
Harry Potter: The Name's Constantine...

Getting reincarnated after having cancer all his life, he is determined to make his journey in the magical world of Harry Potter as fun and exciting as possible, that includes tragedies along with ups and downs, by the way, the full experience. What else can be more exciting than becoming a hit-wizard for hire with morals? Oh, did he mention that he was older than the Golden Trio by two years? "Yeah, magic's cool. Sure, it's quite versatile and is more efficient in killing someone. But, you know what? A gun's more satisfying to shoot and kill." Harry Potter X John Wick Inspired OC

Damaine_N · Bücher und Literatur
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12 Chs



OK, here's the schedule for now.

- 2 chapters of HP: The Name's Constantine.

- 1 chapter of RWBY: The Boy Named Rin.

This is the schedule for every week now until I stockpiled enough chapters for Martial Arts God.

That's all, peace everyone.

P.S. I have something else cooking.




1 Year Later…

Current Age: 5

x x x x x

Daily Mission 3:

Empty your Mind (13/100 minutes) [ ]

Focus magic on your mind (13/100 minutes) [ ]

Time Limit: 3 hours 1 minute

Punishment: No access to Magic for a day

x x x x x

It was finally time for him to learn Occlumency! Learning to empty one's mind is surprisingly hard as you have to literally not have anything in your mind for Jeff to count it.

And he had to let his magic flow into his head too while his mind is empty or else Jeff wouldn't count it. He had a love and hate relationship with his system.

Thankfully he had all the time in the world after dinner to meditate, though sometimes the younger kids would come and bother him, but he could never hate them. They were just so cute!

So, it was now the start to April, but nothing has happened at all. No new kids, no new people enteriNg the orphanage, nothing. It has been quiet for almost 3 months now.

Not only that, the Matron was acting weird, bumping into walls, sometimes leaving the kettle on when it was already boiled, etc.

It was getting quite suspicious, but the Matron was quite old now anyway, maybe it was due to old age, and the lack of interest of kids these days?





Waking up abruptly, John groans as he starts to feel a sharp feeling in his head. Palming his forehead, he looked around before flinching in a weird feeling.

"The hell…"

Suddenly, he heard crackling from the window. He and the younger kids were in the second room of the second floor, so he looked through the window before his breath hitched.

Two men in robes, one with a mask of sorts, were shooting beams of colourful light at each other, dodging and protecting themselves with a blue force field while firing almost 7 beams a second. And looking down, he cursed as he sees fire at the bottom of the orphanage burning the wood of the walls.

Running to the nearby room, he quickly opens the door to reveal a room filled with older orphans from 11 to 16 years olds. Yelling to wake them up, he quickly explains the situation to the oldest one in the orphanage currently, a teenager who he'd never talk to before, but respected since he took his time to teach the younger orphans math and science when he was free.

"Fire! The walls at the first floor are on fire!"

Her eyes widened before running to the windows to check. Cursing, she quickly ordered the 4 orphans in the room to carry the babies and younger kids of the orphanage to the back door downstairs as fast as they could since it seemed that it wasn't on fire yet.

She told them to run deep into the forest together once everyone was down to take cover until everything has gone over, which he agreed with.

The orphanage had a total of 11 orphans including him, 4 older orphans and 7 younger ones ranging from babies to adolecents. So with haste, they immediately led the kids to safety while John was tasked to call the Matron.

The moment he reaches the room, he slams it open before quickly running to her side to wake her up.

"Ms. Marley, wake up!"

He shakes her body, but she did not even move a muscle. With hesitation, he places his finger on her neck to find a pulse.


Taking a step back, he breath shakily as he confirmed it. His mother figure in this life had died in her sleep.

Breathing out slowly, he uses his Wandless Mana Tendrils to cover her body with her blanket before levitating the body. Carrying it with him, he quickly ran to the stairs and descended down to the first floor.

The fire was getting worse and worse, as the hallway to the back door was filled with fire. It would be impossible to exit the hallway. Using what he had saw from earlier, he controlled his magic to surround his body, imagining a force field that is an inch from his skin, and then pumping Mana into the force field to strengthen it.


x x x x x


You have learnt Mana Shield - Aura Version.

Mana Shield - Aura Version: An aura made of magic that protects the user from any damage. The shield will remain as long as the user continuously supplies it with Mana.

x x x x x

"Bad timing, Jeff!"

John snarked as he closed the notification window before running through the hallway, feeling the heat of the fire, but it didn't burn at all. All that practice had made it easier to multitask, focusing on supplying the shield with Mana while levitating the body of the Matron.

Eventually he exited the orphanage and watched it burn into flames. With a hint of sadness, he washes it away with his attempt of Occlumency before suddenly he heard an explosion occur near the orphanage's entrance.

Looking at the forest behind him, he gently placed the Matron's corpse inside the forest before running to the direction of the explosion once he had activated his Body Strengthening Magic.




Watching the battle between wizards was amazing, the way they moved to attack, dodge, and counterattack, the way each wand fires spells at insane speeds, the amount of spells being thrown out, the fight was so amazing, a feeling started growing in his heart.

But the one without the mask was losing from his observations and from the analysis from Jeff.

Panted breath, shaky body, unfocused eyes at times, he was about to reach magic deficit.

x x x x x

Magic deficit, a state when a wizard overuses their Magic Core, making it unable to generate any more Mana until the user gets enough rest.

It is recommended to rest for about 5 hour minimum for the Core to recover from overworking itself.

x x x x x

And that mask on the wizard that was firing magic that made his head hurt from the blarings. That mask was recognisable for him, from the 4th Harry Potter movie, the Goblet of Fire. That's the mask of a Death Eater. That means the person fighting the Death Eater was either an Auror or a Hit-Wizard.

After a few more seconds of intense wand casting, the Death Eater must have used the disarming charm, Expelliarmus, as the beam that the Death Eater shot made the wand on the Auror/Hit-Wizard snap out of his grip.

The wand landed near John as with a motion of glee, the Death Eater pointed his wand at the now disarmed Wizard.

"You DARE take a contract of ME? The lord of the Ancient and Noble Nott House?!"

'Hit-Wizard, it seems.'

The Death Eater roared as he raised his wand and started chanting his curse.

"Avada — "

Without thinking, John's body moved, grabbing the wand near him before exiting the forest's cover. Pointing the wand at the eye-widened Death Eater, John put as much power as he could into the wand, hearing the wand cry in anger at harming its owner, before firing a Mana Bolt at the man.


A blue bolt of pure mana shot out of the wand, with it amplifying the spell itself, making it look like a long 30~ centimetre streak of neon blue beam instead of 15~ centimetre beam, and soared at a speed that John had never expected, before striking at the Death Eater's head.

The bolt gnarly pierced through the man's head before exploding on contact, causing brain matter and blood to explode everywhere.


The area was silent for a while except for the burning sound of wood before John realised what he had done. Dropping the wand, he covered his mouth as he felt the contents of his dinner was about to come out from his mouth, but he grudgely swallowed it back down.

H-He just killed someone, a human being! Oh, god, he just murdered someone! He didn't even mean to kill him! Maybe just harm him to stop the Avada Kedav—

His body tensed at the feeling of an arm touching his shoulder.

"Relax, boy. Breath."

Following his instruction, he took a deep breath, not even realising that he stopped breathing. Coughing at the burning throat of his, he looked at the man next to him.

The man had a rugged facial feature, black hair, brown eyes, and a short beard. He wore a black robe, underneath was a grey shirt with a belt that held weird objects.

Kneeling down so that his eyes will meet John's, he thanked him.

"Thank you, for saving me, boy. If you had not interfered…."

He slightly shuddered before looking at John.

"Listen, I know you didn't mean to kill that man, but it was best that you did. He had a body count of hundreds officially ever since he became the Lord of his house, and had done more atrocious deeds than You-Know-Who, which was saying a lot."

Standing up, he put out his hand for John, who shakily took it. Looking at the boy properly, he took a second to glance at the shivering body before turning his attention back to John.

"…. Boy, that Magik Fulmen was the most powerful one I've seen in my 35 years as a Hit-Wizard. You've saved me, meaning that I now have a Life Debt to resolve.

I'll tell you now, you have potential. I'd like to train you to be the world's -Wizard if you'd wish. We can kill hippogriffs with one spell like that."

Letting that sink in, John took a few second to consider it. Looking back at the body, he walked to it before crouching down to take the bloody mask with a hole in it.

Duelling from what he seen was amazing, and as much as he didn't want to admit it, that moment where the Hit-Wizard's life was in his hands, made his heart rush like no other.

The adrenaline was never there in his past life, the sound of his heartbeat slowly the hospital was gruesome, something that he'd never want to experience anymore.

His decision was clear. There was no other thing that excited him more than fighting.

Leaning close to the corpse'sblown head, he whispered to the body, hoping that the spirit of the Death Eater was still there to listen to him.

'This man deserved it, death. And others too.'

He convinced himself as his heart bested. He will make the ones like him fear his name, for his journey to have the most fun and excitement possible. Was it greedy? Much so. And he will embrace it for he is a greedy person.

If fear for saying Voldemort's name stays even after a decade, then he will do the same.

"… The name's Constantine… John Constantine, asshole."

Looking at the hit-wizard, he nodded to him, accepting his deal.

"Good to meet you, boy — John. Name's Edwin Harris, code name: Ombré Noire. Welcome to the team."

x x x x x

You have experienced a tragic event and survived. Moreover, you have learnt to move forward instead of staying in the past.


Your Occlumency has increased in proficiency from Basic to Beginner.

You've gained the trait, Mind of Steel, from Beginner Occlumency.

Mind of Steel: A trait that allows the user to temporary turn their mind into "steel", increasing their Occlumency proficiency by 1 level for 5 minutes at crucial times.

x x x x x


Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.

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