During the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, Harry helps Fleur and in return pays the ultimate price of getting bonded to a Veela. ============= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.
The phoenix took the note and was gone in a flash of fire; a second later he appeared in the Great Hall. The majestic phoenix circled the room once before landing next to the deputy Headmistress.
Hermione was still lost in thought when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She immediately looked up, hoping to see Harry but found herself looking at Professor McGonagall.
"Miss Granger, you need to go with Fawkes to the Headmaster's office. According to this note, it is extremely urgent and has to do with Harry."
"Harry? Fawkes?" Hermione said not taking in too many of the words. Then she noticed the red and gold phoenix flying toward her.
"Yes, just grab one of Fawkes' tail feathers when he offers them," Professor McGonagall explained.
Hermione reacted to McGonagall's word more than actually comprehending them. When Fawkes stopped and hovered right over Hermione's head, she reached up and gingerly took a feather in her fingers. Instantly she found herself weightless and being pulled out of her seat. With two flaps of Fawkes' wings and a flash of fire, the Great Hall disappeared and in its place was the Headmaster's office. She looked around in confusion at what she saw.
"Excellent Fawkes, thank you. And thank you Miss Granger. Please sit down he have much to discuss," Professor Dumbledore said.
Hermione was still blinking trying to adjust to the abrupt changes in the last minute. Then finally she found herself. "Professor McGonagall said this was about Harry?" Hermione asked but then seeing Fleur and Gabrielle but not seeing Harry worry overcame her, "Is there something wrong with the bonding? How is Harry? Is there anything wrong with him?"
"Please sit," Professor Dumbledore requested again. "So you know about the bonding? May I ask how?"
"I ran into Harry when he was coming to your office yesterday," Hermione said as she took a seat next to Fleur and Gabrielle. "He told me."
"Did he tell anyone else?" Professor Berceau asked.
When Hermione looked questioningly at the Veela professor, Dumbledore spoke up, "I apologize, Miss Granger, this is Professor Rachelle Berceau of the Veela Magical Institute."
"So there is a problem?" Hermione asked.
"Yes there is Miss Granger. I apologize if some of my questions are blunt or do not seem to apply but we have little time left to work around the problem and complete the bond," Rachelle said. "Did Harry mention it to anyone else?"
"Uh,..no," Hermione replied. "He actually lied to our other friend to get him to leave so he could tell me."
Rachelle gave a significant glance toward Professor Dumbledore before turning back to Hermione. "That's good. Miss Granger, do you think Harry trusts you? I mean completely trusts you, even to put his life in your hands?"
Hermione sized up the person speaking to her, and then she turned to Professor Dumbledore who gave her a nod. She returned her gaze back to Professor Berceau. "He has before, but it all depends on the context of the problem."
"What do you mean?"
"In our first year, we came across a logical puzzle," Hermione looked over at Dumbledore again to make sure he wanted her to continue; when he didn't object she continued. "It was a series of potions, some were poison, but there was a logical solution. Harry believed me and drunk the potion I told him was the solution and it was correct. Had I been wrong Harry might have died, so yes he trusts me as long as he hasn't already made up his mind. When he thinks he is right, then there is nothing anyone can say that will change his mind."
"What about emotionally?" Professor Berceau asked. "Does he trust you at an emotional level?"
"What...what do you mean?" Hermione asked as a blush crept across her cheeks.
"Would he take your advice or suggestions when it comes to emotions?"
"I don't know. I would like to think so, but he is very complicated when it comes to emotions."
"How do you mean?"
"He...he will give of himself but he never seems to want to take from people," Hermione explained.
"That sounds about right. Miss Granger, in your opinion who does Harry trust the most in the world?"
Hermione started going through the people Harry knew until she finally came up with a list of three people Harry would trust. "He would trust Professor Dumbledore."
"Ah… I think in this case he might not, as lot of the problems Harry is enduring right now can be laid at my feet. I take full responsibility for them and I will speak directly with Harry when time permits concerning them," Dumbledore said. "Also Miss Granger if you were thinking he might trust his well behaved dog, that might not work in this case either."
Hermione looked at the aged Headmaster, "Well in that case," She started as she bit her lower lip before she replied "it would be me."
"Miss Granger, what do you know of the Veela bonding process?" Rachelle asked her.
"I read some things about the bond itself, but not about the process of the actual bonding," Hermione replied.
Rachelle explained the bondimage process and the heart and the entry required to complete the bond. "But Harry can't get through his self doubt that someone would love him."
"And how can I help?" Hermione asked.
"There is a way to put you in the bondimage with Harry and the Delacours, and we hope he trusts you enough to overcome those doubts," Rachelle said. "If he does, you'll be able to lead them through the uh...obstacles."
"Does Harry know about what you're asking me to do?" Hermione asked.
"Not yet. I understand he was unconscious again when they left the hospital to come here to request my help," Professor Berceau said. "We have been trying to get as much in place as we can since time is running out. If you agree to help, we would want you to see the memory of the bonding process and what went wrong before so you will know what to expect."