
Harry Potter: I'm James Potter.

Edward is considered the most promising heir of the Rothschild House, a very powerful European dynasty; however, he dies at the early age of 15 years while saving the life of an ordinary child. For many, it would be a misfortune to meet such a fate when you have the power to control the world, but for Edward, it was not so, as he was never happy despite being considered a super genius. When he thought it was the end, he was reincarnated as a baby named James Potter. A name he knows very well since, in his past life, he secretly read a book titled "Harry Potter."

Nathe07 · Bücher und Literatur
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208 Chs

Slughorn Club

James knocked on the door twice. After a few seconds, the door was opened by Professor Slughorn, who invited them in. He was surprised when he saw Gwen standing next to James.

He knew the Shafiq family, and they were very radical about their ideals. Like the Nott's they would not get along with blood traitors, but here was the eldest daughter of the family next to James.

'The Shafiq sisters seem to be different from normal Slytherin students,' Slughorn thought with a slight smile.

He had put Emily Shafiq in a group with James, and so far they never had any problems working as a team. He did not invite Emily as in Potions she does not demonstrate above-average talent. And in other areas, he did not see that the girl had excelled.

This is because Emily doesn't want to stand out. Having average rankings and getting through the year is good enough for her.

"Follow me this way," Slughorn said, leading the way, especially for James, who didn't know where dinner would be held.

Last year James had known the Potions professor's office, but only the first part which was where he had his desk, shelves with books, and many ingredients.

Passing through another door they came to a place the same size as the previous one, but dedicated to serving as meetings for the exclusive club.

The room is illuminated by a magnificent crystal chandelier suspended in the center of the ceiling. It casts glints of light on the main table. The walls are adorned with many pictures and paintings.

In the center of the room is a circular table of solid oak, polished to a lustrous shine. The table is surrounded by chairs that have intricate designs and are upholstered in crimson velvet.

Everyone seated at the table turned their heads and looked at James and Gwen, who had just arrived. Especially James since he was the newest member and created quite a stir these past few days.

Slughorn walked over to his seat and took three cups. He handed one to James, one to Gwen, and kept one for himself.

"Listen, everyone," said Slughorn, raising his voice, "Let's toast and welcome the new member, James Potter," he added with a smile, raising his glass and making a slight gesture with his head.

They all raised their glasses and toasted. Then they clapped classily and lightly. Some are less enthusiastic than others.

'Reminds me of the first time I went to the Dragon Club,' thought James, looking sideways at Gwen, who had been on both occasions. Gwen was the one who was clapping the most enthusiastically and with a genuine smile. She was happy that she could share more time with James.

Anastasia looked at Gwen's smile angrily. She couldn't believe that her best friend had betrayed her. She was smiling at the person who knocked her out and humiliated her in front of everyone. She didn't remember that James was Gwen's friend in the first place and saved her in childhood. Her brain could not function properly. She felt nothing but resentment towards Gwen and James.

Rabastan, who was close to Anastasia clenched his glass tightly. Since when is Gwen Shafiq so close to his nemesis? Only he thought of James as a mortal enemy. James had already forgotten him.

He had never seen Gwen together with James at Hogwarts. The hatred and resentment he felt towards James grew, but he didn't dare to show it and confront him directly.

"Let me introduce you to everyone," Slughorn smiled at having a very talented new member.

The professor began to introduce him one by one to the members of the club. To James' surprise, he knew almost everyone.

The acquaintances he got along with were Gwen, Lily, Severus, Frank Longbottom, Erika, and Narcissa Black.

With Narcissa, he had practiced a couple of times at the Dragon Club, and their relationship was neutral. He concluded that having Andromeda as a sister made the cold princess less classist than the average pureblood wizard.

Among the acquaintances he didn't get along with were Anastasia Nott, Rabastan Lestrange, Tianne Windsor, and her older brother. The latter two he only knew because the professor had named them earlier.

"I hope you can settle your differences. It wouldn't be nice if they ruined dinner," Slughorn said as he introduced Anastasia, who didn't disguise her angry, hateful expression as she looked at James.

"Yes, of course. Nice to meet you, Anastasia. I hope we can get along," said James with a kind and gentle smile that seemed like he was talking to an old friend.

"S-sure," said Anastasia, stuttering surprised at how relaxed James sounded. It seemed like they had previously not quarreled. Now she could better understand the fear Goyle and the other Godric's Hollow boys felt towards James.

Among the members he didn't know were: Lucius Malfoy. The Malfoy family is an ancient and wealthy family of blood wizards. They belong to the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

A seventh-year Hufflepuff boy James had never seen. Nick Carrow the boy James knocked out. And lastly a girl with short dark brown hair. The girl's name was Alicia Prewett. James knew she was a cousin of his two friends Gideon and Fabian, but he had never spoken to her.

Frank gestured to James and sat down next to him next to Gwen. At the circular table, there was a clear separation. In the right semicircle sat: James, Gwen, Frank, Alicia, Lily, and Erika.

In the other semicircle sat: Anastasia, Rabastan, Nick, Lucius, Narcissa, and Severus. On the sides joining these two groups sat: Professor Slughorn, the Windsor brothers, and the Hufflepuff Boy.

'Oddly, he's not next to Lily,' thought James looking at Snape, who also looked at him.

James, by the time he started studying next to Lily, could tell that Lily and Snape had been best friends since childhood. Similar to James with Gwen and Emily.

He noticed that Snape didn't seem at all happy to see him and Lily studying together, but he couldn't do anything to stop that from happening either. On the odd day or two, he would join them in study, but transfiguration was not what the Slytherin boy was most passionate about.

Snape begins to give less importance to the study sessions between James and Lily when he finds out about James' relationship with Gwen. He had nothing to worry about.

The atmosphere at the table was silent. Both groups of people looked at each other not knowing what to say.

On the table spread out an exquisite selection of dishes each filled with culinary delights. Most assuredly prepared by the school's house elves.

"Ahem... Let's start with dinner. It's not good to eat cold," said Slughorn, noting the tense atmosphere.

Dinner began. Each group conversed in low tones and glanced sideways at the other group.

'The atmosphere was changed just by the presence of this boy,' thought Slughorn with a strange expression. Although there were some differences, especially between Gryffindors and Slytherin it wasn't as much as it was now.

"Hey, James you're getting pretty famous this last while," said Frank, chuckling under his breath.

"Yeah... It wasn't my plan," said James with a slight grimace. Now every time he walked down the corridors of Hogwarts he felt the gaze of many people on him, more than he had before.

"Well, they brought it on themselves. You've done well to teach them a lesson," Frank said, taking a serious tone and looking sideways at Anastasia and Nick.

He had heard about them making fun of Henry's death and found it distasteful and very disrespectful. His mother was an old friend of Henry's.

"I never thought I'd hear those words out of your mouth, Frank," Alicia said with a surprised look on her face.

"Well... There are times when you have to break a rule or two," said Frank, coughing and looking at Alicia a little embarrassed.

Frank is known for being very strict with all the rules of the school. Superior to Lily. He's the leader of all the nerds at least from third year on down.

"Mm, it could have come to a better scenario. I'm not saying what you did was all bad. But you could have challenged them to a duel and taught them a lesson there. Like you did with that Lestrange boy," Alice said looking at James.

Alice like Frank was a nerd who followed the rules to the letter and was stricter than Frank. She didn't think it was right that one student had knocked out two students. As much as she didn't like Anastasia and Nick they deserved it.

"Yeah..." said James, who wasn't expecting to get a sermon.

"They brought it on themselves! James acted right. Now they'll think twice about things before they make fun of someone!" said Erika in a high tone and without a care in the world. The Slytherin students heard this and looked at Erika, who smiled at them showing her white teeth.

She didn't mind starting an argument with it. It would only make dinner more interesting and less boring. However, none of the Slytherin students dared to start an argument with Erika.

She was known throughout the school as the current leader of the Dragon Club, and her skills were the best within her year and all of Hogwarts in general.

"Speaking of another topic. Do you already have any idea what electives you'll be choosing?" asked Frank, ending the conversation so that no fight would happen at dinner.

"Yes. I'll be taking Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes," replied Lily enthusiastically. She already wanted the third year to start so she could see these subjects that were catching her attention.

If it were up to her she would sign up for all of them, but it is not possible. There's not enough time, and she would have to be in two places at the same time.

"Oh those are difficult subjects," said Frank, referring to Arithmancy and Ancient Runes.

"What about you?" he added, looking at James.

"Arithmancy and Ancient Runes," replied James.

"Nothing else?" asked Frank, thinking that James would sign up for more subjects as he was the top student in his year and showed great talent.

"None more," replied James without explanation. With his routine, he had no time. Even having two more subjects would make his routine harder to organize.

Dinner continued without any conflict. Largely because of Professor Slughorn's presence.

"Does Snape always sit with them?" asked James in a low tone, speaking to Lily.

"Yes..." replied Lily in a dejected tone, looking at her best friend who was seamlessly integrated into the Slytherin group.

'That idiot. He's always after Lily, and now that he can talk to her he hangs out with those supremacists?' thought James a little annoyed.

The supremacists that Snape hung out with hated and despised the mudbloods. The category that Lily falls into. James wondered if Snape was an idiot or unaware of this.

"What are you two talking about?" asked Gwen approaching James and poking near James' ribs with her finger.

"Ouch," complained James, slightly looking at Gwen, who had a frown on her face for some unknown reason.

Since James didn't answer her question, Gwen continued poking his back with her index finger.

"We were talking about Snape," James replied in a low tone and a quick manner.

"Mm," grunted Gwen none too pleased. Luckily, Lily was already talking to Alicia. The two of them had been getting along very well ever since they met at the Slughorn Club.

"You're the only Slytherin student at this part of the table. Don't you feel weird?" asked James, changing the subject.

"No. If there's you, I don't mind," replied Gwen in a very low tone.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you," said James, moving closer to her.

"Nothing. Shut up and eat or you'll get cold," said Gwen, pushing a fork with a piece of food towards James, who had no choice but to eat it or his mouth would have been broken.

'What's wrong with her all of a sudden?' thought James, confused as he munched on the delicious food.

Several people at the table were watching this in disbelief. Gwen Shafiq was feeding James Potter. Few people knew that these two were close.

Gwen was very popular. She was the eldest daughter of the Shafiq family and one of the top students in her year. And unlike Anastasia and other girls, Gwen's beauty was at the top of the girls at Hogwarts. She had inherited her mother's beautiful features.

The party ended without a hitch. Although it was an hour where he could be practicing or studying, James didn't think it was wasted time.

He was able to improve his relationship with Frank, Alicia, Erika, and Lily. Very talented student who could become a future allies to help him against Voldemort and his followers.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.

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