

Ryan is the top University Student in his Last Year, majoring in programming, and won numerous prizes on his Inventions, and he was also an accomplished Athletic. he was simply a genius and a bit Crazy tho, he had a rough childhood, his father who constantly beating him was a drunkard and gambler who got himself in a huge debt and many problems, but the worst thing his father did was beating his mother to death while drunk! he would have also beaten his son to death if not for the neighbors calling the Police about a noise complaint!.

Late at night Ryan was working on a project with a few of the top Students, some majoring in engineering and some in mathematics.

Ryan and his Colleagues with the lead of their professor were working on a machine that allows materials to be teleported to another place using a new kind of energy that they Discovered lately in an ancient Place in the Arabian Peninsula.

in the early morning…...

"Dany Danyyyyyyy, quickly get your Ass to the lab and Power up the Machine", said Ryan.

"Ok ok I'm coming, but what about the Professor?, he is not here, how can we run it without him?".

"Yeah I know, but I can't wait for him, I just thought of an idea that maybe will be the breakthrough we need, so quickly do what I told you and get the rest of the team if they are in dormitory".

"Ok I'm on it" said Dany,

then he ran to the dormitory only to find 4 colleagues of the team, the rest were in classes, so he did not bother them.

10 minutes later …

"Ryan, I got the team, where are you?", said Dany loudly.

"I'm up here and where the rest of the team?", said Ryan.

"They were Busy", said Dany wryly.

*Sigh*, "ok Dany, power up the machine, I already made the changes on it, Sam go with Dany and help him, and for John and Jake you well be helping me if anything goes wrong, and lastly Sarah you will record everything Happening to the machine, ok let's begin".

"Alright here we go" said Dany, and then pulled the Heavy lever with Sam, the Machine Started making buzzing noises, and heating up quit quickly.

"Ryan the Machine is Heating up above the Safe level", Said John in worried tone.

"That's Normal after the changes I made" said Ryan.

five minutes later....

"RYAN IT"S CLOSE TO THE DANGER LEVEL!!", said John in a scared tone.

"Keep going, I feel it will work this time, just a little more and it will work" *Eyes Flashes with Madness*, said Ryan.

After 1 minute the book that they put in the Machine to test it for teleportation Disappeared.

After a moment of silence ...

"OMG!! It Worked it Worked Guys" Dany said loudly and excitedly.

Everyone was Smiling and excited because after this day they will be entering a new era!, an era they contributed to make.

but fate was never kind ....

While everyone was happy and excited Ryan never relaxed he was watching the machine and had a bad feeling after the book disappeared so fast and never came back, and suddenly the Machine started making a loud ear piercing noise that made their hearts skip a beat, and then from the place the book disappeared, a light appeared that grew bigger by the second till they could not see, and then *BOOOOOOOOOOM!* Everything was black.

Hi Guys, I just wanted to let you know that the story might seems a bit rushed in the early Chapters but don't you worry when we get to where Harry Shows up I will slow it down, and thank you for reading my novel I hope you have a good time

xN2jcreators' thoughts