
Harry Potter: The Outcast

He was banished from his family, sent to live in confinement alone. Why? All beacuse his father thought, keyword "thought' that he was a squib. Everyday his hatred for his family grew, when an opportunity presented itself he decided to take it. After all what he had was much, much more useful than magic ever would be. Extreme AU

N1gga · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs

Hate, Magic and Discovery

"THAT BOY IS NOT PART OF MY LINEAGE." Narcissa Malfoy slightly flinched at the sheer anger and disgust in her husband's voice.

"Lucius, I know you're mad, but we will not abandon the child. The other families know of his existence. If we were to abandon him, it would be the same as saying that he was a squib," Narcissa tried to calm her husband.

It was common knowledge in the Sacred Twenty-Eight that abandoning a child was a no-go. It brought shame upon the family name. However, that did not stop her family from banishing her sister and cousin.

So Narcissa took a page out of her Aunt's book and went into deep thought on how to banish the child.

"We'll tell them that he was killed, a werewolf, or accidental magic that went badly. Then we can quietly banish him. The problem will be solved, and as a bonus, the other families will have sympathy for us," Narcissa devised a plan.

She carefully placed her hand on her husband's shoulder, trying to calm him.

Narcissa was so close to having both lordships and having complete political control over the dark faction. She would not let her idiotic husband be the cause of her downfall.

"Fine. But I want it done by tomorrow," Lucius lowered his voice.

"Consider it done," Narcissa answered.

"Now go get some rest. I'll send the boy to some Muggle orphanage," Narcissa said with a smile.

"Why not just kill the boy?" Lucius asked his wife, sitting on a chair behind him.

"What's the worst the boy could do? He's a squib and is four. I doubt he'd even remember anything about us," Narcissa answered while holding Lucius's hand.

"Do whatever you wish, just don't let me see his face again or I'll personally kill him," Lucius said threateningly.

"Of course, I will, dear," she said, letting go of his hands.

Narcissa turned around and left her room. As soon as the door opened, her soft and kind demeanor turned into a cold face indifferent to all the chaos around her.

"Now where is that brat, honestly, to think that he would almost cause such an enormous problem," Narcissa quickly went into one of the rooms in the manor.

"Mommy, what happened? Why was daddy screaming?" The curious boy asked.

He had the usual blonde hair like his father, however, his eyes were green much like her own.

'It's a shame he had to be a squib; I could have married him to a powerful family,' Narcissa thought, grabbing the boy in her arms.

"Where are we going, mommy?" He asked, ignorant of all the problems surrounding him.

Narcissa ignored the boy and made her way to her office.

'Wool's orphanage should be good,' she thought. It was an orphanage that she had come to find out was where the Dark Lord used to stay.

With a click, she apparated away.

The surroundings changed as she was standing in front of an orphanage.

"Wool's Orphanage" was written on a small sign on the building.

"Mommy, my stomach and head hurt," the child complained.

'How annoying,' Narcissa thought when hearing the child's complaints.

"It'd be a waste to even Obliviate him," Narcissa muttered arrogantly.

She put her son down and grabbed her wand.

"Stupefy." With a wave of her wand, a red beam came out and hit the boy, knocking him out.

She went to the door of the orphanage and placed the boy down.

Narcissa knocked on the door twice. She heard footsteps coming her way and smiled.

"Thankfully, this problem was dealt with easily."

With a click, she apparated away, leaving her four-year-old son in front of an orphanage where one of the worst Dark Lords had lived.

Surely, nothing would ever go wrong.


Mrs. Cole walked towards the door in annoyance.

'Who in their right mind would come here at midnight?' She quickly opened the door and looked around.

"Hmm?" She hummed in confusion.

No one was standing in front of the door. She looked around and still saw no one.

She was about to close the door when she stopped.

Her eyes lay on the ground. A small child, no less than the age of four, was lying there, asleep.

She quickly grabbed the boy in her arms.

"Who in their right mind would leave a child on the steps, in such cold weather and at night?" She muttered quietly and closed the door.

Mrs. Cole carried the boy to an extra room that was freed up just a day ago.

"Thankfully, both Jack and Leo got adopted today. This space will be helpful to stop the overcrowding," she carefully placed the boy in bed and let him sleep.

"I'll have to ask his name tomorrow," Mrs. Cole said.

She quietly left the room and went outside.


I opened my eyes and looked around.

Where am I? This isn't my room.

I looked around. The room had two bunk beds, a table, and a lamp.

Where's Mom?

I tried to get up, but my body felt dead. It was like I couldn't move?

Where is everyone?

Tears started to flow down my eyes as I tried to get up.

After what felt like it had been an hour, I felt my arms.

I sat up on my bed and quickly wiped my tears.

I remember now. Mom had left me here.

She had abandoned me.

I grabbed my head due to the sharp pain I felt.

I remember why she left me.


Two young boys were standing in front of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy.

"Do you know why the two of you are here today?" Lucius asked in a stern voice.

"Today we get to check how strong we are," Draco Malfoy said with a smile.

"Not quite, but yes, today is the day we will find out how strong your magic is and to what extent it will go," Lucius said with authority.

"Now I want both of you to lay on one of the circles that have been drawn!" He commanded the two.

The two boys walked over to two circles on the ground. They were made of a red liquid, most likely blood, with an intricate design of runic shapes.

The two boys laid down in the middle of the circles. The elder of the two was much more excited than the younger.

"Narcissa, cast the spell," Lucius ordered.

"Invenire." With a swish of her wand, a green light came out and made the circles glow.

"The brighter the light gets, the more magic you can control," he explained.

He smiled proudly when he saw that his eldest son's circle emitted a bright glow of green hue.

However, his smile turned into a frown as he saw his other son's result.

There wasn't the slightest bit of a glow. The blood on the ground stayed there as it was originally placed.

'He has been physically weak his entire life; however, I did not expect it to carry to his magical abilities as well.'

Narcissa also frowned seeing the result.

A couple of seconds passed, and the glow emitted by Draco's magic gradually dimmed.

Yet, Lucius's other son could not bring about any change.

Draco got up from the ground, and the blood that was once there had been absorbed into him.

"Good job, Draco," Lucius said, giving the boy a nod.

"Ophis, get up from the circle. Make sure not to step on any of the blood."

Ophis did as his father told him and jumped over the circle.

Lucius made his way to the circle and examined it.

'There is no mistake.'

His eyes narrowed as a dark thought came into his mind.

"Both of you go to your room, NOW!" Lucius commanded.

"Yes, Father." The two said in unison and quickly moved their way out of the room.

"Lucius, what gives?" Narcissa asked as she saw the two leave.


Ophis couldn't understand why the magic circle around him did not grow, nor did he understand why his father was so angry with him.


He was quickly taken out of his thoughts as he saw the door opening.

A middle-aged woman with brown hair walked in.

"Hello, dear, how are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm fine," he replied.

Mrs. Cole quickly noticed the boy's puffy eyes and realized that he was crying.

'Poor boy.' She had the same thought for every child that had been abandoned at the orphanage.

"May I ask your name?" She asked.

"Ophis. Ophis Ma-." He felt a sharp pain in his mouth.

It took the young boy only a few seconds to realize what had happened.

In one of the hundreds of lectures he had to take, he remembered one detail that his mom told him about.

'If someone not from the Malfoy lineage tries to say that they are a part of the Malfoy family, a curse over a thousand years old would cause them to feel pain in their mouth.' The boy thought about the words his mother had said.

'But, I'm a part of the Malfoy line.'

"Excuse me? I didn't quite catch it," the woman asked again.

"Ophis. Just Ophis," he quickly answered.

"Okay, Ophis, my name is Mrs. Cole. I'm the Matriarch of this orphanage. If you have any problems, please tell me. Anyway, breakfast is in an hour. Feel free to explore a little before then," Mrs. Cole quickly told the boy.

"Uhh okay, Mrs. Cole," the boy answered.

She left the room, giving a piece of paper to Ophis.

It was a schedule.

Breakfast:- 10:00 A.M

Tutoring:- 11:00-3:00 P.M

Lunch:- 3:00 P.M

Outdoor:- 4:00-5:00 P.M

Dinner:- 5:30 P.M

Free Time:- 5:30 P.M-Onwards.

Ophis read the schedule reluctantly.

It was still hard to understand what was going on for his yound mind.


Four years had passed, and a lot had changed.

Ophis was not a scrawny boy anymore. He had become healthy like most of the children around him.

His once hope for his parents to return had disappeared. The sadness that he had felt had turned into hate.

So much hate that he had started to hallucinate. Well, in his mind he had.

After all, it's not normal for one to see black-colored flames in his own chest.

It was driving Ophis mad every time he saw himself in any reflection.

Over the four years, Ophis had grown accustomed to his new home. Luckily for him, the room he was in was completely empty.

This was due to the increased rate of adoptions in the years.

Although the children that had remained started to grow spiteful.

No one was willing to adopt those handful of children over the years.

Ophis was sitting on his chair completing some homework.

He was working extremely hard, so one day he could become powerful.

Powerful enough to completely decimate his entire family.

Ophis completed the simple multiplication and division equations quite easily.

In less than 20 minutes, he had completed the homework which would have taken a couple of hours for any normal child to complete.

After finishing his homework, he started to stretch his hands.

He had learned from the other children that doing push-ups and sit-ups would make you stronger.

So for over a year now, he had been doing push-ups and sit-ups routinely.

The progress had shown, as Ophis was no longer skinny but quite healthy.

However, he didn't feel an increase in strength as other kids had said.

Sure, he could carry heavier things now, but it was nowhere near close enough to defeat someone with magic.


It was something he had dearly wished he had a few years ago. To the point he would beg every night to have magic.

However, Ophis couldn't care less now.

He didn't even remember what magic was and how it worked.

Most of his memories from when he was four had started to fade away.

Ophis stopped doing push-ups when he started to feel his arms go sore and started to do some sit-ups.

'I must get stronger, strong enough to kill them.'

Thoughts that should not have been in the mind of such a young child filled his mind almost every single day.

After doing all the sit-ups he could do, he laid on the ground, breathless.

"Ophis, it's time for lunch." He heard a voice from outside the door.

He quickly went outside and made his way to the dinner table with the small boy that had come to call him.

He arrived and saw around fifteen kids beside himself and the boy with him.

'Weird, there should be fourteen. Is there another kid who got put here?' He couldn't help but think.

He quickly sat on a chair waiting for his food to be served.

"Now before breakfast, I would like to introduce you to Sophie Roper," Mrs. Cole introduced the girl.

"Sophie, please introduce yourself," she told the girl.

"My name is Sophie Roper, and I'm eight years old," she sat down after giving a not-so-informative introduction.

"Well, uh, okay. Now I would also like to say that from today onwards, we will be going to the park at 7:00 P.M. every day."

Many of the kids at the table cheered, while one of the older guys grumbled.


It was 7:05. Ophis stared at his watch in boredom.

Time was moving incredibly slow, and the boy didn't know what to do.

The young kids were all playing on slides and seesaws. However, he didn't have time to waste on things like that.

Sitting beside him was Sophie Roper, the new girl. She was quite like him and didn't talk that much. It was something he appreciated.

"What do you think of magic?" She finally broke the silence.

'Weird question,' Ophis thought.

"I don't like it," he answered quietly without looking at her.

"Why?" She asked.

"I don't need to tell you," he answered annoyed.

"What would you think if magic was real?" She asked once more in her emotionless voice.

'Does she know about magic as well?' Ophis felt his heart skip a beat.

He turned around to look at her. Her pale skin and raven-black eyes, her blue eyes were cold and devoid of most emotions.

'Have I seen her before?' Ophis felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him.

"Your name. It was Ophis Malfoy at one time, right?" She said as she was stating.

Ophis's heart started to beat quickly.

"How?" was all he could ask.

"I guess I was right. We met once, when we were children," she continued.

"My father and your father didn't really like each other; they almost got into a fight," she continued.

Now Ophis remembered, it was during a Ministry ball.

"Then why are you here?" He asked.

"I could ask the same to you; you were supposedly dead," she replied back.

'So that's what they did,' he thought with a pain in his heart.

"I got banished," he answered coldly. It was something he concluded over the years.

"Why?" A hint of shock came on her face.

"Nothing to do with you," he stated annoyed.

"You?" He asked.

"My parents were killed by some of the remaining Death Eaters; my father... he was known to hunt them down. So they retaliated," she answered with sadness.


"Anyway, why do you hate magic so much? It's not like you're a squib; I saw you do magic at the ball," she asked.

Ophis's eyes narrowed.

"When did you see me do magic?" He asked, trying not to seem shocked.

"When you summoned a fork, you were eating food during the ball, but your parents weren't near you. You wanted a fork but didn't know where it was, so you made it appear in your hand," she told him.

"How do you know that I wanted a fork?" He asked suspicious.

"Seriously? Do you not remember; you told me yourself," she answered.

Ophis's mind was in a complete mess.

'This can't be true, can it? Maybe it's why I see a flame in my chest every time I look in the mirror.'

"Aghh!" Ophis felt a sudden sharp stinging pain in his head.

He closed his eyes due to the pain.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sophie asked in worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a headache," Ophis opened his eyes as the pain went away.

He looked at Sophie, and his eyes widened.

"What, is something on my face?" She asked.

"No, no, it's nothing," he quickly answered.


I stared at my hands in shock.

What's happening to me? Why can I see flames inside of everything?

He looked at the bed on top of him and saw a black flame inside of it too.

"Just what the hell is this?"

I didn't know what to do.

Should I grab it?

I tried to touch the flame, and to my absolute terror, my hand went through the bed and touched the flame.

"Go away!"

I yanked my hand out and subsequently pressed the flame, eyes closed in fear as I started to breathe heavily.

To my absolute shock, when I opened my eyes, the bunk bed that was once on top of me was no longer there.

I tried to look around, and the bars that would usually hold the top bunk also disappeared.

However, I could feel that it was there. I looked at my hands and felt a weird sensation.

Upon closer inspection, I saw it—the upper half, but it was extremely small, so small that I could lift it with one hand and barely see it.

I tried to touch the flame again; once more, my hand went through some kind of space and reached the flame.

I tried to expand it by putting my closed hand in the flame and opening it.

"What the hell!"

The top bunk was now where it was.

Am I hallucinating?

That would make sense, but one more thing also made sense.

Is this the power of Magic?

Words [3,000]

(A/N I used Chat GPT to fix the spelling and grammatical mistakes.)

Give me Power stones

N1ggacreators' thoughts