
Harry Potter: The Boy Who Eats[COMPLETE]

How bad can life be? For Happy Lestrange, an ordinary boy from an ordinary world, after being diagnosed with stomach cancer at three, the hospital became his permanent home. As a result, he never got to make friends, never got to play, run, swim, and worst of all—eat. His only respite to his boredom was various novels, movies, manga, and comics. But one of them stood above all others: Harry Potter. He was always interested in its lore and slowly fell in love with everything about the Wizarding World. But the thing he envied the most was not the magic but rather the Hogwarts feasts. So, with no cure in sight, at the age of 15, in a coma, he was put to eternal sleep. But that was not the end of the journey for Happy. "Speak, young child, what do you desire? Heaven, or reincarnation?" "Grandpa God, I want to go to Hogwarts and eat lots of tasty food!" "..." "Child, are you sure?" "YES!" "Young child, I bless you with luck. So go, taste the food, and experience all the mouthwatering scents! Go and eat to your heart's content." And so began the journey of the boy who eats. But, there was a surprise for Happy. One that could also be a curse if used unwisely. In a world so dark, and hurdles in his way plenty, can he overcome them and be...Happy? ___________________ WARNING: I write wholesome, Slice of Life stories where a greater and more serious plot is slowly expanded as the story goes. If that's not your thing, then you won't like this book. Peace!!! MC has the power of luck, but it's not omnipotent. People can and will scheme against him. People can come after him. But luck is supposed to ensure Happy gets the best out of all the troubles. ___________________ A/N: This is a light-hearted fic with a bigger plot being slowly introduced. I hope you like it. Join my discord for discussions: https://discord.gg/misterimmortal

MisterImmortal · Bücher und Literatur
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107 Chs

39. Deviations 

If you want, you can read 30 chapters in advance on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.


"A Basilisk, Professor! A Basilisk in Hogwarts!"

At the huge revelation, Professor Snape remained unmoved. "They went extinct years ago."

Happy scoffed. "Yes, they went extinct—all except one that was locked and put into slumber. Until the heir to Slytherin returned to open the Chamber of Secrets. Tom Riddle talked about it with my father once."

"The Chamber of Secrets is a myth," Professor Snape argued. "It appears you are indulging in tales and myths now, Mister Lestrange. I advise you to return to your dorms and rest."

'He's calling me foolish but with respect?' Happy saw the meaning underneath. 'Fine, go ahead. You'll come crawling to me soon.'

Happy knew he was attempting a long shot with Snape. Just guilt-tripping wasn't going to work forever, and he had accepted that reality. But simultaneously, he felt worried about the uncertain future as everything appeared to slowly derail.

'Perhaps, I should just go and pester those elves to let me in. Only good food can cure my depression now.' Happy dragged his tired body to the lower floor of the School where the huge kitchen for elves was.

'I know they planned to throw me away last time. This time I won't budge unless I enter the damn kitchen and get my bloody pizza made!'

Strolling, Happy reached the gates of the mega kitchen. The doors were open as always, leading into the giant hall similar in size to the Great Hall upstairs. Identically, the elves placed plates on four rows of tables.

It was how food always appeared magically in the Great Hall. Since food couldn't be created from thin air and could only be moved from one place to another, the elves just used magic to shift the plates to the upper floor.

Happy could see a flurry of activity as the elves bustled about, preparing for the upcoming dinner service. He watched in awe as they sliced, diced, and chopped ingredients at a speed that he couldn't even fathom.

As Happy observed, he realized that the elves' magic wasn't just limited to moving plates. They were also using their powers to cook, season, and flavor the food. It was a sight to behold as ingredients flew through the air, mixing and mingling to create mouthwatering dishes.

Happy walked in proudly, his aim set at the cooking station too low for his height. A few elves who saw him gasped and alerted the others.

"Stop! Kids not allowed," the old elf from the last time, Grogy, appeared again.

Happy ignored him and continued to the cooking station. He had realized his mistake from the last time, which was indulging the elves in an argument. So, this time he just did what he wanted. What were they going to do, harm him? That was against the basic rules of the School.

The elves frowned, and some cried as they thought Happy was taking their job. But they could only watch him do as he pleased. Even the old elf could only follow him behind.

Happy reached the cooking platform, which was a large, long counter with various ingredients and toppings neatly arranged around it. He scanned the options before settling on what kind of pizza he was making.

He washed his hands thoroughly and started to prepare the dough. He stretched it out with expert hands, spinning it in the air before catching it again, making the dough thin, just as he liked.

He then added a generous amount of tomato sauce, spreading it evenly with a spoon. Next, he sprinkled a generous amount of mozzarella cheese over the sauce and added some diced tomatoes, thinly sliced mushrooms, and pepperoni.

As he slid the pizza into the oven, the elves couldn't help but watch in fascination. They had never seen a student make their food before, and certainly not with such skill and finesse.

The scent of baking pizza filled the air, making the elves' mouths water as well.

It was almost ready in no time as the cheese was melted to perfection. The crust was golden brown and crispy, and the toppings were arranged just the way he wanted them.

The pizza was the only dish he knew to make perfectly, all thanks to his beloved mom in his last life. So it wasn't wrong to say the pizza was a dish very close to his heart as a source of warmth and happy memories.

Meanwhile, the elves could only watch and wonder what kind of food this was.

"Finally! Something other than repetitive food!" Happy made the cuts and picked a slice. With it, long, soft strands of cheese also stretched.

The scent of the tomato sauce, garlic, and oregano mingled together. As he took a bite, the crispy crust gave way to a chewy and soft center, and the toppings burst with flavor.

As he savored the taste, Happy couldn't help but close his eyes in delight, relishing every bite of the perfect slice of pizza.

But then he noticed the elves huddled around him and looking at him with big needy eyes. Their gazes were not fixed on him but rather on the tasty-looking pizza.

"I will let you taste it if you agree to make thirty of these pizzas and deliver them to Gryffindor common room at nine-thirty tonight," Happy put the condition forward. He aimed to calm down any rumors with the food bribe.

"I taste it first and then think," Grogy said grumpily. "If not tasty, then we not waste time."

Happy grinned and forwarded the food tray. "Go ahead. Give it a try, then."

The old elf savored the pizza, taking one bite and then another, his eyes closed in pure pleasure. Finally, his face lit up with a big smile. It was clear that he was enjoying it, and the other elves watched him enviously.

When he tried to pick up another slice, the other elves revolted, demanding their share of the delicious pizza.

"Not fair, not fair!"

"We want to taste too!"

"We cans cook if we eats too!"

The other elves, who had been eagerly watching, were now clamoring for a taste.

"Can we have some?" One elf begged.

Happy chuckled and handed the pizza tray over to them. "Of course, help yourselves."

The elves eagerly took slices of pizza, jumping and lunging over each other, trying to get one of the limited numbers of slices.

"Delicious!!" They danced around.

Happy smiled triumphantly and handed a sheet of paper. "Here is the detailed recipe. Remember, thirty of these at nine-thirty."

With that, Happy proceeded to leave the elves with the recipe for a new dish they had never tasted before. Some of them knew about pizzas but had never cooked them since it wasn't on Hogwarts's menu.

"Wait!" Grogy suddenly exclaimed and looked at Happy's fleeting back. "He write before coming? He tricked us?"

Happy, as if knowing what was going on, looked back with a scheming smile and waved his hand before turning outside the door.


The sheet of recipe fell from Grogy's hands, "He fooled us."

Outside, Happy merrily walked away. "Hah, operation mind games was a success. Just wait and watch, you old elf. I will soon dictate the School's menu—Hahah—Ah, I shouldn't laugh like this. Enough people see me as evil already."

But it was undeniable that Happy's mood was refreshed after eating the pizza. Now, all he wanted was some good old coke—the drink, of course.

"Maybe I should start hustling the wizarding world by selling muggle goods with some rebranding. I'm sure they have no idea about the magnificent soft drinks," he mumbled cheerfully and went to find his friends.

At the same time, in a desolate location outside the School, in a nation across the sea, a meeting took place.

A few old Death Eaters gathered to discuss some matters and the rise of their lord. With Lucius taking the lead with his greater ambition to capture Happy, the agenda of the Death Eaters grew much more than ever.

"It's him!" said Corban Yaxley while hiding under oversized black robes, a pointy hat, and a mask. "If it's not your son, then the only remarkable kid in Hogwarts is Happy Lestrange. He's the heir!"

Similarly robed, Lucius Malfoy agreed with that assessment. He, of course, knew the truth behind the opening of the Chambers and its relation with the Diary. But he played along the line of the thought of others. "There is also Potter. But, considering his tainted blood, he can't be the heir. So this changes our plans now."

"Then what do you suggest?" asked Crabbe.

Lucius thought for a long moment before replying. "We can't use him as a tool anymore. We must put him on the right path so he joins us. Let's keep an eye on him and change a few things around him. A mere push is all it takes for one's eyes to open to the truth."

"What about Dumbledore? And the Goblins? One will protect him, and the other wishes to capture him," Corban Yaxley asked.

Haughtily, Lucius walked away. "I shall take care of the Goblins. As for Dumbledore... We merely need to threaten the life of Potter to keep the headmaster busy. He will choose Potter over a Lestrange, of this I can guarantee."


Lucius apparated away with that, followed by the others.

Sadly, Happy had no idea what his mere existence had done. Much ahead of time, the Death Eaters had come out in the open and begun to plot.

But if one knew of the truth behind his blessing from Grandpa God, they'd worry for their lives and, above all, their gold-filled vaults—For a new greedy dragon was in town.


For every 700 stones, we get an extra chapter—YOU CAN DO IT!

Special thanks to *phong thanh nguyen* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*