In the world of Harry Potter: The Cardmaster Chronicles, a muggleborn wizard named Raymond realiced that he had been "transported" through errors and luck in the HP universe , later as his cheat arrives he discovers a unique and forbidden form of magic involving a deck of enchanted cards. These cards grant him immense power, allowing him to manipulate and control the very fabric of the magical world.
Driven by a heavy paranoia , a thirst for dominance and control, Ethan becomes a formidable and feared figure in the wizarding community. Using his card-based magic, he establishes himself as the leader of a notorious wizarding mafia, manipulating and exploiting others for his personal gain.
Harry Potter: The Cardmaster Chronicles presents a unique twist on the familiar world of Harry Potter incorporating mafia elements, delving into the dark side of magic and exploring the consequences of unchecked power. It is a story of a muggleborn wizard who, fueled by ambition and darkness, rises to become a feared and formidable villain in the wizarding world.
Mr_Cuak · Bücher und Literatur
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Go and see my New ff : Goblin`s Descent : The Bastard Heir of Norman Oscorp.
It will be my master piece
Love you
Author : Mr cuak
PD : Go and see and put a review and leave the stones.