
Harry Potter Veela's Embrace

During the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, Harry helps Fleur and in return pays the ultimate price of getting bonded to a Veela. ============= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

ScarlettRose00 · Bücher und Literatur
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30 Chs

Unexpected Support

Book after book she read about dragons the next two days. She studied the strengths and weaknesses of each of the four kind Madam Maxime had seen. Unfortunately though the former were numerous, there were very few of the latter.

Those two days passed much too quickly for Fleur. Before she knew it, she was standing in front of her mirror in her room staring nervously at herself. Though she wanted to be confident and tried to portray that to everyone she met, she knew truthfully she was terrified. The previous night she'd awakened from a nightmare of being chased by the Horntail dragon.

On the long walk to the Dragon arena, Fleur reviewed her strategy. The Veela part of her magic made her persuasive charms more effective and she'd based her hopes on those charms. As she neared the entry to the tent, she summoned her courage and entered.

A short time later it was with a badly shaking hand that Fleur reached into the bag offered by Ludo Bagman. It took a couple of tries to make her fingers work sufficiently enough to grasp one of the squirming creatures inside of it. It was only a small sense of relief when she saw it was the Welsh Green. "At least it isn't the Horntail," She thought as she remembered the nightmare of the previous night.

Fleur watched as each of the other Champions pulled out their own dragon. When Cedric Diggory pulled out the Swedish Shortsnout after Krum had found himself with the Chinese Fireball, Fleur knew what was left. She could see from the look on Harry's face he knew what was left in the bag as well. When he reached into the bag and pulled out the Hungarian Horntail, Fleur was shocked to see no hint of panic in his eyes.

"Who is this boy?" She had asked herself. "Doesn't he know the danger he has to face?" The only thing she saw currently was determination.

The commentary provided by Bagman didn't help Fleur. As each thing was said by the announcer, Fleur envisioned the battle. A rampaging dragon attacking with claw and fire against Cedric. As the minutes continued, the pit in her stomach grew larger and larger. Then the crowd roared and Fleur knew Cedric had succeeded. That also meant it was her turn.

Fleur was trembling from head to foot as she thought of what was ahead of her. She briefly considered withdrawing, but she quickly discarded the idea. She knew she had to go out and do her best. She would not let her family, nor her school down. She tried to swallow but found her mouth to dry to accomplish that minor task. Knowing her name was about to be called she glanced around to the other Champions to keep her mind off of what was outside.

She first looked at Krum and found he had a surely look on his face as he stared at the ground. Then her gaze moved to Harry. There she found those green eyes looking back at her. Though the contact was only for a second, she saw something unexpected in the depth of his emerald eyes. "Is that concern in his eyes? For me?" She had to ask herself. There was something else that had appeared on his face at the same time. A smile. A smile that seemed to say, "Be careful and good luck," Fleur felt a warmth spread throughout her and her fear subsided. Harry never saw the small smile that crossed Fleur's face after he had turned away. Fleur lifted her head up high and followed the path to the Arena, ready to face the challenges ahead of her.

On the walk to the Arena, Fleur had only a small amount of time to reflect on the smile and look of concern Harry Potter had given her. She found herself confused, especially why she felt comforted and warmed by the small gesture from him. Her contemplation ended quickly when her full attention was taken by the sight of the fully grown Welsh Green Dragon standing guard over the clutch of eggs.

"Well there is the egg," Fleur thought as she looked at her dragon. The golden egg was glinting in the sunshine as it laid amidst the other eggs. "Now I just need to get closer," She knew for her spell to even have a chance, she'd have to be well within the flame breathing distance of the dragon.

A levitation charm on a rock sent it clamoring against other rocks to the left of the dragon. The dragon whipped its neck around at the sound. Fleur quickly dashed to a pile of rocks closer to the dragon. There she paused and waited. She continued this pattern until she felt she was close enough.

"Maximus Somnus," she called out as she stepped out from behind the rock she currently was hiding behind. The overpowered sleeping charm hit the dragon in the head. The dragon wavered and a single eyelid drooped, but the dragon itself remained standing. Fleur's shout had caught the dragon's attention. A jet of white hot fire streamed out of the dragon's mouth directly at Fleur. A gasp rose from the stands as Fleur managed to dive behind her cover just in time. Crouching behind her shelter, she again waited. Sweat beaded on her body from heat of the air and rocks around her. Fleur could almost feel the dragon's eyes staring at her hiding location, waiting for her to show herself again.

She sent another rock zooming out from behind the rock pile and as she hoped, the dragon followed it's path, as soon as the dragon was distracted Fleur dove out from the other side of the rocks. Again she shouted the words to invoke the charm and again the dragon wavered but still it did not fall. As she watched the dragon's head turn back toward her, Fleur, in desperation, cast the spell once more and prepared to dive back behind her rock. This time the eyes of the dragon closed as it fell to its knees and then with a heavy crash, to the ground.