
Getting Ready

after half a month later I completed the Basic Spells Course I gave to the Kids (Hannah, Thales) so today, I'm gonna send Thales to Leo, I intend to make him hone his skills, and I also want him to get Strong as fast as he could, as the Tracing magic didn't take effect on him yet, as for Hannah she's gonna be with me, I want to open a Potions Store in Diagon alley, and I already have the Funds to rent a shop in a Popular area!.


Hannah and me are now in front of a shop for rent, before I came here, I already drank the ageing Potion, so my Safety isn't gonna be a problem.

as I enter the Shop I see a man in his early 20s, black hair, Tall, with a Strong Build.

"Hello sir, are you in Charge of this Shop?" I asked the man

"Yes sir!, are you looking for a shop to rent?" the man asked

"Well actually yes!" I said

"then you come to the right place!, my name is Thomas, what kind of business you wish to operate?" said the man

"I want a simple and a safe Shop to Sell Potions!" I said

"Excuse me sir!, are you perhaps a Potion master?" said Thomas respectfully

"no, I'm just an assistance working for him, and he would like to work on the shop as fast as he can, so if you could help us make the deal a little faster, he would be thankful" I said

"of course sir, but would you like to see the shop first?" said Thomas

"Alright then, show me around" I said

5 minutes later .....

"alright Mr .."

"oh, it's Mr. Mason" I replied

"you just have to Sign here, and here, and there, and you all good to go" said Thomas

"Can you Provide me an Experienced Staff?" I said

"of course sir!, but it will cost you a bit, if you want 2 People Running the shop it will be for 200G a month, if you want more People the Price will double", *Wide Smile* said Thomas.

30 minutes later, we finished all the necessary paper works, I Hired 2 People from them, I also Bought some Protection Charms and anti-theft Devices from them.

"Excuse me Sir!, You didn't tell me which name you want for the shop!?" said Thomas

"ah, I almost forgot about that, Hannah!, name it anything you want" *Sigh*

I wasn't in the mod for naming, I just lost 3200 for the monthly rent, but I will get it back, every Knut I lost and MORE!, and I just Finished Creating another new Potion which help to boost Stamina to a limited time!, I used the blood of weaker Magical Creature for now to make it, as I couldn't Handle more Stronger Creatures!, I tried to make a potion which will restore or boost magic, but I'm far away from making anything close to it *Sigh*, I'm becoming some sort of a blood Specialist now *Amused Smile*, I'm also on the verge of Finishing another Potion which will help Boost someone Strength *Wicked Smile* even Down there, with these Potion as my Shop Foundation I think I will do good *Smirk*.

after we finished from that business deal, I took Hannah to St Mungo's Hospital, I wanted to know if they can do anything about her Hearing, and maybe they can regrow new Ears or anything Helpful *Sigh* but to my Disappointment, they told me she needs to first have a full grown core (an adult) or the magic might be too strong for her, and they also told me the Pain of having someone regrow their muscle is too much to handle and they might not want it!, I'm truly Disappointed, but I promised Hannah I will do what ever I can, to get her back her Hearing!.

3 days later ....

I Finished my last Patch of Potions that I'm gonna send to the shop, I also thought to buy an ad from the Daily prophet, even though it will cost me, I still have to let the People know there is a new Potion Master in the area!, so I did it, and it cost me *Sigh* 800G!, that Shitty news Paper is Earning a lot of me money!, even though they have the reputation of always being a source of rumors! and incorrect news!, I have to buy Shares in it or even the whole newspaper!, those mindless sheeps will always believe what they say!, and that might be Helpful!, but now is not the time, and I don't have much money right now *Weak Smile*.

today I'm going to get Thales from Leo Training Class with him, I want to Train him Personally.

Thales P.O.V

"Keep going Thales, COME ON!, don't give up!" said Leo

"I CAN'T!!, I really can't ahhhhhhhh", then I dropped the weight I am Carrying

"you broke a new record kid!, you really are something!" *Excited Smile* said leo

*Foolish Smile*, "Let's do something else!, something more dangerous!" I said


Leo and Thales on top of a Building talking, "Thales are you sure, you wanna do this?" said Leo Nervously,

"Yeah, don't you worry, I'm gonna be alright!", I said

(Alright, if what Boss Said is true!, then I can probably make the jump!) I took a deep breath, relax my muscle, then as I walk to make the jump, a hand grabbed my neck from behind!!

Ekon P.O.V

"You Fucking Idiot!!, what the fuck were you thinking about!!!, do you want to kill YOURSELF!!?" I said furiously at how Those fucking Idiots could do a shit like that!.

"Boss!, I'm really sorry, it's my responsibility an..... before he said anything else I told him "Shut the Fuck up I will deal with you later, and you!, you will come with me!" I said

15 minutes later outside a small gang hideout ...

I was truly Glad now!, *Wide Smile* I don' have to Force Thales to somethings without a reason!,

"Thales!, as a Punishment *Hand him a Dagger* I want you to Destroy that gang there!, Leave non Alive!" I Ordered him with a Firm Tone,

"Kill???, you want me to kill them??"said Thales a bit Nervous and Excited,

"Yes, and right now, so GO!" I said,

then he walked slowly to one of the thugs, he stabbed him easily like a butter, after he Killed the thug, he lost Conscious!, (ah, I can't expect so much from a kid, but he did very good considering his age! *Smile Lightly*).

I obliviate the memories of the other Thugs who watched him kill their friend, then I waited till Thales wakes up, I don't want to break him!.

15 minutes later, Thales woke up Vomiting all over the place, I hold his head and told him "Better out than in, don't you worry, you did great!" I said trying to calm him.

5 minutes later he was finally calm, and relaxed, so I send him again to finish off the gang!, when he killed the first thug he encountered, he Froze a bit, but he quickly collected himself and continued killing those thugs till he finished the whole gang.

"Boss, *Tired Face* I Destroyed the gang, and that's all the money they had" *Hand me a bag full of money*

"keep they money, you earned it, you really did a great job" *Wide Smile*.

after that we went to my house, I wanted him to rest, we have a long day Tomorrow *Eyes Flashes with Ruthlessness*.

afternoon ... this morning Thales Destroyed 2 Small Gangs, I also taught him how to interrogate someone using Legilimency, but unfortunately, he doesn't have to talent in it!, so I instead I taught him how to torture someone!, but it went really well, it seems my boy Thales is a bit Sadistic *Laughing*.

this evening we are going to a big Gang!, one of the top 20 gangs in the whole of UK!, I want to show Thales how to deal with a gang like them.

up on a tall building, is me and Thales watching the big gang we want to destroy!,

"so Thales, tell me how Should we act?" *Smile Lightly*, I asked Thales

"well there are a lot of men down there!, and armed!, even the building is Secure as hell!, I don know, maybe if I transform to a werewolf, and you boss will back me up, we can hunt them Silently with the night cover?", said Thales

"a good idea, but that will not work!, you see those two cops over there" I said

"yes boss, I see them, but what they have to do with anything??" said Thales

"That's where you are wrong Kiddo, you see, that's a big huge gang, the cops can't just notice them and do nothing about!, but why those two are there and they seems even Friendly with them?, because the gang are in cahoots with someone Powerful from the Gov!.

Thales was Shocked, I told him "Today I will Teach you how to attack someone Powerful than you, without facing them head on, come with me ..."

"first thing we need to find, is information about their place of operations, and every details about important members of the gang" I said to Thales

so, for the next two days we were busy acquiring information all over the area!, I also tried to make some nasty rumors about the gang to the general Public, I want to make Pressure on that official who's backing up the gang from the shadow, I even made some members of their gang commit some hideous crime in the middle of the day using Legilimency, so, that should do some harm.

after all that, I launched the second Phase of the operation, which is, destroy all their shops and Proprieties, I also did an Excellent job by putting the blame on some other Big Rival gang members to do the destruction! using Legilimency, and I have to say, it ran Smoothly than I expected, it didn't take more than 5 days and the whole gang weakened to a whole new level, after that I assassinated the boss gang, and made it look like a suicide!, I also wrote a letter containing they names of all those who are implicated with gang!, and put it beside him, I let the news Spread like wildfire, it truly shocked the whole Country, *Smug* But the most Important thing I did was, Robbing them of all their money before the rest of the members ran, and the Police confiscating it, *Wide Smile* I took almost 10M Pound!.

that gang fall has helped us immensely to rise to become one of the lesser big gangs in The whole UK!, but Now I need to lay low, because I know those top 5 gangs are backed up by some dark Wizards!, by doing simple Observation on them, and I don't want fuck with them, yet.