
Harry Potter: The Outcast

He was banished from his family, sent to live in confinement alone. Why? All beacuse his father thought, keyword "thought' that he was a squib. Everyday his hatred for his family grew, when an opportunity presented itself he decided to take it. After all what he had was much, much more useful than magic ever would be. Extreme AU

N1gga · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs

Training and Diagon Alley.

Ophis and Sophia were sitting in a meditative position. In front of them was Veronica, wearing a robe that was elegant yet simple.

"Calm your mind, make sure that you're completely calm, not a single muscle should be tense." she said while circling around the two.

She had a stick in hand to correct any incorrect movement.


Ophis felt a pain on his back.


He bit his lip due to the stinging pain.

"Relax your back, it's still tense." she commanded.

Ophis took a breath, trying to control his body.

After a minute or two, he heard a sigh from Veronica.

"Getting you two into a meditative position has taken an hour. Honestly, how have you been able to do magic?" She asked herself in confusion.

The two children became slightly embarrassed at her remarks.

"Okay, now I want you two to take magic into your body. You do know how to do that?" She asked.

They nodded.

The two felt the sensation of magic inside their bodies.

"Now I want you two to think of a small amount of water in your hands." she instructed.

Sophia and Ophis both started to concentrate on the task.

They took deep breaths and imagined water floating above their hands.

"Good job, Sophia." she praised, looking at Sophia's hands.

Ophis ignored the compliment and kept his complete focus on the task.

'I can't be this much weaker than her, I have to get stronger.' Ophis knew that if Sophia and he were to fight, the victor would be clear.

Although he was able to manipulate objects, they had no use if Sophia would just throw fireballs at him.

'I have to get STRONGER!' He started to feel desperate.

All his mind was thinking of was water in his hands. He didn't notice the other two talking.

He felt the gathered up magic in his body slowly start to leave.

"It's good, however, it's extremely weak," Ophis frowned when he heard those words.

"Don't worry, what you did is still something extremely hard for children your age to even think about doing." she consoled him.

Ophis stopped frowning, however, he still wasn't happy.

'I have to be a hundred times better than normal kids, No a thousand times.' He thought in frustration.

"Anyway, you two should take a five-minute break. After that, Sophia, you will continue making water balls, while Ophis, you will be learning about Politics and Mannerisms."

The two looked at Veronica in confusion, seemingly having the same thought.

'Why is she doing something different than me?' They both thought in confusion.

"What? Did you think Theo was joking when he made that offer? You left him quite impressed by your boldness and although you aren't technically his heir yet, he has told me to teach you what a normal heir would learn aside from training." Veronica said with a smile.

Ophis groaned at hearing her words, 'Maybe agreeing with him wasn't the best of ideas.' He thought.

"You can expect most of your day with me, while Sophia will get free time after training. You will be learning how to write Calligraphy and about our Society." she said with a sickly sweet smile.

Ophis once again groaned at her words. This was not going to be fun.


Ophis was not wrong about his life being boring; honestly, who knew writing Calligraphy would be so hard, and why the hell was Politics so damn confusing.

"So hence under Section C of article 48/B any and all use of magic on a muggle is a crime, the sentence varies depending on the spell and the extent of damages to the person and the Statue of Secrecy." Veronica explained.

'Why are there so many laws?' Ophis thought in frustration.

Veronica, seeing his frustrated look, gave a small grin.

"Are you still happy you decided to accept Theo's offer?" She asked.

"Yes." he answered with determination.

In the time learning about Politics for half a year, he had learned that strength alone wasn't going to cut it.

If he wanted revenge, he would do it the right way. 'I'll make them the laughing stock of the Wizarding world and make them beg for my mercy.' he thought darkly.

The lecture went on for a while. Behind Ophis, Sophia was creating and manipulating fire and water to an extreme extent.

Her flames were changing into spear-like shapes and dragons while her water ball was turning into a whip and other things.

"So that should be it for today." Veronica said with a smile.

The two stopped doing what they were told and let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, firstly Congratulations to you two." she said with a big smile.

The two looked at her in confusion.

"It's been half a year since I started teaching you." she answered.

"Now it is time for the main question. Are you two ready for these?" Sophia took out two pieces of parchment that they recognized as their Hogwarts letter.

"The both of you have made extreme improvements in magic, and your control is better than almost every child in Britain now. So I think you two are ready." she smiled and handed the two kids the letter.

'They've been ready since day one. Honestly, who would've imagined that two kids would be able to do wandless elemental magic at such a high extent? I was already twenty when I reached their levels.' she thought while letting the two read their letters.

"Now, as for you, Ophis." the three heard a familiar voice behind Veronica.

It was Theo, who had just arrived home after a busy shift.

"In my opinion, you have very good qualities. You are bold to take action but not too bold to do something extremely idiotic. Your sense of comradeship is good, if what you tell us is what you actually think, and you are extremely cautious. It is a good trait that I think will help you get far in life." Theo praised the boy.

"And for that reason, I think that you are worthy to be my heir." he finished.

Ophis was taken aback by his words.

"So, I'll give you one last choice. Do you accept or decline this offer?" Theo asked with a smile.

"I accept." Ophis got out of his stupor and agreed.

"Good, however, I will tell you once. Now that you are my heir, the time you spent learning politics now will look like child's play. You will spend most of your day learning how to be a proper leader. If you do become Lord Flaming, expect hell. People do not like us. Not at all, they envy us and despise us. You will have to handle their hatred, can you do that?" Theo asked him.

"Yes." Ophis gave a simple reply.

"Good. But don't think you're off the hook just yet. I will watch your grades at Hogwarts. I expect my Heir to be in the Top Three every year," Theo told him with a smile.

"Alright, good." he complimented.

"I'll get the paperwork done tomorrow." Theo answered.

"So, what do you all want for dinner?" Veronica asked.


The next day came as Veronica, Sophia, and Ophis made their way towards Diagon Alley.

"This is the Leaky Cauldron, make sure to remember this place." she told them while walking in.

Instead of taking the Floo, Veronica had decided to get them to familiarize with the Wizarding world.

"Follow me." she ordered the two.

Sophia and Ophis followed Veronica as they made their way into the pub.

They made their way to the counter and saw an old, quite bald man who seemed to resemble a toothless walnut.

"Good evening, Madam, to Diagon Alley I presume?" They asked Veronica.

Veronica nodded as Tom led them to a wall made of bricks.

He made his way back into the shop, leaving the three standing there.

"Watch closely and make sure to remember the pattern I make." Veronica told them while taking her wand out from her holster.

The two stared at Veronica as she pressed a few bricks on the wall.

She stopped when the final brick was pressed. The wall started to open up.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley." she said with a smile.

Ophis stared at the hundreds if not thousands of wizards and witches walking around the alley.

There were shops all over the place. The one striking building was a large marble building that towered over all the others.

"That's Gringotts, the wizarding bank." Sophia told him, noticing his gaze.

"Let's get going." Veronica quickly started to make her way through the place.

They made their way to a shop with a sign that read "Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions."

The three entered to see quite an empty shop.

"Welcome, I'm assuming you must be First Years?" A woman came and asked.

The two nodded in response to the witch.

"We'll be getting the standard robes and hats for Hogwarts." Veronica told her; her usually cheerful face was now a stoic and strict one.

"Oh Mrs. Flaming! My apologies for not recognizing." the woman gasped in shock.

"No worries, Mam, I'm here to get these two robes."

"Very well." she answered.


The three walked through Diagon Alley after a long day of shopping.

"Finally, time to get your wands." Veronica sighed.

"I'll warn you two, Ollivander is a bit different, so to say. Try not to get jumpscared by the man." Veronica told the two.

They walked inside the small shop and were met with an empty counter.

"Uhmm Hello?" Sophia asked, confused.

"Anyone in here?" She called for someone.

"Why hello there." an elderly man with white hair and a beard suddenly appeared.

Sophia shrieked at his surprise entry, causing Ophis to glare at Ollivander.

"My apologies, young madam, I did not mean to scare you." the man said.

"Mr. Ollivander, we wish to get our wands." Ophis spoke, still glaring at the man.

"My apologies for scaring her. No need to glare at me, Mr...?"

"Ophis." Ophis answered.

Ollivander's eyes turned to Veronica.

"Good evening, Mrs. Flaming, I don't quite remember giving you a wand?" The man asked.

"Indeed, my wand was created by my father when I turned ten." Veronica told the man.

"That explains it." he said while turning his eyes to Ophis and Veronica. "Which one of you would like to go first?" He asked.

Sophia quickly raised her hand in excitement.

"Well, Ms..."

"Sophia. Sophia Roper." Sophia answered.

"Ms. Roper, would you be related to Robert Roper?" The man asked.

Sophia stopped and slightly nodded.

"Ahh, If I remember, he had a 10-inch holly wood and a Dragon heart-string. It was a wand befitting of such a man." he said solemnly.

"Anyway, let's forget the past. Ms. Roper, please extend your dominant arm."

Sophia quickly put her right arm forward.

He measured her arms and quickly went to one of the thousands of boxes and came back with a wand.

"Let's try this, Ms. Roper, Applewood as the wood, Unicorn hair as the core, and it is ten inches. It makes a strong yet loyal wand." he quickly told the girl.

Sophia grabbed the wand not knowing what to do.

"Give it a wave." Ollivander said in anticipation.

Sophia waved, and a small light came from the wand.

"Good, but we can do better." Ollivander quickly took the wand away.

He came back with a new wand.

"Applewood, with a Dragon heart-string, ten and a half inches, and slightly flexible." The man handed Sophia a wand.

Sophia gave the wand a wave, and a bright light engulfed her.

"Well, that should be the case." Ollivander said with a smile.

Sophia smiled while looking at her wand.

"Now onto you, Mr. Ophis." the man said, making his way to Ophis.

"Please extend your dominant arm." he asked.

Ophis extended his left arm, and the man quickly started to measure it.

He went to the back and made his way back with a couple of boxes.

"I have a feeling that you will be a troublesome customer, Mr. Ophis." Ollivander said while opening the boxes.

"Let's try this one first. Cypress wood, a Phoenix feather as a core, twelve inches, and extremely flexible." Ollivander handed him the wand.

Ophis grabbed the wand and gave it a wave.


The glass behind him shattered into pieces.

"Oh, heavens no." Ollivander quickly grabbed the wand and put it back.

Veronica quickly repaired the broken windows much to the store owner's delight.

"Now let's see, Holly, eight inches, and a Dragon heart-string, extremely flexible as well."

Ophis grabbed the wand and gave it a wave.


This time the explosion was louder as the window shattered and the light above them as well.

"Reparo." Ophis heard Veronica.

The light and windows quickly fixed themselves as if nothing had happened.

"It seems I was right about you being a difficult customer." Ollivander frantically took the wand away from his hands.

A couple more wands came into Ophis's hand, yet most of them were not a fit for him.

"What is this? Why can't these stupid wands just work?" Ophis was frustrated as he had now gone over a dozen wands.

"It isn't your fault, Mr. Ophis, you must remember the wand chooses the wizard. Not the other way around." the man grumbled while looking around.

"It seems that I don't have any wands suitable for you, Mr. Ophis." Ollivander sighed.

The boy looked annoyed as he stared at his hands.

"However... There is one wand I have yet to show you." Ollivander quickly went to the back and made his way back with a box.

The design of the wand was much more different than all the others.

Veronica also raised an eyebrow while looking at the wand.

"This, Mr. Ophis, is a wand created by an old friend. He had given it to me since it was not obeying him. So let's test it." Ollivander said, grabbing the wand in his hand.

"Yew wood, it is said to give a person control over life and death. It does not accept a timid owner and a Thunderbird feather as the core. The core is extremely loyal and strong; it will protect you when it notices any evil intent from someone near you. It is also extremely good for Transfiguration. Ten and a half inches and moderately flexible." Ollivander said while giving the wand to Ophis.

Ophis grabbed the wand and could immediately feel it was different. He waved the wand and felt a warm sensation over him.

"Incredible." Ollivander breathed out.

"It seems we have found your wand." Ollivander said with a smile.

"How much will these be along with four premium wand holsters and two cleaning kits?" Veronica, who had been mostly quiet, asked.

"Fourteen galleons for the wands and twenty for the others, thirty-four in total."

Veronica quickly paid the price.

The three of them walked out after a long day and quietly made their way home.

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