
Harry Potter SI

Harry Potter Si after goblet of fire

Oden_490 · Bücher und Literatur
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4 Chs


July 1 1995

Walk up at Number 12 was a different experience than my other places I was finally free from the Dursleys and didn't have to share a room with other teenage boy's.

I got dressed and made my way down stairs for breakfast when I see Kreature and Sirius at the table arguing.

"Why are you two at each others throats." I said

"Good morning Harry and this bastard is trying to poison us with breakfast." Said Sirius

"No i'm not I was making breakfast for filthy halfblood master." Said Kreature.

"Oh I see Sirius don't worry about him he will behave from now on." I said.

"Yeah and why is that?" Asked Sirius Skeptically.

"Becase we made a deal that he won't break." I said.

"Whatever if you trust him so will I." Said Sirius.

"Now Kreature bacon and eggs on the double." I said and Kreature disappeared in a 'pop'.

I then sit at the dinner table along with Sirius.

"Sirius I want you to teach me to duel." I said

"Ok we'll start this afternoon." Said Sirius

"Also I want you to let me learn from the black family library." I said.

"That is a little harder but I will look it over before I let you read it." Said Sirius.

"Also the Order of the Pheonix will be using our home as a headquarters so there will be guests." Said Sirius.

"That's ok with me as long as they don't get in my way." I said

"What do you mean get in your way?"asks Sirius.

"Change is coming and I won't be helpless in it." I said.

"Ok that was crytic but i'll do my best to help you." Said Sirius

Just then breakfast arrived and we dug into it.

After breakfast we made our way down to the basement that had training dummies in it.

"Ok we will start with the most important thing in a dueling dodging." Said Sirius

We then get a couple feet apart and he starts firing spells at me, thanks to this bodies quick seeker reflex I was able to dodge most of them, but the one's I couldn't hurt like hell.

After an hour Sirius gave the signal that we were done.

"You did pretty good at dodging all thing considered." Said Sirius

"Thank you it wasn't easy." I said.

"We'll you did it we'll keep practicing like this and we'll get you started on non verbal magic. The key to it is to learn your own method some say the words in their head some rely on feeling their magic whatever method you choose dosen't matter."Said Sirius

"Ok i'll practice it now." I said

I then focus on the feeling of when I cast a spell and focus my magic through my wand a fire an 'expelliarmus' at the training dummy.

"Damn you managed it first try you sure are talented." Said Sirius.

"It was pretty easy just focusing magic and not saying the words." I said

"You make that sound easier than it is." Said Sirius.

"Any way can we go to the library I wanna get some spell to practice." I said.

"Ok nerd." Said Sirius

"Whatever." I replied


The Black family library was big not Hogwart big but big non the less.

"Ok ground rules anything on the left is out of bounds those are for the family head only."

"Gotcha." I said back.

"Ok have fun." Said Sirius and he left.

I then went into the library and started looking through the books and found one 'Deadly curses for thyne enemy' the book had no author but had all the esentials blood boiler, withering curse, Bone breaker, etc.

The spells required a pig or similar animal to practice on to get the spell right.

"Kreature!" I yelled.

"Filthy half blood master." Said Kreature

"I need you to find me a farm animal to practice spells on." I said.

"Very well." Said Kreature disappearing in a 'pop'.

And I made my way down to the training room in the house.

When I arrived a pig was waiting for me and I took the book out again and memoried the spells I wanted.

I then began to go through them starting with the bone breaker.

The spell hit the pig and it squealed loudly.

I knew it was a sucess and that I had completed the spell.

And that's how I spent an hour mastering the withering curse, Bone breaker, and Blood boiler.


Next week July 8 1995:

It been a week and i've been practicing my spells and Occlumency along with my dueling.

The Order and Weasley's have also moved in and I have had to rework how I was training and hide anything too dark.

And I also got Moody to train me in constant vigilance and helping me with my dueling skills and taught me spell chaining.



I was walking down stairs when I noticed some comotion down stairs and it was the Weasley parents, Sirius, Tonks, Moody, Moony, etc.

"Ok what are you all yelling about." I ask

"Harry!" Said Mrs Weasley coming in for one of her bone crushing hugs.

I don't dodge and am enveloped in the warm hug.

After a minute I said"And, thats enough." I said disconnecting the hug.

"I bet you can't wait til Ron and Ginny get here you can have all the fun you want." Said Mrs Weasley

"Yeah that's good anyway don't touch my stuff." I said

"What do you mean Ron will be moving in with you." Said Mrs Weasley

"No he won't this place is big enough he can get his own room." I said

"But-" Molly tried

"But nothing this is mine and Sirius's house and I don't wanna sleep in the same room as him." I said.

"Why!?" Said Mrs Weasley.

"Becase I want my privacy in my own home." I said

"Hey Sirius i'm going to diagon alley with Kreature." I said

"Ok be safe." Said Sirius

"Wait no you don't it's too dangerous." Said Mrs Weasley.

"It's not dangerous i'm taking Kreature." I said

"By the way. Kreature!" And in a pop he appears.

"What does fil-." Kreature starts.

"Shut up were going to diagon alley." I Said

"Now Harry that's no way to talk to-" started Mrs Weasley.

"Whatever the filthy house elf need to be talked to like that." I said

"Come on lets go." I said and Kreature followed me to the Floo.

After arriving in diagon alley I made my way to knockturn alley apothecary.

There I got Vitamx potions and anything to strengthen the body and I had Kreature carry them.

When I left I made my way back to Grimmuald Place.

When I arrived I saw Dumbledore and the order having a meeting I made my to the living room.

"Harry what have you bought?" Asks Hermione who was in the room with Ron.

"None of your business but some potions." I said

"What kind of potions?" Asks Hermione again

"Kreature put the potions in my room will you." I said and the house elf disappears.

"Harry you really should be nicer to house elves." Said Hermione

"You don't know anything about this peticular house elf leave me be." I said

"Ok Harry." I then walk back to

The potions are to build me a better body and help with making me stronger some are barely legal this along with working out should help.


Present day July 15 1995

Harry could be seen in his room doing high rep burpee's at the moment.


And in walk Tonks she just looks at the sweating shirtless Harry before coughing.

I stopped mid rep to acknowledge her

"What do you want." I ask mad at being disturbed.

"I was sent to tell you mad-eye wants you." Said Tonks.

"Thanks for the message." I said back.

I get dressed and walk down to the training room but I have my senses on ten becase knowing mad-eye he would have something planned for me.

When I got down to the training ground I noticed that there was noone that I could sense here.

I immedately started scanning for him.

And in the corner I spot a small distortion in thr shadow and I fire a 'Stupefy' at it.

The stunner is reflected back my way I just deflect it out of the way.

"Very good lad." Said Moody finally revealing himself.

"But you should have used a 'Homenum Revelio' immedately but i'll give you a pass." Said Mad-Eye

"Yeah I should have wasn't thinking in the moment." I said.

"You should have constant vigilance lad." Said Moody

"We'll i'll think of it next time." I said

"Next time there may never be a next time." Said Moody

"Ok." I said

"As long as you understand." Said Moody he then flicks his wand at me fast and unleashes a stunner.

But I deflect it with my wand and send it back.

"Good reflex lad." Said Moody

"Now time for some real training." Said Moody fireing a new spell at me.

I knock it off course and start sending a spell chain of expelliarmus and stupefy along with a bone breaker.

He deflected them all and sent his own spell chain my way I dodged them and conjured arrows and sent them flying with a banisher.

He just erected a wall of earth to stop them.

I fired off a Confringo at his wall and follow up with a Flipendo followed by a Stupefy & Expelliarmus.

When the dust settles I see Moody had put up a shield to block every thing and then he fired a spell so fast I could block of dodge and it hit me square in the chest and knocked me over.

While I was taking a knee and gasping for air Moody made his way over to me and said: "You did good kid you just need more experience and training."