
Muggle World

Once Rozier left, Alex sat back, thinking. His instincts were spot on—Wilkes and his group were laying low, likely because Professor Burns had been keeping a closer watch on Hogwarts lately. Still, it seemed Burns wasn't aware of Alex's recent actions in the bathroom, which meant the professor's focus was elsewhere—probably on the older students.

"I need to speed up my plans," Alex thought, his eyes narrowing with determination. "They're not going to back down, so neither can I. The next few months will be critical."

When the Christmas holidays arrived, Alex chose to stay at Hogwarts, deciding to use the break to train and gather resources. His resolve to strengthen himself only deepened as he prepared for what lay ahead.

During the break, Alex spent much of his time at the cabin in the Forbidden Forest. Through letters exchanged with Augusta Longbottom, he learned more about what had happened to Frank and Alice. They had endured horrific torture, leaving them with devastating injuries and almost complete memory loss. Now, they were in St. Mungo's Hospital, with little hope for recovery. Augusta's letters carried an undercurrent of heartbreak, but her strength shone through—for Neville's sake, if nothing else.

"They think they're untouchable," Alex muttered to himself, his eyes glinting with a dangerous resolve. "But if they come for me, they'll be in for a nasty surprise."

Hagrid was thrilled to have Alex around during the holidays, even though Alex spent most of his time in his room. From within, the sound of hammering and crafting echoed through the forest. When Alex asked Hagrid for a piece of Chimaera skin as a Christmas gift, the half-giant happily obliged, handing over a thick, durable piece of leather he'd been using as a pillow cover. The Chimaera skin—tough and resistant—was perfect for Alex's purposes.

One evening over dinner, Hagrid couldn't help but comment when he saw Alex poring over a book on wizarding families. "Readin' about pure-bloods, are yeh? Never figured yeh'd be interested in that lot."

Alex shrugged, not looking up. "Just doing some homework. You know the saying—know yourself and know your enemy. It never hurts to be prepared."

Hagrid frowned, an uneasy feeling settling in. "Prepared for what? Somethin' dangerous, I'm guessin'?"

Alex gave a small smile, brushing off the concern. "Nothing specific," he said, then added thoughtfully, "Did you know that when the International Statute of Secrecy was introduced, a lot of pure-bloods opposed it? They wanted an open war with Muggles."

Hagrid grimaced. "That's a horrible thought."

"Over time, though, most of those families changed their minds," Alex continued. "Now they go out of their way to support the secrecy law. That's part of why they don't all back the Death Eaters."

"Why'd they change their tune?" Hagrid asked, curiosity lighting his features.

"Money and power," Alex said dryly. "Plenty of them have made fortunes mingling with Muggles—marriages, business deals, buying up land. Some have even wormed their way into Muggle high society. It's in their best interest to keep things quiet instead of letting the Death Eaters wreck it all."

"Greed, as usual," Hagrid muttered.

Alex tilted his head thoughtfully. "There's another reason. If wizards and Muggles ever went to war... who do you think would win?"

The idea of an emergency device felt innovative, especially in the wizarding world, where there wasn't any instant way to call for help. Alex had drawn inspiration from ancient rune applications in a book Sirius had sent him. He'd modeled the coin's mechanics loosely on the Floo Network, though its range was limited to Hogwarts. He'd made several and given them to friends like Vivian and Charles as Christmas presents.

Hagrid beamed, clearly impressed. "So now, if I need you, I just use this! Alex, that's brilliant!"

Alex chuckled, pleased with the reaction. He pulled out a small notebook—another alchemical creation—that was designed to receive messages from the coins he'd handed out. This way, he could track any alerts immediately.

The evening passed with laughter as they tested the coin over a hot pot dinner. Outside, snow fell softly, and the warmth of the hut made the holiday feel cozy and bright.

In the following days, Alex kept busy in the hut, working on spells and crafting alchemical tools. Owls flew in and out, delivering letters and gifts from friends. Charles and Professor McGonagall sent him Quidditch memorabilia, while Vivian, knowing his love of books, sent him rare magical tomes. Professor Bones went even further, sending three ounces of goblin silver and a set of fine carving knives.

Through Professor Bones' letter, Alex learned the grim truth about the Longbottoms. Their condition was worse than anyone had feared. They couldn't remember anyone, not even family, and were unable to care for themselves. Their future was confined to the hospital, where they'd need constant care.

The letter also brought news of a raid in Surrey. Led by Moody, Aurors had discovered the Lestrange family's hideout. After a fierce battle, Bellatrix Lestrange and her followers were captured and sent to Azkaban, though two Aurors were seriously injured in the fight. Professor Bones thanked Alex, noting that the information he'd provided had been key to locating the stronghold.

Alex sighed, shaking his head. "They need better strategies," he muttered. "Why don't they plan their attacks in stages? Cover all angles? Instead, they just charge in like kids in a schoolyard fight."

As the holidays drew to a close, a package arrived for Alex, delivered by a dignified owl. Inside, he found a pair of boots made from Chimaera hide, a gift Hagrid had given him. He'd spent five Galleons at Diagon Alley to have the boots custom-made, and they didn't disappoint. Sturdy and well-crafted, they were perfect for his next project.

"It's time to start building my tactical gear," Alex said, a smile spreading across his face.

He envisioned the gear in his mind: it would handle five functions—sensing, jamming, movement, protection, and offense. The boots would cover movement, enhanced with runes for Shock Absorption, Silence, Energy Absorption, and Speed Boost. Since his broom-flying wasn't reliable in a fight, these boots would give him the quick mobility he needed.

Alex's mind raced with possibilities as he turned the boots over in his hands. It was just the beginning.

Hagrid scratched his head, mulling over the question. "Well, wizards know magic, so I reckon they'd have the upper hand," he said with a shrug.

Alex shook his head. "Not really. If an actual war broke out, the wizarding world wouldn't stand a chance against a full-scale Muggle attack. Muggle weapons are far more advanced than most wizards realize. Honestly, it'd be a miracle if wizards could even escape unscathed from a Muggle raid. Some pure-blood families understand this—they've had enough dealings with Muggles to know. That's one reason they avoid pushing for a war that could wipe them out."

Hagrid looked stunned. "Are Muggles really that dangerous? I've met plenty of them—they can't do magic, can't make things vanish or turn mice into teacups."

"You're right, they don't have magic," Alex admitted. "But when it comes to raw destructive power? There's no comparison. Have you ever seen a spell that can destroy an entire island in one go?"

Hagrid's eyes widened. "Blimey! You're joking. There's no magic that strong, is there?"