
Harry potter: The ringmaker

Nicholas died under mysterious circumstances on earth and was reborn into the world of harry potter as an orphan with a mysterious ring maker system. He does not know why he is here nor why he has this system but Nicholas is determined to make the best of his new life , noseless freaks be damned.

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621 Chs

The outcome

After a few awkward minutes the two boys vented their grievances to Nick and now it was his turn to be uncomfortably as they talked about how he hadn't even tried to get them to help as well as how he was practically a different person then when they met him after getting his heritage revealed. An entire years worth of problems were spat out into the open in a short period of time and even Neville who had no part in this matter couldn't help but get introspective much less Nick who was the source of the problems.-

"There was all lot going on with me last year , political nonsense , puberty in a sense , bloody hell did you know I have had no less than twenty marriage proposals? Add on to all of that the fact no one had even notice Pettigrew under their noses for an entire decade and I was rather stressed to say the least." Nick said frustrated at being called out so thoroughly. Sure most of what had been said was small things like how he was always so busy or distracted even when he hung out with them but it was still hard to hear.-

"And what about us , huh? What are we supposed to do when it feels like you are so far ahead of us that we may as well bloody well not even try to keep up!?" Ron asked angrily. Nick froze at this as he had simply never thought about how it must feel to watch someone who was supposed to be your friend accelerate by leaps and bounds ahead of you while you could only watch helplessly. "You don't need to keep up with me , you never did. Just like what I told Hermione last year you aren't me and can't do what I can so don't try."-

"Instead do what you are good at and that is all you need." Nick said with a sigh. "It's not just me either but this applies to everyone , Harry , Daphne , Fred and George everyone. You are not those people you are Ronald Weasley so do what you can do and that's enough. Learn at your own pace , grow and experience life as you please. You only get one chance normally so don't waste it chasing after a shadow that belongs to someone else." Nick added sincerely.-

Things got all sappy and uncomfortable after that but to summarize their relationship had been patched up nicely by the time they were done talking. The next morning was a weekend day so Nick didn't have many plans besides fixing up his workshop with the stuff he had taken over the summer break such as his furnace that now had the new flame type available for use. Conjunction fire was rather unique in how it operated during forging. Unlike most fires that granted properties that can be expected from them because of their natures it did no such thing.-

Instead conjunction flames made the metal forged with them more attuned to spatial energies and enchantments. Needless to say Nick was very much planning to abuse this trait to the greatest extent possible. At the moment however he was readjusting his workshop using his new knowledge of traditional enchanting to set up a sort of metallic frame around the room that he had quickly forged with the conjunction fire so that he could expand the space inside the workshop greatly. The reason this frame was necessary for this was because Hogwarts castle itself was extremely resistant to foreign enchantments and tended to shake them off quickly when they would otherwise last years.-

As a result Nick was cheating and actually only going to be expanding the space inside the metal frame rather than the actual room itself. Professor Flitwick had offered to help set it up since he found the idea to be a clever workaround. Nick wasn't familiar with space expansion charms so that was where the good professor came in to make the place nearly quadruple it's original size. This let Nick now have enough room to set up a wood working station and material stockpile without it being effected by the metal side.-

Nick was also willing to admit that he may have grown a tad used to a certain quality to his wood working equipment while at Olivander's and refused to go back to whittling wooden rings so crudely. He still needed to purchase the equipment and wait for it to be ready before sending Dotty to bring it to Hogwarts but the room was at least ready for it now. Unlike normally though Nick wasn't in the workshop alone as most of his friends and also Luna were all there being a pain in the ass messing with his stuff.