
The Aftermath

So another story.

Anyway just want to clarify that this takes place post-war and that the pairings is complicated. Due to the profession in which Harry chooses, having a relationship is not only extremely difficult, but also extremely dangerous. Harry will have a number of partners but no official relationship or romantic interest. There is no final girl, or at least not yet and there's no pairing or harem. It may seem like it at times, but I want to clarify that any 'relationship' that appears form whether it be simply sex, flirtation and so on so forth, is not an actual relationship.

Harry as of right now and for quite a while, does not have any relationship. He has people he cares for, but no relationship and that's by choice, he doesn't want to explore a relationship because of how dangerous his future career will become.

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Kingsley Shacklebot, former Auror and current Minister of Magic was a gifted duelist, a capable leader and a man with a kind heart. Many times he had envisioned his life following different paths, but never had he imagined finding himself here, sat in the Ministers Office and leading Magical Britain.

However, the Second Blood War had taken many people from them, people more capable and qualified for the position of Minister than himself.

He knew that and so did Voldemort and his followers, so they were killed.

All to further their own ambitions.

It just so happened, that when Voldemort and the Death Eaters were defeated at the Battle of Hogwarts, it left very few capable of rebuilding what remained. And unluckily for him, he was one of those few.

Magical Britain was his home and he was a man of honour and duty, he couldn't turn his back on the place he had lived in for decades. Nor could he turn his back on the thousands of people that still remained. It wouldn't be easy, but nothing ever worth anything was easy.

A knock on the door made Kingsley look up from the pile of paperwork he had been reading through. "Come in." He called and the door opened revealing Harry Potter who stepped inside. "Harry, good to see you." He greeted and the young man responded in turn.

"I got your message." Harry replied, giving Kingsley a firm handshake before sitting down in the chair the Minister had indicated to him.

"Ah yes." Kingsley sat back in his chair, remembering his first meeting with Harry after the end of the Second Blood War. It was around two months after the Battle of Hogwarts and Kingsley had been named the new Minister. With the new job came a large number of responsibilities and Kingsley had been busy trying to sort out the mess left behind.

The economy was in shambles and with the help of what few financial advisors he had left – the rest either being killed in the war or were corrupt and subsequently fired – had implemented numerous plans to help rebuild it. This was made even more difficult by the amount of raw materials needed to be purchased to help in the rebuilding of Britain.

Luckily for him, one of his advisors, a Muggleborn woman had pointed out that there were many Purebloods that had not paid taxes in decades.

Kingsley had jumped at the chance and already there was a large, steady source of income flowing out of the coffers of irate Purebloods and into the Ministry's coffers. All of which would be used to bolster the Aurors facilities to help increase their numbers to keep peace and order. As well as being used to rebuild the country.

He had also cut funding to a number of lower priority branches of the Ministry to also go towards helping rebuild the country. This had of course resulted in a number of people being left unemployed and all had been given a contract that stated if they worked either in the Auror Department or aided in the rebuilding of the country for a decade until the the economy had stabilised, they would be given their jobs back.

It had been a generous offer given the circumstances, but Kingsley knew that it was really an ultimatum.

Unemployment or a job that pays money.

The vast majority chose to get paid and many chose to aid in rebuilding the country which greatly decreased the amount of time it would take in the rebuilding process. And the Auror department had seen a rise in recruitment, with no longer being able to be picky about their prospects, the trainers had to train the new recruits for longer.

So while many of those had moaned about being put into a life threatening job, they would actually spend about five years training to be at an adequate level to graduate into full-fledged Auror's.

It was his hope, that a large number of those would later go on to continue being Auror's.

Leaning down, he looked through one of his draws and pulls out a small envelope. "I have here, the job that matches your…specific specifications." When Harry had come to him, he had been near the point of desperation. With Voldemort falling at his hands, his already large fame had grown exponentially larger, his title changing from the Boy-Who-Lived to the Man-Who-Conquered.

Following this, it was not uncommon for him to learn of Harry being hounded in the streets by fans and just generally grateful people for what he had done. Many would have basked in this fame, but one thing that fit in line with Harry's personality was that he didn't want nor did he like the fame. He honestly felt bad for the young man and had listened to his request.

His refusal to repeat his Seventh year while shocking, was not unexpected. After all, Kingsley had been the first to offer Harry a job in the Auror department having spent a few times talking to him about what the job of an Auror entailed due to Harrys interest in becoming one after Hogwarts.

But Harry had refused his offer stating it to be too open and that he just wanted to get away from his fame.

Kingsley had been a little stumped, not knowing what he could offer the young man in terms of jobs. Harry wanted a job that meant helping people. An Auror position would do well for him, sure his knowledge in magic and physical abilities were subpar in most cases, but he had a natural gift for magic and a large magical core as well.

But at the same time, Harry wanted to be out of the spotlight and an Auror job would require him being out in the open keeping the peace. People would see him and if the way they acted at the celebrations that happened at the end of the Second Blood War was anything to go by, he would be swarmed by adoring fans.

It was then after finishing up his mountainous task of work that he had been approached by someone. Well, approached wouldn't be the correct term to use as all the figure had done was enter his room - which showed he had high-level clearance - and then, completely ignoring Kingsleys demands to know who he was, threw a small envelope at his deck.

Then he had left, no words, nothing.

All he got was a name and little info.

The name he received was Croaker and information pertained to the Unspeakable Departement. At first, he had brushed this off entirely, believing it to be nothing more than an elaborate hoax only to out of curiosity the next day, look through the file in more detail.

What he saw was, eye opening to say the least.

He didn't know much more than the basics, but there was more than meets the eye to the Unspeakable Department. A small sub-branch of it suiting Harry's particular specifications perfectly and it seems by this figures arrival, he too wanted Harry to join this organisation.

"Thank you." As Harry gave Kingsley a grateful smile, the man in question simply gave Harry a stern look. One that told the younger man that there were certain conditions and stipulations that would come with this.

As much as Kingsley would like to help Harry, he was extremely about trusting the Unspeakables, especially this Croaker individual.

"Harry, I understand your desire to get away from the spotlight, in fact I can imagine how difficult that would make your job as an Auror. But are you sure, this is what you want?" He stressed, Harry frowning slightly before firmly nodding his head. As much as the war had been costly, Harry would not deny that he enjoyed the aspect of fighting and protecting those he cared about. Stressful and emotionally draining it had been, but in some ways it had also being relieving.

Being an Auror was his way of continuing on with this, yet of course, like everything in his life, nothing was ever that simple. The fame he had accumulated became a double edged sword.

Hopefully, this job could be what he was looking for. "I'm sure." He responded firmly and Kingsley sighed tiredly. He had known that the young man would choose this option, but he had hoped anyway that he would reconsider.

"Very well, take this and study it." Kingsley handed over the very same file he had been given by the figure. "I don't know when or how, but I believe that this department will get into contact with you at some point in the future. I just hope that you do consider all options first, Harry. You're young and sometimes they make wrong decisions that effect them for the rest of their lives."

"I know." Harry rose up from his seat, once again reaching across the shake hands with Kingsley who did so. "Thank you, for this."

Kingsley said nothing more, just smiling and watching Harry exit his office.

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Chuckling quietly, Harry gently manoeuvred his two month old sleeping godson, Teddy Lupin from his chest. Cradling his body in his arms, Harry got to his feet and carefully placed him in his crib, smiling sadly at the boy who slept blissfully.

The death of Nymphadora Lupin née Tonks and Remus was perhaps one of the most difficult things for Harry to endure. But that loss was made harder still when he thought of how Teddy grow up without a mother and father. He knew how it felt, to never know ones parents, to never know or him they say they loved you and it hurt to know that his godson would suffer the same fate.

But as he moved out of the living room and into the kitchen where he saw a Andromeda Tonks preparing two cups of tea. She looked almost frighteningly similar to that of Bellatrix Lestrange. So much so that in his first meeting with her, he had attempted to attack her, believing Andromeda to actually be Bellatrix. But despite her facial features being similar to that of her sister, Andromeda had a number of differences that at the time, he had never noticed nor cared to notice.

For one, she had light brown hair compared to her sisters black hair.

But most telling of all, was the kindness in her eyes, the warmth that were within them whereas sisters had only held cruelty and insanity. "Teddy asleep?" She asked quietly.

"Yes, he's tired himself out at last, thought he'd never go to sleep." Andromeda smiled, moving forwards to place his steaming cup of tea in front of him.

"Let's not lie, Harry." Andromeda said. "You enjoy spending time with him." Harry nodded his head, both descending into momentary silence. "You said you had a meeting with Kingsley, did he have a job for you?"

Harry shrugged. "He says he has one, though he appeared unwilling to give it to me. But, it does apparently fit my requests so I'm inclined to take it."

"And do you know what it entails?"

"No, I've been given a file to look over, but I have not looked at it yet. Hopefully it will have more information other than allowing me to get away from the spotlight and continue to help people."

"You know you could just not work, you have more than enough money from the Potter Family and I know that Sirius named you his heir so you have access to the Black funds and properties as well. Not to mention the various donations and gifts that the people of Britain have given you as thanks for killing V-Voldemort." Andromeda noted, still slightly stuttering when it came to the last part.

Harry nodded his head. "I know, I do need to go visit the Goblins at some point to go sort out the properties and get my affairs in order. And you know very well that the money that I receive as donations and gifts I give back to Kingsley to help in rebuilding Britain." Harry told her. "But you know as well as I do that I can't just do nothing, Hermione always I had saviour complex."

"Harry." Andromeda reached over, taking his hand. "I don't want you to go and do something that gets you killed. Teddy has already lost a great deal, don't let him lose anyone else."

Harry smiled. "I know and I won't let that happen, I promise."

So here we are, another story. As you can see things are going to be different compared to what happened in canon. Also, just want to let you know that I'll be updating this fic once every third day, I have two other fics that I'll be updating in a similar fashion.

Carrots123creators' thoughts