
Birthday of Narcissa I

On the outskirts of a village known as Bath was a large mansion surrounded by trees. Bath is located in Somerset, a county in the West Country of southwest England.

This mansion is the home of Narcissa Black and her parents: Cygnus and Druella. Bellatrix no longer lived here, as she married Rodolphus Lestrange and left the house. As for Andromeda, she was expelled, but she would still go to live with her husband.

In one of the many rooms of the mansion, Narcissa was sitting on a stool looking at herself in a mirror. Behind her was Druella, a middle-aged woman of elegance and neatness. She was gently brushing Narcissa's long hairdo.

"You look beautiful," complimented Druella to her daughter.

"Thank you, Mother," Narcissa said, admiring her beauty in the mirror. She had inherited her mother's beautiful traces and her blonde hair, a very different sign from everyone in the Black family who was characterized by black hair.

"Your sixteenth birthday. You are a proud one. In just two years, you will finish Hogwarts and with excellent grades," Druella said with a slight smile.

Her three daughters were perfect. This is in the past because Andromeda made a grave mistake and brought great shame to the family by marrying a mudblood. She doesn't know at what point her middle daughter fell in love with that dirty wizard.

Druella held Andromeda in high esteem. She loved all three of her daughters equally, but if she had to choose one, she would select Andromeda. Obviously, before she married the mudblood.

All three girls were beautiful and geniuses, but Andromeda had a perfect personality, kind, noble, and neat. On the other hand, her eldest daughter, Bellatrix had a strong and rebellious character, sometimes very aggressive, which caused problems or fights at home.

Druella was reassured that Bellatrix's rebelliousness was different from that of her cousin Sirius, who is friends with mudbloods and half-bloods. Her daughter is a very extreme extremist. Much more than she and her husband, so she doesn't mind that rebelliousness since she doesn't support mudbloods and half-bloods.

On the other hand, her youngest daughter, Narcissa is perfect in appearance, she was even the only one to inherit her blonde hair, but she is too cold and expressionless. Too much for her taste. This caused problems in finding a candidate to be her husband.

It is very difficult for her to accept a boy as she does not consider them worthy of her. After all, the Blacks are considered the noble and oldest pureblood family. They were magical royalty, 100% pure.

Druella took the marriage of her daughters very seriously. They had to keep the bloodline pure. She could not tolerate another failure like Andromeda.

"Lucius is coming today. I'm sure he will bring you a gift to your liking," Druella commented.

She was referring to Lucius Malfoy. A Hogwarts boy in the same year as her daughter who is also a prefect and one of the best students in his year.

Druella gradually got her daughter to like this boy a little bit. Lucius was also making an effort. He considered Narcissa a beauty worthy of him and his noble family name. Who wouldn't want to marry someone from the oldest House the Blacks?

"I wonder what gift he will bring me..." said Narcissa, waiting for Lucius' gift. She had approached the Malfoy boy. His notes and familiar backing were good. So were his manners.

'Though his aura is not as peculiar as his...' thought Narcissa, remembering the image of James in the courtyard half sweeping the floor with several Slytherin students and terrifying them with his presence alone.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Druella, noticing Narcissa's thoughtful look.

"I forgot to tell you that I invited James Potter..." replied Narcissa after a few seconds.

"James Potter..." muttered Druella without changing her expression. An image of a boy with jet hair and blue eyes like her daughter's popped into her head.

She did not meet him in person. She saw him in a picture published in the newspaper about the ceremony that made him Lord Potter. She also knew him from the thirteen-year-old boy who cast a corporeal Patronus in the shape of a dragon and the boy who defeated a DADA professor who was actually a dark wizard.

'Oh, also I almost forgot that last year he humiliated Rodolphus' brother... and the Nott girl,' thought Druella with some interest in meeting the Potter boy or rather Lord Potter.

The events in this boy were several and very striking. With all that he showed and was published he would be considered a genius, but a genius different from the normal ones. None of his daughters would cast a corporeal Patronus at that age and beat an adult professor to a duel to death.

The only thing Druella disapproved of was his family supporting muggles, mudbloods, and half-bloods. A grave dishonor to his blood and other families.


"Mm, good. His position as Lord is high, and his talent is good. As for his ideals, they may not be the same as his grandfather's, hopefully," said Druella not bothered about James coming to the birthday.

The time for the birthday arrived. The guests were arriving punctually. Her sister Bellatrix with her husband Rodolphus and her younger brother Rabastan.

Her grandfather Pollux Black came with his uncle Alphard. Her mother didn't look too pleased to see Alphard but said nothing. He was still her husband's older brother, and they had already made up to some extent from the incident at Andromeda's wedding.

Shortly after Pollux's arrival, Arcturus Black III arrived. He was the current leader of House Black. He was the leader since he was eleven years ahead of Pollux. Making him the oldest member of the Blacks.

Arcturus did not arrive alone. He was accompanied by Walburga (Pollux's eldest daughter), Orion (Walburga's husband and second cousin), and the couple's children: Sirius and Regulus.

After the arrival of a few more Black family members, Narcissa's friends began to arrive. There were not many of them. Her trusted friends were two, so she also invited Erika from the dragon club and other members of her club.

Lucius and other Slytherin boys from her year also arrived. The latter Narcissa invited as a courtesy since they were from the same year and belonged to important families.

"What's with that face brother?" asked Regulus, drinking from a glass elegantly. It wasn't wine.

"I hate these kinds of parties. They should learn a bit from Gryffindor parties. Those are parties" said Sirius with a grimace, observing the distinguished guests laughing and chatting quietly while drinking or eating small snacks.

Soft music was playing in the air that made Sirius want to sleep. He was always bored by high society "parties"

"The parties at that house are classless and demeaning. Not fit for our kind," Walburga said with a frown as she listened to her eldest son.

"How do you know, mother? Have you been to any of those parties?" asked Sirius with a faint smile.

Walburga, who was about to reprimand Sirius, noticed him turn his head suddenly, so she followed her son's gaze. She noticed a jet-haired boy accompanied by a house elf enter the hall.

"James Potter..." mumbled Walburga with various emotions at seeing her son's best friend in person for the first time.

"James!" exclaimed Sirius with a smile on his face walking towards his best friend. At last, his relatives' boring birthdays would have some fun.

Walburga was surprised that her youngest son also followed his older brother, looking up at the Potter boy. She could see the look of admiration on Regulus' face. Something that surprised her even more.

Most of the people in the large hall where the birthday party was being held turned their heads and looked at James curiously. Hardly anyone here had been to James' ceremony, so this was the first time they had seen him.

"Sirius. Regulus," James said with a slight smile, extending his arm and squeezing Sirius' hand. He then did the same to Regulus, who happily accepted the handshake.

"Do you think you can survive here for four hours?" asked Sirius with a faint smile.

"I'm more used to it than you'd imagine," James replied.

"Let me say hello to the birthday girl..." he added with a slight grimace, seeing a few feet away Narcissa and her parents. There was also her sister Bellatrix with her husband and Rabastan.

Narcissa was already looking at him. The same was true with Druella and Cygnus. Even Bellatrix was looking at him and obviously Rabastan, who hated James to the core.

"Good luck," Sirius said lightly, tapping James' shoulder, who started walking in the direction of the entire Black family. His pace was steady and calm. Without lowering his gaze despite being watched by many eyes.

Everyone was surprised at the confidence James exuded. He had come alone, he was considered a blood traitor by most, but he showed no distrust or fear whatsoever.