
Harry Potter: The Child Prodigy

A single visit from a witch changes Nathan's entire life, thrusting him into the world of magic. A lazy synopsis indeed.

Avatar_Ong · Bücher und Literatur
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Chapter 1: The Witch's Visit

AN: I was going to do a Harry Potter fanfic about Harry but decided to create an oc instead since I can just create a brand new personality instead of having a ridiculously ooc Harry which shouldn't be that possible. Hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Nathan Evyln was a strange child. Mysterious and unnatural incidents occurred around him that mostly went unnoticed by the orphans. The only person who knew that he had supernatural powers was Emily, the caretaker who had been looking after him ever since he was little. He was fully aware of the bizarre phenomenon that occurred around him. Animals obeyed his command when he was highly emotional. Older kids tripping unexpectedly after they attempting to bully him only for their plans to fail miserably.

On a Saturday morning, an unexpected guest arrived at the orphanage, sitting in the lounge as Nathan arrived downstairs for his breakfast. Like a typical morning, Nathan brushed his teeth, washing his face and drying it off before changing out of his pajamas. He walked down the stairs, being careful to not wake the rest of the children in order to have a quiet morning without their mouths opening and closing. Peace was something that was short lived in the home.

"Nathan. Before you eat your breakfast, someone is here to see you." Emily, the caretaker immediately voiced as soon as her eyes landed on his figure. Nathan brought his attention to Emily who had a smile on her face, full of pride and genuine happiness which was shocking to Nathan. He rarely ever witnessed a proud expression on her face, blaming it on the idiots that occupied the place. He was the sole exception of course, he thought in his head narcissistically.

"Who is the guest, Emily?" He asked. He never understood why she didn't have a boyfriend or a husband yet. Maybe it was the job that required her and a couple of other workers to look after the kids. Maybe she had no interest in romantic relations. Regardless, Nathan wished the best for her after all the years she took care of him.

"The guest is in the lounge. I'm sure that you are going to be happy to meet her." She said, her eyes shining just like the red jewel in the necklace that she was wearing. His brows furrowed as he listened to her words. Nevertheless, he nodded and followed her to the lounge, his eyes focusing on the figure sitting near the corner of the large room. The stern expression was something that he noticed immediately along with the dress that she wore which he found to not suit her.

"I would like you to meet Professor McGonagall. She is a teacher at a private school who is looking to enroll you." Emily said with pride, obvious to both Nathan and the old professor. "This is Nathan Evyln, Professor." She added, introducing him with a smile. She looked at the old woman who began inspecting the raven haired boy.

"It's nice to meet you, Professor." Nathan greeted, disrupting the silence. While others would jump up in joy at the chance of enrolling, he wasn't overly enthusiastic in enrolling in a school where he wouldn't have that much freedom. He very well knew how strict private schools were.

"Can I talk to Mr. Evelyn in private regarding his enrollment. I need to ask him a few questions. It would be best if I can get the best answers from him." Professor McGonagall requested to Emily's surprise.

"S-Sure." She said with a stutter at the sudden request. She quickly excused herself, wishing Nathan good luck as she quietly left the room, closing the door before she left. Once the room was all clear, the old Professor got out what Nathan presumed to be a stick, muttering an unknown incantation to Nathan's confusion.

'Is that supposed to be a wand or something?' Nathan thought in his head as he stared at the stick in Professor McGonagall's wrinkly hand. He was fairly familiar with wands after reading all about fictional stories about magic and the adventures of wizards as they saved the world from evil sorcerers.

"I know you may have some questions for me, Mr Evyln. I'll try to answer them as best as I can." She voiced. Nathan nodded, taking into account her formal style of speaking. From her stern expression along with her constant formality, he could guess that she was the serious type who didn't tolerate nonsense.

"Was that magic, Professor?" He said, aloud. He was slightly amazed at the weird display and began speculating on the purpose of the action she performed. 

'Was that some kind of protection spell? To trap the noise in.' He assumed using the basic common sense that he was gifted with.

"Did you do that to keep the noise inside, Professor?" He quickly asked as a smile began to appear on his face. His excitement began leaking out at the notion of a person similar to him and the idea of a whole new world that was magical. A desire for power and knowledge already starting to plant itself in his mind. 

"Yes, Mr Evyln. We can talk without any worries of anyone hearing us." The Professor replied, already beginning to have high hopes for the boy despite the troubles that were surely going to come for him in particular, his father and his family.

'I hope he doesn't end up like his father.' The old Professor wished as she stared at the joyful boy who's smile had yet to vanish.

"The purpose of my visit here is to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your mother was a witch and you inherited the same gift." She got out a white envelope with a red wax seal, giving it to Nathan who immediately accepted.

"There's a list of supplies that you will be needing to attend Hogwarts in the envelope." Nathan carefully opened the envelope, briefly reading the letter before bringing his attention to the white sheet of paper. It had a large list of supplies that was going to drain the money out of the imaginary bank that he had.

'Now way I can afford all this. Not one but three sets of robes! Pointed hat? Seven books! A wand, a cauldron, brass scales. Does that say telescope? A damn telescope!' Nathan complained. He stared at the list with bewilderment, unable to come up with how he was going to be able to afford all that.

"Professor. I don't think I'll be able to afford a single one of them. Let alone everything in here." He voiced out, causing her to smile ever so slightly at his words with amusement.

"You don't need to worry about the expenses, Mr. Evyln. Your mother left quite some money for your Hogwarts education." He sighed in relief at her words but also took into account that she didn't mention his father.

"Your education will begin on September the 1st. We will need to buy your supplies from Diagonal Alley before and get you ready before the term starts." She began explaining more about the famous shopping area in London and everything he needed to know for his attendance at Hogwarts along with a few laws that he had to abide by.

"I have a question, Professor. Isn't there a place here in Manchester where I can buy these supplies?" Nathan asked, his brows furrowed at the idea of there being only one place where he could buy his supplies. 

"I'm afraid not, Mr Everyn. The only place you can buy your school supplies is Diagon Alley." She said, shaking her head. She gazed at the young boy who's face immediately morphed into confusion.

"It's a shame there isn't a Vertic Alley here in Manchester." He joked much to her confusion. "Do I have to make multiple trips to London for Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall. Wouldn't lack of stops from London to Hogwarts would make it problematic for students living in the North and also from Scotland and Ireland?" Nathan said with a slight frown on his face. He found the whole situation of traveling from London to Scotland unfair for him who lives in the North.

Professor McGonagall was slightly surprised at the way he spoke which was way too mature for his age. She began to analyse the characteristics he slowly began to show, already determining  the Hogwarts houses he might be sorted in. 

"Do not worry Mr. Evryn. We'll be travelling by flu." She said, attempting to reduce his concern.

"The flu?" Nathan said, sceptical about the travelling method named flu. He didn't have high hopes for it, given the person naming this method the flu.

'Are we going to sneeze ourselves to london. The thought of it is actually quite funny.' Nathan chuckled in his head, imagining the scenario of the old professor letting out a powerful sneeze, flying herself to London with it.

"It is a magical method for traveling long distances." She then began to explain the fundamentals of flu. He was impressed with the method and was quite disappointed at the idiot who decided to name it the flu.

"So we'll be going to the nearest fire place which is connected to the flu network and will arrive at London from there." He muttered, relieved at the fact that he didn't have to travel by train to London and then come back only to go back to London to catch yet another train.

"Is there anything else you want to know, Mr Everyn?" She asked. Nathan thought for a minute before finally deciding his answer.

"I would like to know about the subjects but I think it'll be better as a surprise." He said with a smile. Normally, he would like to know everything that he needs but what is life without a little surprise? There was also the risk of annoying the old woman by asking way too many questions.

She finished their little meeting by ironing out a few more details regarding Hogwarts and the date she was going to pick him up to purchase his school supplies. Nathan brought Emily back into the lounge who immediately bombarded him with questions.

"Did you get accepted, Nathan?" She immediately asked much to the professor's amusement who began to compare them to mother and son.

"Nathan answered the questions as I hoped and has been accepted into our school." The Professor said quickly. Emily squealed in delight, immediately bringing Nathan closer before she tightly hugged him.

"I'm so proud of you Nathan." Emily expressed, smothering Nathan who struggled to breathe.

"Emily. I can't breathe!" He barely let out. She quickly released her grasp, quickly apologising much to the professor's amusement.

"I believe I should be leaving now. It was nice to meet you, Miss Smith. I'm looking forward to your future in our school, Mr. Evyln." Minerva said, getting up from the chair that she was quite getting comfortable with.

"Thank you for personally coming here, Professor." Emily and Nathan quickly expressed. Minerva accepted their gratitude before leaving the local orphanage in a hurry as she had another student before she could retire for the day.

Inside the lounge, Nathan decided to tell her about the whole situation about magic and Hogwarts. After a minute of careful consideration, he decided to tell Emily about magic and Hogwarts.

"Emily. Can you keep a secret?"

AN: I was thinking of adding a little bit extra but I'm too tired now. Anyways I'm wondering if anyone can guess who the father is. Consider yourself as Sherlock Holmes if you can guess who the father is, correctly.

After writing this chapter, I thought about giving Emily Magic and having her teach a little things about Magic to Nathan but it was too troublesome to change it all since most of the conversation relied on him not knowing anything about magic. Anyways she'll probably have a role in the future but for now, she's the adorable caretaker Nathan cares for. She won't have any role in the story other than some mentions.