
Restore and upgrade!

Name: Ekon Fergus Najashi

Age: 13 years

Mp: 81,1

St: ten-man

Mentality: 65.5

Soul Power: unknown


Later that day, I put the kid on my bed in the house I live in

"so kid, do you want to become normal again? *Kid looking at me a bit skeptical* don't you worry, you are in good hands right now" *gentle Smile*.

I went to my special little laboratory to make the Potions I experimented on the twins, at first I was gonna brew him a Magical Healing Potion, but I thought maybe it will be too strong for him!,

as soon as I Finished making those Normal Potions I headed to his room,

"alright Kid Don't be afraid you may Feel a bit of pain but don't you worry it's all good for you" He was a bit afraid despite the warning but I didn't care, after I gave him the Potions his legs and hand Started Healing a bit and nothing else! I was a bit Shocked of how the Potions have no major Effects on him! (Guess now you are consider Magical, Kid *Sigh*) but it was really strange how the hell can he be magical while his Mp is between a Squib and a Magical Kid! I tried to thought about it, but all I could come up with was that, I remembered that this kid was close to my room when I had my first breakthrough, and maybe, MAYBE I might have influenced him somehow!, (Holly Shit I made someone Magical!, but I will have to Confirm it First!), so the first thing I did was, Pumping my Mp into him, there was a Huge change in his Mp, it Reached Close to the edge of a squib and only a hair to enter a wizard! I tried to Pump even more but his Mp wouldn't budge anymore *Sigh* (I have to think of other ways to make him cross the line *Serious Face* but first let me Fix his body up with strong Healing Potions).

after I let him drink several healing potions, his body Started to recover at a Noticeable speed!, the only problem he is facing is the pain of his bones being destroyed and recovering!, He passed out If I'm right, 5 Times!, I'm telling you it's a hellish pain For his age at least *Smirk*.

1 Hour later ...

His Pain lessened Greatly, he can now even move his body a little bit!,

"So, how do you feel now?", I said

he just Stared at me with a Blanked Face, then his began tearing a bit, "who ever you are, thank you .." said Thales with a dry voice,

"no problem kid, but really how are you doing now?"

"I'm better, I feet a bit of strength within my body for once!" said Thales.

"alright that's good then, *Smile Lightly* now rest, I will go and make something for you which might be Helpful ...) I said Mysteriously.

(alright, I tried using my Mp with every Possible way, but nothing Changed for him, But there is something I didn't Use, my Blood! like how stupid of me! *Self Mocking Smile* my blood is the Source of my strong Mp!, I have to do it immediately!.

2 minutes later I came back to the room where Thales is, I had in my hand a small red bottle filled with one drop of my blood and Blended with water, I though my blood might be too strong for him, and I didn't want him to die exploding because of me!.

"Hello there again Thales, I made this medicine which will fix you up fully, and make you a new man!, but it might let you feel some hellish Pain, so bear with it, and don't you worry alright?",

"alright .." said Thales Trustingly.

as he drank the bottle, his first reaction was unexpected!, he just easily fell asleep!.

20 minutes later ....

I was almost gonna try to wake him up when I heard him Screaming like a he was on fire, (thank god I used the Imperturbable Charm to Silence the place), his body Changed Drastically, he grew more taller, his hair was almost to his waist now, his body became more manly and Masculine even his face became more manlier!, but it didn't stop there! he grew more hair all over his body!, his feet grew so much taller, his mouth grew to something like a wolf mouth ....

(HOLY SHIT MAN, how did he became a werewolf???) after I saw what he became I quickly took out my mini scythes, and an explosive potion, I was ready to fuck him up as soon as I see even a bit of Hostility! from him, but Nothing Happened after his transformation!, he just continued sleeping like nothing happened!, so I waited 10 minutes watching him, and nothing happened, so then I locked him with some Metal Chains, and I had it strengthen with my magic!, but to be sure I made an extra Potion explosive.

10 minutes later ....

Thales or the werewolf opened his eyes ! at that moment, I raised my guard fully, but the unexpected happened ! the, thhee werewolf talked !!.

"ahh, what happened to me?, hey ah ... Father?", said the werewolf a bit confused.

"heh, just call me Ekon *Smile* Strange how can you Talk? or even be you!?" I said asking myself.

"what?" Thales asked More Confused than ever.

"can you go back to your human form?" I asked him

"what?, what do you mean huma... before he continued talking I showed him his face in the mirror ...


"calm down it's very normal for your Condition ..", I tried to calm him down, but he wouldn't Listen to me so, I used a calming charm on him, and started making up an excuse "alright you see, there is magic in this world! *Showing him a bit of magic* he thankfully calmed a lot after that, "so, can you now go back to your form?" I said

"But How?" said Thales.

"I don't know, just try to imagine yourself human again?" I said


After Several attempts he Succeeded, and he was extremely tired, so I gave him a Healing Potion Just in case, "so, how do you feel now?" I asked him

"Never better, but who are you, truly?" said Thales Skeptically

"Well, you see I'm a Student at a school which teaches magic ..." I Explained him who I'm I, what is Hogwarts and Who he is really, but he was so tired, so I left him to sleep more, before I left the room I made sure the room is locked, I even charmed it!, I don't want him to wake and runaway on me!. so, later that day I took a blood Sample From Thales and I Began Analyzing it, the result was truly Interesting!, from his blood as it seems became Fully magical!, he is not a werewolf!, but he can transform to one!, but what really surprised me was his Strength!, it is Slightly Stronger than the Norma adult!, and he is only 10 years old, almost 11!, I guess then my bloodline had something to do with it!, but First I need to experiment it on someone else, someone who can I trust so, who's Better than Hannah!.

later on, in front of the orphanage *Sigh* "I'm really tired from coming to this Place!" I headed quickly to the matron office I didn't want to waste my time anymore, so I quickly Charmed her and told her to get me Hannah, I finished up quit quickly this time!, as we arrived to the house, it was already midnight, and Hannah was asleep in the car, so I carried her to the room next to mine, and put her on her bed to sleep.

tomorrow morning ...

I went to Hannah room, I entered, she's still asleep, so I Pushed her lightly trying to wake her, then she began to open her lazy eyes, at first she didn't believe what she's seeing "Ekoon?" she said.

*I Nodded Head* "Listen to me Hannah I need your help in something really important! can you help me?", I asked her

"Of course I would help you Ekon!, what wrong?, said Hannah worriedly

"Nothing Wrong *Smile* come on, get up and wash your face, I made Breakfast Downstairs".

"Alright .." she said


after eating her breakfast, I drank the tracing blocker Potion, I really need to make more of this Potion, anyway I drank the potion to Show her Magic and to tell her all about it, at first she was immensely Shocked, but I assured her it was no trick It's the real deal!, I gave her an option and said "Hannah look at me *Serious eyes* do you want to become like me?" I said to her.

"well ... YES I want to" she said Determinedly.

"think Carefully Hannah!, I'm telling it's and it will always be dangerous!, and You might even transform to something not human!, I said to her as I saw she was Deciding on it without Thinking, and I really want her to live normally If she want!, but the choice is to her, so I tried to warn her, "Yes I'm sure Ekon!, I don't care if I become non-human, Please let me do it! I wanna be Useful!" said Hannah Determinant more than ever!.

"heh, You Silly girl, you are already useful!, your Presence is enough for me" *Sweet Smile*.

she was a bit Embarrassed, but I didn't care, I told her to follow me to her room, first I told her what ever Happen don't panic!, and don't try anything without telling me!, I also told her, I have to chain her, she agreed on all of it and stayed calm on the whole thing!, that's why I'm Impressed with this girl *Smile*, I brought her the blood Potion, When She Drink it, she started Coughing a lot!, till she then coughed some blood then lost Conscious, I started to worry then, she wasn't like Thales who was Already half magical, I was afraid I might have her killed!, but it was to late for regrets ...

it's been 30 minutes since she lost Conscious ... then She suddenly Started to move in a Panicked way, I hold her hand, but she wouldn't wake up, so I moved a from her a bit, and just waited her to wake.

1 Hour Later She Stopped Moving ... I got closer to her, I tried to poke her to wake up, and then she finally opened her eyes!, the first thing I noticed was her eyes colors Changed she had Black Eyes, now it's Silver!, "What Happened to me?, did I changed?" asked Hannah with tired face.

"Yeah, don't you worry, everything is okay, now just rest, and don't about anything else" I said with a Firm face.

later at night that day ....

as I was making Dinner, Hannah Came down from her room looking Super Excited!,

"I told you to rest why are you up?" I told Hannah Seriously.

"don't you worry I rested more than Enough!, anyway Ekon, I want to Show Something!, look!, *She then aimed her hand to a spoon on the table and it Started Moving!!, I was beyond Relief when I saw this, I thought She Failed when She Didn't transform, and became a Squib!, but I guess I'm wrong now, and thank god, later that evening I taught some simple spells, and she Showed me how easily she can Master those Basic simple Spells!, I was truly Shocked, she is even better than that girl Hermione!, I have to say I'm immensely Proud of her! *Gentle Smile*.