When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
"Yes." The head healer said, surprise in her voice clearly showing that she didn't expect a Midgardian to be so intelligent.
"Quantum field generator." Jane mouthed to Thor with a smile that caused Thor to develop one of his own.
"You two are so sickeningly cute." Harry said in an amused voice that caused Thor to cough and Jane to turn red while a few of the healers chuckled.
"Are my words mere noises that you ignore them completely?" Someone said, everyone turned to see someone walk into the room. It was an old man followed by a bunch of guards, he didn't look as old as Dumbledore but you could tell that he was old. In fact he was probably older than Dumbledore could ever hope to reach considering he was an Asgardian. He had a white beard, shoulder length white hair, gold armour and a gold eye patch on his right eye, reminding Harry a little bit of Fury. Harry could quickly tell that he was someone of importance judging by the state of his armour, the way he talked to Thor who was a prince and the fact that they were in a palace.
It wasn't that hard to work out who he was, this was clearly Odin, Thor's father and King of Asgard. According to what Harry knows about Norse mythology Odin is the supreme god of war, death and wisdom, but also of poetry, prophecy, victory and hunting to a lesser extent.
"She is ill." Thor said in response.
"She is mortal," Odin said in a dismissive voice as he waved his hand, causing the orange image to disappear. "illness is their defining trait."
"I brought here because we can help her."
"She does not belong in Asgard any more than a goat belongs on a banquet table." Odin said in a tired voice.
"Hey! Who do you think you are?!" Jane demanded, obviously not liking the way she was being talked to and clearly had not yet worked out who he is.
"I am Odin, leader and king of Asgard." Odin calmly answered, causing Jane to falter.
"There is something in her father, something I haven't seen before." Thor spoke, hoping to convince his father how important this was.
"Her world has it's healers, they are called doctors." Odin said in a bored voice. Harry, who wasn't really sure what to expect when meeting Thor's father, did not expect this. Quite frankly he was disappointed and Odin may not have realized it or even cared but Harry had decided that he did not like him.
"Oh silly us," Harry drawled, bringing the attention of Odin and everyone into the room on to him. "doctors! How could we forget doctors? I mean we must be really stupid to travel all the way across the bloody universe for something that any one of the millions of doctors on our world could fix." Harry said sarcastically. "Wait, it's almost as if this was something that doctors couldn't fix."
"You will watch how you speak to me." Odin said in a warning tone.
"Father, this is Harry Potter," Thor began. "he's warrior name is Grim. He helped me in my battle against the destroyer and fought alongside me at when I was fighting the Chitauri in Midgard."
"Why is he here?" Odin frowned at Thor.
"He is a wizard, a powerful one, I was hoping that he could help." Thor explained.
"Can we quit wasting time here already?" Harry interrupted before Odin could speak. "Dying woman over here." Harry added as he pointed to Jane.
"She is mortal," Odin reminded him. "I see no reason to waste time prolonging the inevitable."
"Hmm," Harry walked towards Odin, his guards readied themselves in case Harry prepared to attack. "tell me something, Thor. Can Asgardians die?" Harry asked as he stepped in front of Odin and looked him in his one working eye.
"Harry," Thor began. "I don't think…"
"Can… Asgardians die?" Harry repeated, cutting off Thor.
"Yes." Thor admitted in a quiet voice.
"Hmm, so then that means that I am the only true immortal in this room." Harry said in a tone of mock surprise. "So Odin, you're an old man, even by Asgardian standards, what do you say we stop 'prolonging the inevitable'?" Harry said, his green eyes flashing.
"You dare to threaten me?!" Odin yelled, furious that this person dared to talk to him like that. "I am Odin! King of Asgard!"
"And I am Harry Potter, army killer, man-who-conquered, and the immortal 'Master of Death'." Harry calmly replied.
"I…" Odin paused as he finally registered the last thing that Harry had said. "…'Master of Death'?"
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