
Harry Potter: Love's Second Chance

In the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Hermione are offered an extraordinary chance by the Goddess of Love: the opportunity to travel back in time and rewrite their destinies. As they navigate the challenges of a new timeline, they uncover startling truths about those they once trusted, revealing the true natures of Ginny, Ron, and even Dumbledore. ============= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

ScarlettRose00 · Bücher und Literatur
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42 Chs

Soul Bound

"As I said, you both need to understand a little more about the other. Harry, you will now see why Hermione has a hard time not respecting authority figures. Like you, she didn't have friends at school, and the only people who would protect her were the teachers and her parents. Hermione, you can now get an idea of how badly Harry was treated in his youth, and understand why he doesn't like bullying teachers like Snape. Early on at schools he tried to complain to the teachers, but they just reported it to the Dursleys, who then beat him for complaining. That is also why he feels he has to solve the issues himself all the time."

Harry and Hermione looked at each and nodded, each with an understanding that they would discuss it later.

"Now, the memory dump also will help you control your Occlumency. Now are you ready? I'll count to three and then send you back so take a deep breath and -"

" – One – "

" – Two – "

"Oh, when you get back there you might want to check yourselves out on that Marauder's map of yours. You might find out something interesting."

"Wh.." Harry started but then

" – Three – "

The white room faded around Harry and Hermione, as for the next several minutes they were awash in something indescribable. Colors, sounds, and even smells seemed to fly by as their senses were overloaded. Suddenly everything steadied, and they found themselves in a familiar spot. They were sitting side by side on a sofa in the Gryffindor common room. Around them laid the evidence of a large party, as litter, empty butterbeer bottles and other party supplies were scattered over the floor.

"Are...are we back in time?" Hermione asked but as she turned to Harry she knew they were. Though his brilliant green eyes still were the same, she could tell Harry was definitely two years younger.

"I think so," Harry replied, making the same observation of Hermione.

"I…I guess that means it's all true…..about everything," Hermione said. "She really was a deity."

"It seems that way," Harry agreed.

"I wonder when we are."

Harry's eyes swept the room and a familiar site greeted him. He nodded toward the table near the back of the room where a Silver Quidditch cup was sitting. "Got to be end of fifth year," He nudged a bottle with his foot. "Must be the leftovers from the party from that night."

"That would have been the end of May," Hermione replied. "You weren't playing, but... oh we met Grawp that... I mean today."

"So..." Harry looked at Hermione. "Where do we begin?"

"Well, first we have to remember that we can't do magic outside of Hogwarts," Hermione reminded him. "We're both under seventeen again."

"True," Harry sighed. It'd be another year and two months before he'd be 'legal' again.

"I only have to wait until September," Hermione added.

"Lucky you," Harry grumbled.

"I wonder if Harry's still okay with us. Is he going to regret it in the morning?"

"I'm more than fine with us, Hermione," Harry replied as he looked over at his new girlfriend. "And I'm not going to regret it in the morning."

"I…I didn't say that out loud, Harry," Hermione sputtered. "I only thought it," Her eyes went wide as a possible realization hit her. "Can you hear this?"

"What?" Harry exclaimed as he clearly heard Hermione's voice but could see she wasn't speaking. "Uh…yeah I did hear it. What's going on?"

"You try it, think something to me," Hermione said urgently.

"I love you Hermione."

Hermione blushed but smiled. "I love you too, Harry," She replied softly.

"What does this mean?" Harry asked. "This mental talking thing?"

"I don't know, but it has got to be something with us being soul mates," Hermione replied but then Miranda's voice echoed through both of their minds, "In heart, in mind and in soul you are bound."

"So this is the mind?" Hermione responded to the Goddess's voice.


"Heart is our love?"


"What about soul, what does that mean?"

"Did you check that map yet?"

"No, but what does that have to do with it?"

"Check the map dear, just check it."

"What could be on the map that would have something about our souls?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, but go grab it and let's find out," Hermione replied.

Harry raced up the steps and then quietly crept into his room. He only gave Ron's curtained bed a glance before he opened his trunk and pulled out the map.

Back in the common room, he unfolded the parchment. He then tapped it with his wand as he recited the all too familiar words. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good," As he finished, lines and dots spread out of the parchment, until the entire school was drawn. Harry and Hermione quickly turned the gaze upon the Gryffindor Common room where they saw a little dot marked 'Harry Potter' sitting next to another dot labeled 'Hermione Potter'.

"What the bloody hell?" Hermione screamed in her mind.

"Language, love," Harry thought.

"You aren't the one sitting there with a last name suggesting that I am…we are…married," Hermione yelled mentally.

The giggling voice of the Goddess reappeared in their minds. "Bound in soul, yes you are married in the magical world. You can choose to tell or not tell, but it can be verified in the magical records office. You have no fear of any love potions or in this case jealousy potions as nothing can come between you two. Have a wonderful life; I'm off to finally have that Champagne."


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