
The Weight of Secrets

Harry watched as Amelia Bones and Nymphadora Tonks put their faces into the stone bowl to watch his memory. He was surprised that their bodies didn't disappear into the bowl. Shouldn't they be drowning? he wondered in confusion. It had felt like his whole body was sucked into the pensieve when they viewed the earlier memory, and he had no idea what sort of magic could project someone's mind into a mere memory.

When the pair emerged from the bowl ten minutes later, both were pale and stricken-looking. Tonks cheerful demeanor was nowhere to be found, and Madam Bones sat heavily in one of the chairs. She stared into space for a few seconds, then in the blink of an eye drew her wand and thrust it toward an ottoman in the corner of the room. The ottoman exploded in a shower of wood, fabric, and stuffing, surprising Harry enough that he slid out of his chair and dove to the floor for cover.

Tonks made no move for cover, but looked just as surprised at Harry.

Director Bones looked to be shaking with rage. "Auror Tonks, just what in the bloody fucking hell were you thinking, agreeing to conceal this information from me? Are you trying to get everyone killed? I'm considering tossing your arse into Azkaban to rot, Voldemort or no," she spat.

Tonks, never having seen her boss swear, or even lose her temper, for that matter, stared open-mouthed while she tried to formulate a response.

"I, er…well…I…I'm sorry, Director. Professor Dumbledore said that…" Tonks stuttered out.

"And Albus Dumbledore may be joining you there," Bones interrupted her, practically shouting. Silence reigned for ten seconds, and Harry and Tonks glanced nervously at each other.

"Sweet Merlin," Bones murmured, shaking her head. "What is Albus thinking?"

Tonks straightened a little, and looked at her superior. "Director, I apologize for my part in this, and I will gladly do whatever I can to help rectify the situation. I will turn in my badge today, if you want it," she said, more confidently than she felt.

Bones stared her down for another ten seconds. "You will most definitely be making amends, Auror, but you will not be turning in your badge. If that monster is back, we're going to need every capable wand we've got. But what you are going to do is tell me everything you know about Dumbledore's little group of vigilantes, and then you're going to swear an oath to report to me everything you learn in the future. We'll find a way to work around your oath to Dumbledore, just like we did here."

Tonks nodded meekly. "Yes, Director."

Harry had followed this exchange in fascination, his sense of impending doom finally beginning to lift. Bones clearly wasn't a part of any conspiracy against him, and she seemed powerful enough to protect him from Dumbledore. He decided to put himself in the conversation.

"Excuse me, Madam Bones," he began hesitantly, "but is there somewhere I can stay that's safe from Dumbledore? And Voldemort too," he added as an afterthought.

Bones turned her attention to him, staring at him in thought. "I don't know what's going on, Mr. Potter, or why Dumbledore wants to sacrifice you to the Dark Lord. But you have my word that I will do my utmost to protect you from him. Let me think the matter over, and we will find a safe place for you to hide. You will be safe enough here for now. I have other important matters to attend to now, and I will need to take this memory with me."

Harry nodded, and rose with her as she stood to go. "Thank you, Madam Bones," he said sincerely. "You don't know how relieved I am that you can help me."

He paused for a second, and decided to push his luck on the issue of Gringotts. "Madam Bones, I need to find a way to get to Gringotts. I owe money to the person who helped me escape, and I need to know how much money I have in my vault," he said, helpfully holding up his vault key.

Bones thought for a second, then acquiesced. "Very well, Mr. Potter. It's probably best to take care of that straight away, before Dumbledore knows that you're in my custody. We'll worry about your problems with magic later."

"Auror Tonks," she continued, turning to her subordinate, "you are to come with me to the Ministry for a debriefing, then you shall return here with Auror Savage and accompany Mr. Potter to Gringotts. Be sure that you are properly disguised, and that you can evade Dumbledore's agents, whoever they are."

Tonks, though still somewhat abashed, nodded and winked at Harry. "Happy to, ma'am."

"Very well," Madam Bones said. "Mr. Potter, you are to stay in this house until Auror Tonks returns. I will adjust the wards so that you will not have unexpected company. We shall find you a permanent place to stay shortly. Now, come, Auror Tonks, and let's see just how badly you've botched things."

Harry agreed readily and breathed another sigh of relief as the two women departed. Madam Bones appeared to have taken charge of the situation, and it felt good not to have to rely solely on his own wits. Bones reminded him of an even sterner version of Professor McGonagall. He ran his hand through his hair and sat down in one of the chairs. A powerful urge to laugh overcame him. I'm going to be okay, he smiled internally. I'm going to figure this out, and I'm going to see Dumbledore in bloody Azkaban.

He hadn't quite grasped the impossibility of such a thing ever occurring.


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