
3 Hogwarts' letter

Living on the streets was easyer then Harry anticipated.

Of course, when you have no need to eat, sleep, use the toilet, etc, then life tends to get easyer.

Harry's routine was sightsee during the day and when everyone went to bed, harry would break into a library and read all the books he could find, in the morning Harry would bail out of the library before beeing found and leave for the next town.

The problem with Harry's method was the money, he had no way to replanish what was beeing used and if the money ran out, then he would have to walk instead of caching the train (the horror!)

What? I said a few paragraphs above that Harry doesen't need food. Pay attention.

Harry managed to get a stick somewhere in his travels and some small iron objects, now he just needed a smithy to smelt some caps to make a rudimentary wand. He decided to make a wand because he felt defenseless withot his gear, and better little then nothing at all.

'Man, I miss home.' Harry thought

This was the other problem, Harry was pushing down on his sorrow by these travels, but he knew that once he got bored of them he would go back to grieving his beloved skyfactory. On earth, he had no prospects for a future, but sadly with no way to return to the factory, he was stuck on earth.

Harry learned a LOT in the skyfactory, but Harry never leaned a way to go from the skyfactory back to earth, even less the otherway arround! So yes, as much as he hated to admit it, he was stuck on earth.


'Finaly! It was worth it going to the industrial district.' Harry thought after finding the smithy he was looking for.

Seeing as it was nighttime already and no one was at the place, Harry quickly broke in, the locks beeing no match for his morphic fingers. He quickly smelted the junk he had into a more usable form.

After making the iron caps he needed, Harry decided to craft some shurikens (tinker's construct) with the leftover metal from the foundry. They were garbage due to the metal used, but it would at least do something if Harry needed to atack from a distance.

Satisfied, Harry left the smithy and went to look for another library to spend the night. The one he found would be short a bookstand by morning, its knowlage concentrated into a thaumonomicon.

The thaumonomicon was a magical book that serves to record a thaumaturge's discoveries, sadly Harry's recently aquired one was blanck and Harry had to transcribe his discoveries (the ones he could remember anyway) manualy.


It was by dawn that on owl apeared on the library's window and started to peck at the glass. Drawn by the noise, Harry went to investigate.

The boy raised an eyebrow at seeing an owl carrying a letter in it's beak, a letter adressed to HIM!

Harry opened the window and got the letter from the owl.

{To: Harry Potter

Adress: England, (insert random town here), (insert random street here), (insert random library name here), the religious isle


'Ok, that is stalking!' Harry thought, feeling a bit better that the bookshelf he transformed into his new thaumonomicon was the religious isle, so the misterious letter was juuuuust a bit outdated.


We are pleased to inform that you have been acepted to Hogwarts' school of witchcraft and wizardry, terms start september 1st and we await your owl no further then August 30.

Minerva McGonnagal, deputy headmistress}

Harry stoped.

There was magic on earth! Maybe a system he did not know of yet! Maybe a way to go back his skyfactory!

"Do I send the reply via you?" Harry sudently asked the owl, who nodded seemingly understanding.

Harry quickly looted the library he was in for paper and a pen. It did not take 5 minutes for him to find both and write that he agreed but knew nothing of magic and that he was living on the streets currently. Harry's admission letter also contained a list of magical school suplies he had no clue how to get, so Harry wrote that as well.

The reason for saying that he did not know magic was because he was unfamiliar with what system the wizards of earth used, it may be thaumaturgy, it may be blood magic, it may be witchery, it also could be an entirely new system (Harry was rooting for the latter).

Aception note done, Harry gave it to the owl who flew away with the note on its beak. Harry also quickly left the library, as it was already dawn and he did not want the library's owner to find him.

I lost my english translation of HP books, so I am doing the events by memory :(

Ferferfer22creators' thoughts