple · Bücher und Literatur
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22 Chs


"It's been a week..." Luke muttered, gazing at his reflection with a mix of frustration and resignation. "Every day I wake up expecting something different, but I'm left with nothing but the bitter taste of reality."

A week had passed since the exorcism debacle, and Luke had finally received the answers he had desperately been looking for. Although it came alongside a whole lot of mockery and annoying jokes, he now had the answers.

It was true; he had died and transmigrated to a whole other world but the real shock came when he realized that the world he had landed on was none other than the world of Harry Potter.

The Harry Potter. The Wizarding World. The world of magic and miracles.

It was nothing to scoff at, to be able to live in a world where wizards and witches existed left and right. A world where all it took was a couple of words and a swing of a wand and everything you could ever want was in front of you.

After reading a couple of books lying around in his new house, he had confirmed the fact through and through that, he was really here and was here to stay. He couldn't help but run around with giddiness, drunk on the fact that he was going to be a wizard and the future prospects of his life as a wizard with knowledge of the future.

Albeit he was in America, compared to the usual British side of the story but who really cared about that, after all, the only thing he could see coming out of it was avoiding Voldy and the bunch and not a negative in sight. But...

One question kept bothering him the more excited he felt.

A burning question that kept adding on an extra question mark every time he ignored it.

When in the hell did the magical world of Harry Potter start having broad-day exorcisms???

Why was there a demon going around possessing people?

Hello? Are you Voldemort's American cousin?

All of this wasn't part of the plot at all.

"What else were you expecting?" came the retort, accompanied by a chuckle from his brothers every time he brought the question up.

"Anything but this..." Luke shook his head, feeling the weight of confusion settle upon his shoulders. "Things weren't supposed to be this confusing for a transmigrator..."

"Hey, look at that... I think our little brother might be a narcissist," Jacob quipped, his tone laced with amusement. "Who's going to tell him he's the ugly duckling in our family?"

"I don't think so... but are you... brother?" Ethan said with a slight hint of concern, "It's good to feel good about yourself brother but I really hope you don't lose yourself... well, to yourself... After all-"

Luke shot Jacob a glare, his patience wearing thin. "First of all, even a blind man can tell who's the ugly duckling around here, and it sure ain't me. And second, spare me the lectures, please. I can't handle another one this early in the morning."

"Don't talk about our father that way!" Jacob said rushing over at him, "I mean he is old but calling him an ugly duckling is taking it too far."

Luke couldn't muster the energy to say anything more in retort to Jacob who was flinging him around by his collar, after a week of his silly antics not even the Buddha could remain calm.

"So have you gotten used to things around here?" Ethan slowly came over looking over at his two younger brothers, "I know things have been difficult, with us suddenly bringing you here from uncle's place out of the blue and then bringing you into a job right after. I know this side of the world can be difficult for anyone to get used to."

"I have been adjusting well." Luke slapped away Jacob's hand and replied.

Luckily, with the previous Luke being raised by his uncle who couldn't do magic at all was kept oblivious about the wizarding world, and with his first experience of magic being the exorcism, he had plausible deniability on accounts of not knowing anything about his brother's existence, let alone knowing about magic. 

For the very reason, things were complicated with his current life, those same reasons had given him certain advantages over being ignorant about most things.

"That's good then." Ethan patted Luke on his head, "Luckily our brother seems to be more mature unlike some I know..."

"Who are you talking about?" Jacob asked only to get blank stares from both Ethan and Luke.

"So... what were you guys acting as this time, Priests? Detectives? Aurors?" Luke asked, after getting out of the exorcism a week before the first relief he felt was knowing his family wasn't really a band of priests and were only acting as one.

"This time we didn't really have to act as anything," Jacob shrugged, "That damn ghoul had already killed the entire family by the time we got there so all we had to do was defeat it and clean the place after."

"Ghouls?" Luke looked at Jacob sideways as he rushed over to his table, taking out a diary from the pile of several different diaries and flipping through it, "Weren't they supposed to be almost harmless? I mean, aren't they just unwanted pets who dwell in basements making random noises now and then."

"That is the case for most ghouls, but some go mad sooner than later." Ethan explained, "The ghoul we encountered was likely influenced by some nutty wizard before placing them there among no-majs."

"Wait! So they were no-majs? Do you think it was a planned attack against no-majs?" Luke questioned, "I figured the whole fighting against normal people was a Grindlewald thing."

"You could say that," Ethan nodded, "But it's hard to trace who or when they did it, so it's pointless to chase them around, let alone question their ideals."

'So ghouls could be influenced to go all ape-shit crazy and attack people,' Luke nodded along as he wrote down on his leather diary, 'That could be useful to know.'

Although Luke could be called an everyday Harry Potter fan, even he didn't have all the info about all the creatures and mysteries of this world. So these diaries he had gotten from Ethan were his very own self-made encyclopedia of the things he could get knowledge on. In case, he had use for them in the future.

"I'd rather have a narcissist as a brother than a nerd!" Jacob put his arms around Ethan shaking his head in disappointment, "And about the whole ghoul thing, we didn't even get paid for the job so let the MACUSA handle the bothersome stuff!"

"It's better he's handling things with curiosity than fear," Slapping his hand away Ethan looked back at Luke, "Hey Luke! Dad seems to be finally ready to have the talk with you!"

"I see." Luke nodded.

After spending a week with his new family, although he lived under the same roof as his new father, he still hadn't had the chance to interact with him.

The old man seemed to just stay cooped up in his office most of the time sending his two older brothers for random errands, not even leaving his office at all.

So all the info he had gathered came from his brothers who couldn't explain things to him properly or from books. Now it was finally his chance to understand what was going on for once and for all from the old man himself.

'Maybe, now I'll finally get the answer I want to solve this mystery of what the fuck is going on.'