
Harry Potter: Toby and His Young Lady

Transmigrating into an eleven year boy raised by a single grandma is hard enough, but when it turns out that the grandma is actually a Dark Wizard from an old organisation, life becomes complicated. Join Toby as he protects the heiress of the organisation from the rest of the world. Cover is not mine.

SruJan721 · Bücher und Literatur
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30 Chs

Chapter 1: Dumbeldore’s Visit:

Through the corridors of Hogwarts, an old witch was walking with a stack of books in her hands. She stopped near a stone statue and said," Cockroach Clusters" to which the stone statue moved aside, revealing a spiral staircase. At the end of the staircase, there was an old man scanning through dozens of letters.

"Ah, Minerva, you are here. Place those books beside Fawkes please."

Ms.Mcgondall placed the books down and said," Albus, are you sure you want to do this? I don't think it's a good idea to let Harry Potter contact Alyssa so early!"

Dumbledore turned his eyes to Professor McGonagall and said calmly, " Minerva, that's what we've agreed to long ago, isn't it? Besides, Harry Potter is about to enter Hogwarts, and he and Alyssa are destined to meet. Moreover, it is good for his growth to let him get in touch with our outstanding students at Hogwarts in advance! Just like wizard chess, if you play against high-level people, your level will continue to improve while playing with low-level people, your level will drop down."

But Professor McGonagall refuted with a tangled expression," But why does it have to be Alyssa? Can't it be Cedric? I think Cedric is a better fit."

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, and then he said word by word," Cedric is a good kid, but I chose Alyssa because Harry Potter needs to see that good people may not necessarily do what is best for the world. Trust me, Minerva. Just like The Alliance is grooming Alyssa as its successor, I am choosing Harry Potter to inherit the Order of The Phoenix."

Ms.Mcgondall sighed," I hope you have made the right choice Albus."

Dumbledore looked at the names on the list of this year's sorting ceremony. His half-moon spectacles flashed," So do I Minerva, so do I…"


At night, the manor in Australia was peaceful. Rosier, Albernotch, and Carlos were planning for this year's recruitment expedition while Toby and Alyssa sat on the couch relaxing for a while. For the past month, Toby was subjected to a crash course on basic Auror training, courtesy of Albernotch who was more than happy to torture, *cough, teach him. The hardest part was not trying to conjure up some corrosive mist and melt away everyone's clothes, but the thought of a naked Albernotch stopped him.

Finally, just when he thought he could get some rest, a doorbell rang suddenly.

*Ding Dong*

"I'll get it," said Toby. Toby ran to the door and opened it to see Dumbledore in his gray robes and half-moon spectacles. Toby stared at Dumbledore while Dumbledore kept smiling at him. Toby slowly shut the door and walked back to his seat.

"Who was it?" asked Albernotch.

"Just an old man. I think he was lost so he came to the wrong house," said Toby.

Albernotch sighed," That's what old age does to you. One minute you are in the spring of your youth and the next second, your bones are creaking and your mind is foggy."

*DIng Dong* Ding Dong

Albernotch stood up," Poor man, let me give him an imperious curse so he goes home safely," causing Toby to chuckle.

"What is it," said Albernotch in an irritated manner.

"If you can manage to give that old man an imperious, I promise to let you cast any hex at me once," said Toby.

"Why, is he anyone special?" asked Albernotch.

"Nothing, just felt like it," said Toby, leaning back on the couch, ready for the show that was about to take place.

"Hmph, watch and learn " Albernotch took out his wand and opened the door to see Dumbledore in front of him.

"DUMBLEDORE!!!" yelled Albernotch.

Everyone in the house raised their wand and pointed it toward Dumbledore except Alyssa and Toby.

Dumbledore, still smiling, said," Alyssa, your family's welcome is really unique."

Before Toby could respond, Carlos angrily shouted," You dare, Dumbledore! You arrested lord Grindelwald, drove us from our homes, and now, you dare break into our territory! Miss Alyssa, let me kill him!"

Dumbledore casually replied," I'm here to see my students. What's wrong with that?"

"Okay everyone, put your wands down," said Alyssa.

"But Miss Alyssa, he~"

"I said! Put your wands down." Alyssa's voice left no scope for discussion. Everyone put their wands down, but they were still vigilant.

Alyssa smiled and said," Come in Principle Dumbledore. What brings you to our home today."

Dumbledore sat down and said," I would like you to take care of a new student this year."

"A new student?" said Alyssa," I don't think this task would be as easy as you described it to be."

Dumbledore continued," This student's family is a bit special. His parents died in an accident in his early years. He has been fostered with Muggle relatives, but his relatives are not very friendly to us. We sent them to Hogwarts for admission. The notices have been rejected by them! So, I hope you will take care of him."

Toby asked," Principle Dumbledore, are you talking about Harry Potter?"

Dumbledore nodded," Yes, I assume that both of you understood why I am asking you?"

Alyssa thought for a while and said," You want Harry to feel welcome in the wizarding world, so you want me to hint that there will be danger in the future and he must get stronger."

Dumbledore said," Although that is not what I intended, it would be better if we went ahead with your plan."

Alyssa said," Consider it done, but Professor Dumbledore, can I take it as you owe me a favor."

"Yes," said Dumbledore," I will owe you one favor for doing this."

Dumbledore stood up and left amidst the hostile eyes of the dark wizards present. Albernotch was furious," You should have given us the command Lady Alyssa. He would have been six feet under the ground by now."

"Don't be an idiot," said Alyssa," We do not have the strength to challenge Dumbledore now. Right now, we must gather strength. We still need to do the ritual."

"What ritual," asked Toby.

"I'll tell you later," said Alyssa," We need to speed up our progress. When will Cassandra be done with her task."

Toby thought for a while and said," She said that she will pick up the order in a week."

"Good," said Alyssa, "let's visit her then."


A few days later, Alyssa and Toby entered the Leaky Cauldron Pub. There, they heard all sorts of chatter.

"Have you heard about Harry Potter visiting the pub?

"By Merlin's beard, he's back."

"The savior is back."

Alyssa said," It's funny, how they treat an eleven-year-old boy as a savior."

Toby noted her lack of interest and said," Do you believe that Harry was born with some special powers that can defeat Voldemort."

Alyssa shrugged," It's more likely that Dumbledore put some sort of spell on his body to trigger when someone attacks him with an Avada Kedabra, but such wards and spells are really costly and difficult to make. It really makes me wonder, what bloodline is that boy descended from."

Toby said," Are you also discriminatory against muggle-born students for not being a descendant from some noble family."

"Remember, bloodlines can never be underestimated. You still don't know about a majority of the secrets of the world."

They looked around the pub to see Cassandra waving at them. Cassandra took them towards a lonely shop on the outskirts of Diagon Alley.

"I found a talented, but shunned shop owner who would make our communication devices," said Cassandra," Remember the paper crane that you bought for me, Toby, I employed the creator of the Crane."

"Did you keep your identity a secret," said Alyssa.

"Unfortunately, I had to give him my real name for credibility," said Cassandra," But I made sure that he would keep this process a secret and he would not reveal to anyone else that he made these cards."

Entering the shop, they found Blake beckoning them to come in. "Miss Cassandra, fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission. A total of fifty-three cards have been prepared according to your requirements! Take a look!"

With that said, Blake Burkes took down a deck of fifty-three cards from the counter and handed it to Cassandra with great pride. Alyssa took out a check for sixteen hundred Galleons and set it on the counter. Blake took the check and put it in a safe.

Cassandra took the cards in her hand, checked each one carefully, and found that the quality was really good. Each card was made according to her own requirements. They were all engraved with exquisite starry sky patterns on the back. Bock, and after a careful count, it was precisely fifty-three stars.

Toby had to admit, this guy was really skilled at making this. Blake didn't even hide his enthusiasm as he explained the cards' features explicitly.

After Blake finished speaking, Cassandra asked involuntarily," How many people have seen this deck of cards? Did you show this deck of cards to others?"

Hearing Cassandra's words, Blake didn't think too much, but with a shy expression on his face, he answered," Don't worry, Miss Cassandra. I didn't show these cards to anyone without your permission. I still have some professionalism!"

Without wasting a single second, Cassandra pulled out her wand and said," Obliviate!"

A white spell struck the man and he lost focus. After a second, he said," Good morning. Are you here to buy anything?"

Cassandra said," Not really, we are just gazing at the items. We were just about to leave right now."

Blake sighed and sat down. After they left, Blake woke up from his daze and muttered," What was I doing right now?"

Blake opened his safe and his eyes widened," What?" In his hands, he held a check for 16,000 Galleons. He trembled and checked his diary," Why are there more entries than yesterday."

He spent some time carefully reading each and every page.

After they left the store, Toby said," I'm glad that we didn't bring Albernotch. He would have killed the shopkeeper just to be sure."

Alyssa let out a slight smile," Grandma Rosier would have done the same."

"No way," said Toby with confidence," Grandma Rosier is the sweetest woman you can meet. There's no way that she would do that."

Alyssa chuckled, amused that Toby thought Rosier was a sweet woman," Regardless, I'm glad that Cassandra joined us. I'm tired of the cruel and rigid methods of the Alliance members. Honestly, only my Grandpa could restrain them."

Just then, they spotted Professor Mcgondall walking with another family of three. Professor Mcgondall spotted them and walked towards them briskly.

"Toby, Alyssa, and Cassandra, are you free right now?" said Professor McGonagall.

"Yes Professor, do you need any help?" said Toby.

"I have to introduce the Granger family to the procedures necessary before enrollment, but I have an urgent task right now," said Professor Mcgondall gesturing towards the family of three," Can you take them through the procedures."

Having no reason to refuse, Alyssa said," Sure professor, let us take care of them."

"Thank you dears," said Professor McGonagall," I have already taken them to exchange money in Gringotts, so you just need to show them the Ollivander wand shop."

Although Professor McGonagall was reluctant to hand a student over to Alyssa, her task was really urgent. Alyssa wouldn't be able to influence them that quickly, right?

Toby, Alyssa, and Cassandra led them towards Ollivanders. On the way, the girl kept on asking various questions," Alyssa, are you also a senior at Hogwarts."

Alyssa said," Yes, all of us are second-years at Hogwarts."

Toby asked," Since you are also muggle-born, I'm guessing that you have a lot of questions."

The girl eagerly said," I asked Professor Mcgondall some questions, but she couldn't answer all of them. I don't understand how magic works. Is it innate or something developed? What courses are taught at Hogwarts? How does it differ from the muggle world education?"

"Woah! Slow down! I can only tell you some basic things. The rest is up to you to figure out. After all, it's not the destination, but the journey that matters, right?" said Toby.

The girl blushed," I'm sorry. It's just so hard to believe that magic exists. I grew up learning about science and now I'm going to this new school that teaches me to be a witch."

"It's true," nodded Toby," It may seem daunting at first, but as long as you have a good group of friends, believe me, you will succeed."

Mrs.Granger said," I am so glad that Hermione has met you in advance before coming to Hogwarts. At least she can come to you girls and boys if she needs any guidance."

"Hermione?" said Toby, not realizing that the girl he was talking to was the famous Hermione Granger. The girl that countless Harry Potter fans wished they had as a girlfriend.

Hermione blushed," Mom! We just met them. We can't ask that."

"Of course, she can. Hermione, you can come to me whenever you need my help," said Toby while holding her palms in his hand.

"Ahem!" coughed Cassandra. Even Alyssa piped in," Toby, don't touch a girl's hand casually without asking for permission.

"Oh right," said Toby with a red face. Even Hermione was reduced to a blushing mess under his actions. Finally, they reached Ollivander's wand shop. In Ollivander's wand shop, they found Cedric and Ollivander discussing something.

"Cedric! Dude, what are you doing here?" asked Toby.

"Toby? Didn't I tell you? It must have skipped my mind. I'm learning wand manufacturing from Mr. Ollivander." said Cedric.

Cedric also noticed that even Alyssa and Cassandra were there. Mr. Ollivander also made his presence known," Toby Maguire. 14-inch wand, silver birch wood, and thunder-bird feather. One of the longest wands that I've made. Alyssa, 11 and 3/4 inches, Elderwood body and a dual-core wand of Welsh Dragon and Thestral Heartstring. Cassandra Reeves, 9-inch Yew wand, horned serpent veins."

"Your memory is as impressive as ever," said Alyssa," We are here to get a wand for Ms. Hermione. And quickly if you please."

"I see," said Mr.Ollivander. "Then, little miss, what hand do you prefer?"

"Right hand," said Hermione.

After measuring her hand, Ollivander found a box and said,"10 ¾ vine wood, dragon heart core."

When Hermione touched the wand, a gentle burst of wind wafted around the shop, causing some papers to fall on the ground. Ollivander looked at Alyssa and Toby," This is usually how I select wands. You guys are just abnormal."

Too lazy to argue with the old man, they left the shop. Cedric chose to stay back rather than follow them. Before the Grangers left, Toby gave his phone number to their family and told them to contact them if they ever needed help.

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