
Truly a Valuable Book


Ryan or I Should say Ekon woke up with a strong head pain, that he had to hold his head between his arms for an hour before the pain lessened.

(Ughh what was that dream, was that a memory of the kid before he died? Who was that?...).

(Ughh so much going on in this world and that world, I will call that world, Doom World for now,

I Should try to remember that dream once more).


(I think that man and that women were my mom and dad, and it seems I have a grandfather in this world and maybe more!, also it looks like our family is so strong! Based on my Father Fighting style, but what did those fuckers wanted from them, that they were ready to sacrifice themselves too?, that book must be valuable beyond measures!, and I saw my Father Summons Blood? That's certainly interesting, it seems my accident getting to this world won't be boring as I thought it to be).

(Sadly, they are Stuck in that Damn World, and I don't even know if they are Alive!, it Seems my mother told me to find my grandpa?, But I don't even know where he is at!, it seems First I need to get stronger to even begin searching for them, okay since that man is my father I will take after his surname, I will be called Ekon Fergus Najashi then, but I need to lay low for now, you never know what trouble will come to me, at least till I get in a safe place or become stronger or both!,

I should also look for that book, maybe it will teach me about that power they were using or something about my identity, best go the matron then).


I walk to the door, and open it, nobody was there, so I continue to walk till I saw room with dim light on, so I go and knock on the door, then I hear a voice, "Yes come in" so, I open the door and I see a women in her mid-40s.

"oh, you are that kid who got here two days ago, what is troubling you dear?", said the women

"Yes, I guess my head is hurt a little and I forgot somethings, can you tell why I'm here, I said in a fake timid tone",

Women looking at me with pity "oh dear, you must got through a lot these past days, you are in an orphanage, but don't you worry, we will take care of you In here, I found you unconscious outside the orphanage, with a bag containing some money, and a book",

(Me thinking: oh good! maybe the book she motioned might be the book those bastards wanted!, it's good that my parent have gone or they will be suspicions about their son character changing, I should ask for the book, and the watch, a pity she wouldn't give me the money because I'm a minor, and I should tell her I forget my name, and the only thing I remember about my name is Ekon).

"can you remember anything dear? you home? Parents name or your name?", said the women in a Hopeful tone.

"No, Sorry ma'am ... I only remember my name is Ekon, and nothing else", I said in a fake sad tone.

"don't you worry dear, it must be because of a shock!, I reckon a few days and you might remember somethings more".

"yeah maybe, but excuse me ma'am can you give me the book, I might remember something more about myself".

"of course, but Sorry dear, I can't hand you the money till you reach 17 or a parent or a Guardian take it, for now I will put it in a account to use for your education".

Me: "that's alright",

Women: "here you go, That's the book, and the watch",

Me: *I raise my hand to the book and take it*, "thank you for your help ma'am", I said in a thankful tone.

Then the women started showing me around the orphanage and told me the rules, when to eat... when to sleep, where my class...etc.

2 days later ...

(Finally, I have time to read this book)

I see the first page (THIS BOOK IS THE PRIVATE PROPRIETY OF NAJASHI FAMILY), Written in a red blood color, and then I flip to the second page, it was a paint of someone breathing in a stiff way, like he was in pain, I see the description, and I only see four words (magic absorption secret mediation).

I was dumbfounded, (is this real? There is magic in this world!? I'm I then in the Wizarding World? Harry potter!!?),

(Doesn't matter for now, I will know when I become 11 years old), then I flip to the Second page, and find the way on how to practice the mediation and what benefits will I get, there is 9 levels, each time I cross a level I will get to Awaken some bloodline abilities!!, when I try to Flip to the Third Page, I Felt my Power Being Sucked at a Fast Speed so I quickly removed my hand (WHAT THE HELL!, it Seems I need a huge Mp to see the next page, I tried to do the same to the 4, and 5 Pages, and it was all the same, *Slightly Disappointed Eyes* Shame I really want to know what left).

Note* Mp= Magical power, St=Strength

Second Page:

first level: two-man St, 8 Mp + Stronger Mentality + Fear Inducement

second level: ten-man St, 25 Mp + Stronger Mentality + Regenerative Healing Type I

third level: two Centaur St, 45 Mp + Eyes of Darkness + magic resistance against basic spells

fourth level: five Centaur St, 200 Mp + Animagus form + Regenerative Healing Type II

Fifth level: Giant St, 300 Mp + Poisons Resistance + and Stronger Magic resistance + Demonic Rage

sixth level: 10 Giants St, 600 Mp + instant Teleportation + First Transformation + Regenerative Healing Type III

Third Page:

Seventh level: ///// St, ///// Mp + /////

Forth Page:

eighth level: ///// St, ///// Mp + /////

Fifth Page:

ninth level: ///// St, ///// Mp + /////

The Requirements:

Second Page:

First level Requirement: 6 unit of Mp + Normally Continue to Mediate According to the way it Shows you in the book, and absorb magic till you feel that you filled your Sea of Consciousness.

Second level Requirement: 25 unit of Mp + Purify the Mp inside your sea of Consciousness according Meditation Technique, and then Convert it to a gaseous state and fill your whole Sea of Consciousness with it.

Third level requirement: 80 unit of Mp + Convert your gaseous Mp to a liquid State and fill your whole Sea of Consciousness with it.

forth level requirement: 300 unit of Mp + Convert your liquefied Mp to a Crystalized State core, and after that fill your whole Sea of Consciousness with a Purified Mp.

fifth level requirement: 600 unit of Mp + Enhance your soul using the Purified Mp and reach a soul power of 50.

sixth level requirement: 800 unit of Mp + reach Soul power of 100 + Mentality 100

Third Page:

Seventh level: requirement ////////

Forth Page:

eighth level: requirement ////////

Fifth Page:

ninth level: requirement ////////

info dumping: (Stronger Mentality helps defend against occlumency a lot more efficiently, and Training in Legilimency is easier),

also, a normal magical kid who ages from 1- 6-year-old Mp is 0.5, till age 7 which becomes 1,

First year in Hogwarts are usually 7,

Second year 14-24,

Third year 30-35,

Fourth year 45-60,

Fifth year 80-115,

Sixth year 150-250,

Seventh year 300-380.

so, a full-grown average wizard is 400, and a normal Auror and DeathEater is 550, and an experienced one like moody or Bellatrix is 680 same as the house head professors, also note that every magical person will have a core and it will form naturally when they grow up but it will stop growing in magic after they hit 17 of age, and they will have to Practice using magic a lot or find strong treasures filled with a lot of Mp if they want to progress, you could also use other means to progress like high level meditation Technique to make your own core! if you ask me why I need to make my core while it will grow naturally?, well for one it will be much more Stronger than a normal core and you can easily advance to stronger Stages/Levels more Easily!, but it has some conditions like,some Meditations requires you to have a specific Strong Bloodline of Wizards or a Mythical Creatures!.

a Pure Bloodline is Filled With Mp From Past Generations!, and sometime it can give certain Gifts like being talented in Potion or Charm, etc.. and if you are really lucky or have a strong pure bloodline or both, you might get some Unique abilities! such as tonks and her ability to shift or Voldemort who can talk to snakes and many more, that why the pureblood family always rule! even tho they are not a lot.

you can also use the meditation techniques without a strong bloodline, but it will be Harder to breakthrough to next stages, most you will get to is middle stages IF you have a really high aptitude, and if you want to go more than that you will need to use a strong source of Mp to Forcefully breakthrough!, but these things are rarer than dragons!, also you need a high aptitude in those high level meditation techniques, but a pity that most of them if not all of them were lost After the Warlocks Era!.

the book also has an amazing Features which Determine anyone stats, and it can also Store some stuff in it, limited Space tho.