
Harry Potter: Reincarnated as Dumbledore

An average guy reincarnates in Harry Potter as none other than Albus Dumbledore. How will he cope with that? What will he do now about the plot?

Don_Kanonji · Bücher und Literatur
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Let the plot start

[A.N. This chapter is the last part of the prologue, after this I hope to increase the pace, probably next will be the Halloween situation.

I admit that the last chapter was a bit over the top, but I couldn't contain myself. I promise though that this fanfiction will not be a parody whatsoever. The MC will probably be a bit boisterous at times, that because I think the comedy element goes well with the premise of the story. Still, there will be serious moments don't worry.

Thanks for the feedback once again, enjoy the chapter]

It was now late in the afternoon, nothing much happened at lunch and Dumbledore was lucky once again to avoid Snape.

It wasn't like Snape could suspect anything at all, but still Albus had known him to be a tricky costumer to fool. Given the terrible mistakes he did only few hours ago, it was good to be more careful.

The castle was empty when he got to the seventh floor, and it would still be empty the moment he would step down to the hall for dinner, just before the students arrival.

His business on the seventh floor, left corridor, regarded a one Room Of Requirement, hidden in the wall opposite the tapestry depicting the attempt of Barnabas the Barmy to tech trolls ballet.

He already knew the trick, walk past it three times thinking about what one needed and the door to the room would appear. He did exactly that, and a few moments later, when he turned the last time, he found himself looking at a big mahogany door.

Inside, the room wasn't as big as he thought of remembering, at best 200 square meters wide.

It was completely barren, save a row of wooden mannequins in the far end. They were made by a rod fixed on the ground, on top of which laid a durable and thick bust. They weren't completely the same as one another, but it seemed the sturdiness of the bust increased progressively going from left to right.

Albus didn't waste time and readied himself to create havoc in the room.

Magic, unlike what he always imagined, wasn't something one can feel flowing in the body. There definitely was a sort of 'presence' to it, but it was not so direct.

The best way to put it, magic was like a muscle, you know it's there and you can flex it if you want, but at the same time, it was really difficult to control. Like a muscle, only repeated exercise could grow its potency.

The ultimate key to exert magic on outside was intention. Yes, the incantation helped by stirring it and the wand helped focusing it in a point, but in the end it was the intent of the wizard that made a difference in the success of the casting process.

In veterans like Dumbledore intent came naturally, either with talent or after years of spell casting. That was the reason for Albus fear, he wasn't really Dumbledore at the end of the day, so what about his intent? Did it pass over as well?

He didn't have any problem using magic according to Dumbledore memories today, but that could be due to his panicked state of mind at the time.

Wand in hand he took a deep breath before flicking his wrist, slowly at first, trying to be as gentle as possible.


That had an effect, and the mannequin swayed a little back and forth.

He did it, somehow. Despite still not being familiar with the process, the spell came out like what he expected. Satisfied with the result of the depowered banishing charm, he tried few more times before gradually increasing the magic output.

'It' amazing. So it's safe to say now that at the very least I inherited Dumbledore magic capabilities in full. I don't even understand what I did a moment ago, but I was able to bent magic to my will so effortlessly.'

Just like that, Albus kept spamming spell after spell, slowly but surely increasing his control with each wave of the hand.

"AQUA ERUCTO!" was followed by a jet of water of medium power,

"BOMBARDA!" left a dent in the first bust, and the later

"BOMBARDA MAXIMA!" exploded the thing in thousands of pieces.

Albus took another deep breath, he was immersed in the feeling of power and could hardly contain his giggles.

Looking at the broken pieces of wood on the ground he said:


The output of magic this time, due to Albus excitement, was so great that, what should have been a levitation spell, flung the big splinter so fast that it embedded itself in the head of the second dummy.

Looking at the scene, Albus once again recollected himself.

'I can't lose myself in a sense of superiority, I need more control'.

Humbled by the mistake, the wizard started from the beginning and slowly, from the simplest, he made his way to the more complex spells in his repertoire. He didn't try, for the time being, silent casting or wandless magic.

Time flew and Albus had to reluctantly leave the room. As soon as he stepped out, the multitude of broken trash disappeared, and the door was enclosed in the bricks wall one more time.

'I have still a long way to go… I need to focus on 4-5 spells to create an usable arsenal for every kind of situation'

'From tomorrow I will also try the more complex stuff, transfiguration, defense and alchemy. As for dark spells… I'm still afraid of using those, if any one of them gets out of control, I don't dare to imagine what could happen.'


It was finally the time that most of the young wizards from all over the country were waiting for, the door to Hogwarts would open once more for another year of school.

Unlike muggles kids, who could only helplessly sigh in resignation at the idea of another boring semester of school, young wizards and witches savored every moment of it.

The new students were extremely giddy, and, between them, the muggleborn were especially excited.

Everything in the life of a muggleborn changed radically in the span of few months. The magical world was beautiful and they couldn't have enough of it.

Dumbledore was having the exact same feelings right now. He was occupying the central seat in the podium's table and had a genuine smile while watching the older students entering the hall.

Few minutes later and professor McGonagall was back with a long row of kids behind.

"Now, before we begin, professor Dumbledore would like to say a few things"

Albus was soon taken aback,

'Damn! I forgot about the introduction speech! I need to improvise'

He got up from his throne-like chair and with the calmest voice he could master said:

"I have a few notices to announce. The first years please note, the dark forest is strictly forbidden. Filch, ehm.. caretaker Filch ask me to remind you that the third's floor corridor on the right end side is out of bound. Thank you"

At the end, almost panicking, Dumbledore's memories saved him again. The dark forest remind was announced every year by the Headmaster and the third floor threat was a no brainer to remember from the plot.

After that everything proceeded like in the movies.

'So that is Harry Potter. Stop it, I can't be a fan boy right now. Snape, the arrogant potion master treated even me with sufficiency few minutes ago … the gall. But what's worse is that he kept asking about the status of the third floor, he really is annoying. However I was worried for nothing, he hadn't even tried to use legilemency, and why would he? That reminded me that the mental arts were the field were Dumbledore excelled. On that regard….'

Albus adjusted his half moon glasses on his nose, the light reflected on the lenses obscuring for a moment his eyes like only detective Conan could do.

His eyes right now were in full effect twinkling crazily. Looking around the room for his victim, his eyes met, if only for the briefest of moment, those of a third year slytherin. That half second, sadly for the boy, was enough for the professor to work his magic.

Passive legilimency like the one he performed, without neither incantation nor wand, unlike what most think, was not a full telepathy kind of deal, but more of a surface-thoughts reading. He could perceive thoughts, images, words and even emotions if strong enough, but hardly coherent monologues, the mind didn't work like that.

'Professor Sinistra…..big ass...'


"Albus are you okay?" asked a concerned McGonagall.

"Y-yes yes, the pudding is a bit dry…".

He broke the connection with the student, not before receiving a mental image of Sinistra in bikini.

'These teens and their crazy hormones…', he though glancing at professor Sinistra.

'Well…well deserved praises I guess… ehm mm'.

After the banquet was over he could finally retire to his own room, a beautiful king-size apartment with view directly on the lake.

First thing he obviously tried the bed, and it was so soft that not even a minute later he was in deep slumber. It had been a long day after all and he deserved his rest.

All the worries left him as his sleep got deeper. He would have a lot of work to do starting tomorrow, and being in top shape was the priority.