
A New Beginning

Sometime later ...

(ahh where I'm I, I'm I still alive?? where is everybody?, and why I can't open my eyes!!, and why I feel like my whole body is numb), I Thought,

and then I tried to move, but I couldn't, after a moment I realized that my body wasn't mine!,

instead it was a body of a little a kid!!, then I began to panic, and tried to move more till I was exhausted, then I heard some voices that sounded anxious, and after that I blacked out

two days later…

(ugh where I'm I?, that's was one weird nightmare I got), but I realized now this wasn't a nightmare after seeing my Surrounding.

(okay I need to calm down and just breath...…. "ha ha ha! ha ha!" but I couldn't but laugh a bit hysterically).

after Several Hours of almost breaking down I unusually became Calm, and Started to think and Get my shit together *Sigh*,

(I should go look around), I said.

So, I got up from my bed, and head straight for the door.

(Alright First of all I need to find someone to ask some questions!).

But when I opened the door what surprised me was a bunch of kids eating and talking so, I walk out to the closest kid to me, and ask him


Me: Hi.

Kid: hello.

Me: can you please tell me what place I'm I in?

Kid: Don't you Know?, you are in an orphanage, kid said in a sympathizing tone.

Me: no, I just got here not long ago, but anyway can tell me which day its, and what city I'm I in?

Kid: its April 3, in London.

Me: and what year its, Sorry I think my head got hurt so much that I forgot the year.

Kid Looking at me a little bit Shocked: you must go to hospital then, better ask the matron! anyway its 1981.

Me: oh, never mind me I will take care of my head, and thank you,

Kid: no problem, and then he continued to eat.

so, I left to the room I came from.

5 minutes later ...

(Alright now I'm better, but how the fuck did I got in here, and why the hell I'm I in a 4-year-old kid body?, but most importantly why I'm in the year 1981, this doesn't make any sense!!),


(I get why I'm the past, definitely because of that damn machine, but why did it put me in a kid body)?

(ahhh, never mind all of this now, my head is buzzing so much I think it will explode, I better get some sleep first).


"Hahahahahhahahahahahahaahahaha, you didn't think we will find you Lord Najashi!, hahah, just give up and hand me that little book of yours, and I may spare your family", said the man with an aura of death backed up with thousands of titans, in a Threatening tone.

"You will kill me and my family regardless, so I better at least take one of you with me", said an ordinary looking man whose eyes were filled with Darkness same as his hair and a strong aura of bloodlust, with a woman beside him and a scared shitless boy in his arm.

"Go and KILL HIM FOR ME", ordered the man with the deathly aura.

five hundred titans with bloodshed eyes started running towards the family with hammers in their hands,

"Honey quickly take Ekon and RUN! as fast as you can", said the ordinary looking man,

the women were hesitate at first, but she quickly steeled her heart, and took the kid from his hands, and said in loud voice, "I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU!",

then she did a secret dark art, and started muttering some ancient words, she looked pale and weak after that, and then a portal leading to their original world has appeared in front of her,

the kid started carrying "mommy, I don't wnna leave I want to be with you and dad", *Crying*,

"I'm so sorry baby but you are so weak right now, mommy is weak too she can't protect you*sob*, you have to find your grandpa at all cost and warn him about the doom that will come *sobbing* ".

after that she hugged him tightly for the last time and handed him a book, and a watch then she put them inside the book.

The man looked at his wife and then said "I'm sorry dear, it was because of me!", in a guilty tone,

then he turned to the Titans who were running towards him, and Shouted in a Raged tone,


His Hair Began Changing Completely to White, His Black Eyes Became RED in the middle, even his aura changed! it became Chaotically Savage, He then lifted his right hand upward straight to the sky in just a second the sky began rumbling and buzzing and quickly a domain of blood! began forming around them and those five hundred Titans, the blood Formed like a Raging Storm and Struck all those titan who were heading towards the family!, nothing was left of them!.

"YOU ARE DEAD! YOU HEAR ME!! I WILL EXTRMINATE YOUR WHOLE BLOODLINE", said the man with the deathly aura enraged.

And then he shot a black arrow towards the little kid who was entering the portal.

"NO!!!" the ordinary looking man was running towards the arrow as fast as he could, but it was too late, he was far away inside the battlefield with the Titans,

When the little kid entered the portal, he was struck with that black arrow in the back, he felt his soul burning, he started losing vision, the last thing he saw was his mother blanked Paled face, and the Sky becoming Chaotically Black!.

Then everything went dark.