
Hogwarts Express and the sorting Ceremony

2 months later ….

Name: Ekon Fergus Najashi

Age: 11 years

Mp: 19.9

St: two-men

Mentality: 58.9

Soul Power: unknown

I grew more Knowledgeable in potions, transfiguration, and mastered all of first year Spells, and I Started training myself in Occlumency after I bought a book about it in a shady shop in Knockturn Alley without the professor Knowing because I didn't know if a first year is allowed to learn this stuff?, it was Hard at first, but I quickly gotten the hang of it, and it seem I have little talent for it, it's similar to programming if I say honestly!, so now my mind will look like a small fortress if you try to see it, but that's not important right now, because tomorrow is the day I finally see Hogwarts!, so I better backup my stuff, and sleep early.

9:50 am …..

(Okay I'm all set now, better hurry to the Station, or I will be late).

As I entered Platform 9¾ it was 10:40 am, so I quickly try to find me an empty Compartment before they became full but thank god, I found one very quickly.

10:55 am …..

while I'm Chilling with myself and reading a book The door opened and I see two red haired twins,

"excuse me but ca… oh its Ekon I don't think that you will mind our Company?", "right mate, yeah you wouldn't mind!" said the twins after each other".

Before I said anything they already sat down *Sigh*, after that we talked about Quidditch, and tips on how to fly in a broom, and they told me about their legendary brother Charlie (Quidditch Player), we talked till the Trolley lady came, the twins didn't buy anything possibly because they didn't have money, so I bought three from everything, and invited them to join me in this grand Feast, they quickly replied Shamelessly, " if you insist", "Yeah if you insist Ekon".

When the train arrived it's Destination we got out of the train, and saw a half giant man talking to all of the students "alriyt all First yer Follow me", the man said as he turned around and started leading all of them away to the boats, of course me and the twins were on the same boat and another Kid named Lee Jordan, then we Saw A truly Big Castle, all of us were Shocked at it size, then we arrived and docked our boats, then we went with the rest of the students to the stairs, there was professor Mcgonagall waiting for us,

She said, "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments you shall pass through these doors and join your classmates but before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses." She then went on to say, "They're Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin." She finished as she glanced around at the newcomers faces "Now, while you're here, your House will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule-breaking, and you will lose points." the woman said with a stern face. "At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, Alright now Follow me.

When we all began walking through the hall, we looked up and noticed it was almost like a real sky, with candles floating just above their heads allowing for the room to be well lit. As we got to the front of the room, there was another table running across the back of the great hall with what seemed to be the school professors, they all stood up looking at us.

There was a dirty old hat on wooden chair, After we came in front of it, it began singing, a lot of children were a bit shocked at how a hat can talk!! let alone sing!!!.

Then professor Mcgonagall took out a scroll promptly, "Now, when I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses." She said whilst picking up an old looking hat, with a face formed from the lines formed through crinkles.

Soon after, she started calling out names one by one to which the student would step up, sit on the chair and be sorted. Whenever a student would have the hat placed on them, they seemed to shudder a little before calming back down.

I asked the twins which house would you want to join, "I don't know Ekon, but anything but Slytherin!", "yeah anything but that house, I guess we will be as our family and join Gryffindor plus Charlie and percy are there!", what house would you join Ekon?", asked the twins in a Curious tone,

I replied Slowly and Depressingly," I don't know maybe I will just be a squib and never make it" *Fake Sad Face*,

They Both were Shocked and Stunt,

"I have to say for masters in pranking *Smile Lightly* you are not very good in identifying a joke", I said in a satisfied tone, and boy I got them good,

"oh Ekon, you scared the hell out of us!", "yeah you did but we will get next time !!", they both said in confident embarrassed tone, (it was like I Dishonored them, *Laughing*.)

After that the professor Mcgonagall Called for Cedric Diggory, it put him like I expected, Hufflepuf, (that kid end was Kinda sad but Hey! Fuck it I don't want Change anything that will Effect me!).

The twins also as I Knew joined Gryffindor, then I heard my name.

"Ekon Najashi"

After professor Mcgonagall called my name, professor Dumbledore Glanced on me with a curious and shocked look, he seems to be thinking about something, (as I walk towards the hat, each step I walked, I became more calmer).

"oh, a strong mind you got there boy, but don't you worry I wouldn't dwell on your memories, said the sorting hat interestingly, alright I see you have Courage yes plenty of courage and I see cunning oh yeah a cunning fox you are, and you definitely are resourceful and you seem ambitious, and a have strong thirst for knowledge, also witty and creative, ah you will be Great in Ravenclaw or Slytherin , but you got no sense of loyalty nor you are kind enough, maybe only for your family or close friends, and you are quit ruthless it seems, so Hufflepuff is off the list, let me ask you boy, what house do you want, all three houses left are great for you, they will help you to become a great wizard, for me I recommend you Ravenclaw or Slytherin, but the choice is for you".

(Well Slytherin Will be kinda interesting maybe I could change somethings in there, and gain the support of those Super Rich Families and talented Followers!, and Ravenclaw will be a good house for me, but it's Hopeless there, and I can't gain followers that easily in there, also I knew almost to nothing about Ravenclaw even the Students! I only know Cho!, so Ravenclaw is also a no, even tho I want a room for myself, Gryffindor is mostly filled with idiots who will judge you at first sight, and expect you to die for your friends no matter what!, But the most important and real Reason is I don't want to mingle with Harry and his group, and get my Self in deep Shit at least not in his First Years so a no for me even tho I Could gain Fearless Followers I Would Also be Surrendered by morality Choices, and I can't act all the time as a saint or Righteous even tho I enjoy the company of the twins but I could always see them after class or in weekends so it's not the end).

"Ok hat I choose Slytherin",

"are you sure? Ravenclaw will help you more in your road to greatness".

"Yeah i'm sure",

"alright if you say so"


And then, the Slytherin table cheered but not much, they didn't knew my Family.

So, I walked to my house table greeting the one next to me as I sit, I saw the twins smiling bitterly and waving at me Slightly Disappointed from their table so I Smile Back and wave.