
Harry Potter: The Trial of the Wizards

On a planet Earth that could be ours or that of a parallel world, under the ignorance of human beings, the Quelrathar, the most powerful human organization, faces the fierce invasion of abyssal creatures. On the eve of the eighteenth expedition to stop their invasion, a statistical report reaches the hands of the Cardinals, awakening the grudges inherited from the ancient 'Age of Annihilation.' Their voices and those of several members of the Quelrathar unite to call for the extermination of the mages, the traitors of humanity. It is in the midst of this event that two letters arrive at the Pope's office: the acceptance letters of two children to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. ________________________________________________________________________ Author's Note: This fanfiction is based on the Harry Potter universe created by J.K. Rowling. All characters, locations, and magical elements used in this story are the property of J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. This work is a work of fiction created by a fan and is not intended to infringe copyright. The Harry Potter universe has been used as inspiration to develop a new story within that world, and it is hoped that it will be enjoyed by other fans of the magical universe. _________________________________________________________________________ This is the English version of this fanfiction, if you wish to read the Spanish version, you can go to Wattpad and look for the profile "RemAndLogic" To clarify, only for those who wish to read it in Spanish will the content will be the same as well as the publication dates. Additionally, this work will be uploaded to scribblehub, with a user with the same name as this one, "RemAndLogic", the same terms will apply here and in Wattpad.

RemAndLogic · Bücher und Literatur
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15 Chs

Orders of the Quelrathar

Lorenzo Innocenzo's footsteps echoed in the corridors of the Quelrathar, his calm attitude contrasting with the nervousness of the praetorian guard around him, who gave him looks of admiration and respect.

"Your Highness, we have arrived," said one of the guards, who withdrew along with his companions.

Lorenzo nodded, looking solemnly, at the discreet wooden door in front of him, a door that seemed out of tune with the surrounding architecture, which stood out for the precious materials that were used to create it.

After knocking on the door three times at similar time intervals, he entered, looking inside, an old man whose calm gaze conveyed a feeling of boundless peace, this one, despite his age, wore a full body armor completely bloodied.

"Your servant heard your call and has presented himself, your Holiness," he said in a ceremonious and obliging manner, then knelt down.

"It is good to see you, Lorenzo, how many years has it been, two or three?"

"Five, your Holiness."

"Five, how time passes, I apologize for not remembering, at my age it is somewhat inevitable to forget some things."

"Do not say that, your Holiness, age has left no trace on your existence, a mere recollection in your memory is not comparable to the matters you handle for the survival of mankind."

"Do you know why I sent for you?" Said the Pope as he sat in an old worn chair in the center of the room.

"My short understanding of the world makes me incapable of knowing your intentions, your Holiness."

"But within that short understanding, what do your eyes see, my son?"

"Your Holiness, I have heard rumors."

"What kind of rumors?"

"Your Holiness, I have heard of the reappearance of a nameless terror hiding in the shadows; heard of the fall of the emperor of the east; heard that various factions of the Quelrathar clamor for the death of the magi; heard of the reappearance of a transcendent and his murder at the hands of an unknown assailant; heard of strange rituals in northern Russia, the results of which opened a rift to an unknown place; heard of the reappearance of demons in northern Europe."

"Interesting rumors," said the Pope as he rubbed his beard, "my son, look up and tell me, what do you see around you?"

Lorenzo followed the orders given to him, observing the murals around him, which told of a forgotten history, a history so horrible that it was erased from all the records of the world.

"Do you understand the reason for my call?"

"Your Holiness, has the time come to exterminate the traitors of humanity?"

The Pope could not help but laugh as he listened to him.

"You are too extreme in your decision making, not always conflicts can be solved by killing, you should also include negotiation and diplomacy in your personal skills, my boy." Pulling out a pair of cards, he motioned to Lorenzo, who approached and took them with utmost care.

"Hogwarts? Aren't they only supposed to accept wizards?" he said somewhat confused as he read the recipients of said letters.

"Hogwarts since its reconstruction has maintained a neutral attitude, focusing on the guidance and teaching of children with magical power so that they do not become obscurials."

"Your Holiness, I know such information, but these two children are aura users."

"I know, I too was astonished to receive these letters, I do not doubt Grímhildr's abilities, but the other child, I do not know anything about him, what can you tell me?"

"John Carter, eleven years old, Praetorian of fifth rank, member of the Thirteenth Fulminata, he has served the DiviSture, the Inquisition and the HOPE, achieving high honors for the successful completion of the missions and expeditions in which he has participated; of his character stands out his hatred towards magic and magicians, the reason is unknown, but it is rumored that it has to do with the death of his mother, a former Saint of the Order of Saint Lucia."

"Interesting, the son of a Saint, I am curious of the subject that has managed to hide this little boy from me."

Lorenzo could not help but tremble with fear, although the tone of the old man in front of him remained the same, the heavy murderous intent around him expressed his true thoughts.

"Your Holiness, do you wish me to attempt to assassinate them?"

"I repeat, you should stop being too extreme in your decision making, if you don't, you won't know what to do the day you attack the wrong guy."

"I will try to change, your Holiness."

"What do you think about the next expedition?" He said as he rubbed his forehead.

"Victory honors the brave and mankind will see a new dawn under your command, your Holiness."

The old man rose from his chair as he walked around calmly looking at each and every mural in the room.

"It's interesting, in the beginning we were one of the weakest and most oppressed races, living under the yoke of terrifying existences, but we were able to survive and thrive: magic, battle aura, divine aura, those three forces allowed us to reach the present day."

"Your Holiness, humanity cannot use magic."

"I am tired, Lorenzo." Looking at him and unsheathing his sword, he pointed it in his direction. "I've seen hundreds of thousands of good guys die, all of them seedlings that should have enlightened the world-I don't intend to let this happen anymore.

"And the Quelrathar will not let that happen. Your Holiness, we will succeed in our expedition."

"You misunderstand me, to put an end once and for all to the invasion of the abyssal creatures we must not rely solely on our own efforts. We must forgive and forget the grudges of the past to make way for a new dawn, where both humans and mages can fight side by side against the enemies that surround them."

"Your Holiness, with all due respect, the hatred that many Quelrathar families have inherited from their ancestors is overwhelming, unless you can find a way for these to step back, I doubt such an alliance is possible."

The Pope sheathed his sword as he let out a smile.

"You are not the first to meet me today, though many of them were a bit stubborn, in the end we were able to resolve our differences peacefully."

"Worthy of your Holiness's talent."

"Even so, they set one condition, both children must attend Hogwarts for the seven years of magical education that this school imparts, where they will analyze and judge the magical community from the perspective of a wizard with human origins, their judgment being, what will determine the existence of said school."

"Your Holiness, such a condition is rather silly and childish, I fear their true goals are not wizards, but—"

"Grímhildr, I know, they keep dreaming of capturing her again."

"If the 'ultimate woman' falls into their hands, I fear the Quelrathar will give way to civil war.

"You underestimate Grímhildr too much, that girl didn't get her position just by being adorable."

"Then what is the reason for my call? The Reliere and the Magic Community have no intersections with each other."

The old man stood up and stood in front of Lorenzo.

"Lorenzo Inocenzo, I, Pope Mihail XCVII, as the current leader of the Quelrathar, command you to transfer to the headquarters of the Inquisition in London, where you will hold the office of Grand Inquisitor, fulfilling in full the responsibilities of your office, while providing protection to the United Kingdom from the invasions of demons and every race that dares to harm humanity."

"I hear and obey, your Holiness." He said as he knelt down and unsheathed his sword placing it in front of him.

The old man took Lorenzo's sword and anointed it with his divine aura, causing it to take on golden engravings.

"My blessing is upon your sword, the one that will judge your actions, the one that will give you strength in your time of greatest need, the one that will kill you from breaking your oaths." Pope Mihail said as he handed back the sword.

"It is an honor, your Holiness."

After listening to him, he sat back down in that old chair, waving for Lorenzo to leave, but before Lorenzo left, he stopped him.

"Lorenzo, in normal times only the two of us would know of the existence of such letters."

"I will be careful, Your Holiness."

Lorenzo quietly left the room, meeting Cardinal Sforza and Cardinal Spinoza outside, both of whom greeted him respectfully, and after fulfilling the protocol of entry, disappeared behind the wooden door. His gaze wandered to the end of the corridor, where a blindfolded Saint was watching him, and walking in her direction, he greeted her coolly.

"Lorenzo Innocenzo, we know of you and your actions."

"What a coincidence, I know you too, she who calls herself the 'Seer'."

"No matter what fame the world ascribes to us, we only wish to warn you of one thing."

"Deference is not synonymous with obedience."

"John Carter, that child, he is under our protection, if anything happens to him, or he is not supported in his times of trouble, or they make things difficult for him—they will roll heads," the Saint said coolly, then turned and walked calmly away.

Lorenzo was silent, being the son of a Saint, he had thought that John had been ostracized by the DiviSture, but apparently, things seemed to be a little different than he thought, and for that reason, he couldn't help but smile.

This is my first chapter, I hope you like it.

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