
Harry Potter: Savior System

[Writing this for fun, updates are random, I try to upload when I can!] Alan was reborn into the wizarding world and replaced Harry Potter as the Chosen one Watch as a former potterhead with ambitions walk the path of the savior. — all rights belong to J.K Rowling except my own characters and ideas :p

SunfishAshes · Bücher und Literatur
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16 Chs

Chapter 13: Dorm & Schedule

//Imma just release like usual instead, i got 3 chapters I'm working on, 2 are almost done and one is being outlined.

Enjoy : V

Chapter 13: Dormitories and Schedule.

"Come along everyone." The Hufflepuff prefect said as the first year followed along, while the other students went past them.

There were many corridors, many stairs, and even several secret doors hidden behind sliding panels and hanging curtains.

'This reminds me of Hogwarts Legacy.' Alan thought in nostalgia.

The halls inside Hogwarts were just as confusing as in the game!

Well, until he memorized the layout.

Alan didn't know how long they had been walking, several students were all yawning and no one even spoke because they were so tired and sleepy.

Suddenly, the Prefect stopped in front of a painting depicting a man with a bowl of fruits.

Tickling the pear of the fruit bowl. The painting opened up a way into the kitchens.

"Usually the house elves are here, but no one really knows what they do during the start of term feast."

The prefect informed the students as he walked into the kitchen and turned to the right, past several counters until they finally arrived in front of several stacked barrels.

He turned around.

"This is the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room. In order to reveal the entrance, no password is required. Instead, we have to tap the barrels in the rhythm of "Helga Hufflepuff", now pay attention."

He went up and tapped the barrels from two to the bottom, middle, and then to the second row, in a rhythm.

When he tapped the last one, a lid opened up, and moved the barrels as it revealed a passageway into the Hufflepuff common rooms.

The prefect turned around once again and said in a funny tone.

"You better remember the order unless you want to be doused in vinegar and barred from access for a while."

The students shuddered.

They climbed through the hole in the barrel, and they finally saw the Hufflepuff common room.

And it didn't disappoint.

The common room itself was round, earthy, low-ceilinged and felt welcoming, warm, and inviting.

There were lots of yellow hangings, burnished copper, and overstuffed sofas and armchairs upholstered in yellow and black.


The prefect directed the girls through a door to their dormitories.

Then, he led the boys through another door on the left, and they finally arrived in their dormitories.

Alan looked around the dormitory

The room had four individual oak beds, two each opposite each other. Draped with ivy and yellow draperies.

And the walls and floor looked pretty much the same as in the common room.

Their trunks were rested beside their beds.

Alan shared the dormitory with 2 boys, one short and the other tall.

The short boy had blonde silky hair, a short nose, and brown eyes. He looked extremely excited and didn't look one bit tired.

The other boy was tall and somewhat thin, he had jet-black hair, a long nose, and black eyes.

From what Alan could see.

He looked like shit.

He looked so damn tired he didn't even change into his pajamas and just leaped onto the bed and fell asleep.

Alan thought this scene looked quite comical.

He changed into his pajamas and plopped onto the bed.

Closing his eyes, Alan focused on the still-loading screen in his mind as it finally finished.


[Name: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Bloodline: Phoenix(98%)

Talent: None

Personality: Wise, Compassionate, Manipulative.

Magic Power: 9(Elder wand + 1) (Divine)

Charms: 9 (Monster)

Black Magic: 10 (Divine)

Prophecy: 0 (No talent)

Transfiguration: 10 (Divine)

Potions: 7 (Genius)

Ancient Runes: 9 (Monster)

Alchemy: 9 (Monster)

Skills: ???(???), ???(???), Transfiguration (Level 10), Alchemy(Level 9), Runic Formation(Level 8), Fire Storm (Level 8), Water Prison (Level 8) Apparition (Level 10), Combat Apparition (Level 6), Occlumency (Level 9) Legilimency (Level 9) Protego Maxima (Level 9), Fiendfyre (Level 8). . .

Magic items: Elder Wand (???), Invisibility Cloak (???), Deluminator (Unique). . .

Character Evaluation: Failed

Solution: None. ]


Alan knew Dumbledore was powerful, But this shit?

No, nada, nao!

He didn't think he would be THIS fucking powerful?!

And WHAT the fuck is up with his magic power!!!

[ Magic Power: 9(Elder wand + 1) (Divine) ]

Did it mean his magic power has already reached the limits wizards can achieve?

Or was it stepping towards something else?

Alan didn't want to get another headache, so he stopped thinking further than this.

But one thing was certain.

If Grindelwald with the elder wand could burn down Paris.

Then what the fuck could Dumbledore without it do?

Alan shuddered at this thought as he finally fell asleep.


Hogwarts, Hufflepuff Dormitories.

Alan woke up groggily at seven o'clock the next morning, but he didn't get up immediately. Instead, he lay in bed for another ten minutes before he lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Alan looked at his 2 sleeping roommates before he grinned widely.

"WAKE UP!" Alan shouted as he took their blankets away, waking up the two roommates who were still in happy dreamland.

"Today is the first day of school, you don't want to be late and leave a bad impression?"

The two roommates who were previously annoyed at Alan for waking them, instantly came to their senses when they heard this and hurriedly went towards the bathroom to wash up.

Alan laughed as he made his way out of the dormitories.

After reading, "Hogwarts: A History"

Alan knew there were a total of 142 staircases in Hogwarts.

Some of them are wide and big, some are narrow, small, and wobbly.

Some lead to different places every Friday; for others, steps might suddenly disappear halfway up, and you have to remember where to jump over.

'Good thing, there's a cushioning charm active when the stairs move.'

There are also way too many doors at Hogwarts, some that won't even open if you don't ask them politely, or poke them in the exact spot.

Some doors aren't even damn doors, they're just solid walls!

Most students would have a hard time remembering where something was.

For Alan, it was even harder.

His sense of direction is shit!!

Fortunately, several portraits were nice enough to help point directions to the auditorium.

Alan sighed.

If there was one thing that came with him when he transmigrated it was his sense of direction.

He always needed pointers or generally just used GPS to get somewhere.

Most of the time it just leads him to completely different routes instead…

'I really need to try and get the Marauders Map from the Weasley twins. Maybe blackmail?' Alan mused.

It took a lot of effort for Alan to finally reach the auditorium.

It was exactly past seven and there were very few people in the great hall.

Alan happened to see Susan with her friend, Hannah Abbot.

There was a half bowl of cereal in front of her, While Hannah was reading something on a piece of parchment.

Alan walked over to them and sat opposite them.

"What are you looking at so intently?"

Alan asked Hannah.

She looked up at him as she put down the parchment on the table.

"Uh, well I was looking at our class schedule," Hannah answered a bit nervously.

When Alan heard the words "schedule" he got a little confused and looked over.

"Where did you get the schedule? I never got one?"

"No, when I was having breakfast just now, it just suddenly appeared on the table in front of me."

When Alan heard this, he leaned back in his seat and stared at the table in front of him.

Unexpectedly, a piece of parchment had somehow appeared in front of him.

'Is it the House-elves? Hm, Probably.'

Alan picked up the parchment containing the timetables for Hufflepuff's first year.

There were eight first-year courses in total.

History of Magic, Herbology, Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, Astronomy, Flying, and finally Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Astronomy and Flying only had class per week. Wednesday evening for astronomy class and Thursday afternoon for Flying class.

Herbology consisted of three classes every week, from Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

All the other five subjects have two classes every week, though Potions is the only class that has double potions with Ravenclaw.

The first class starts at nine o'clock in the morning, then there is a lunch break from twelve to two in the afternoon, after which there is a class in the afternoon from two to three thirty. There are also two days of rest on the weekends.

Alan felt that the schedule was quite easygoing and wouldn't be too difficult.

He would have a lot of time to work on his own projects without having to delay his classes.

No one wonder there were so many students roaming out at night, they were probably just bored.

Chapter end

// thanks for reading im feeling a bit slow today so expect slow releases for a day.

// PS: I'm going to play Fallout so make that two days.


SunfishAshescreators' thoughts