
Harry Potter / Highschool DxD : A deal with the devil

Thomas Grayson is just an ordinary eight-year-old boy, or so he thinks until an incident at the zoo reveals a shocking truth: he's a wizard. While visiting the reptile exhibit, Thomas accidentally sets free a dangerous snake that nearly kills his parents. But before disaster strikes, he discovers that he has the power to speak to snakes and control them. Soon after, Thomas receives a letter inviting him to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As he begins his magical education, he learns that he's not the only one with extraordinary abilities. In this shared universe between Harry Potter and Highschool DxD, Thomas discovers that the world is filled with supernatural beings and factions vying for power. As he navigates this new world, Thomas faces challenges and dangers from all sides. Dark wizards, demons, and fallen angels are just a few of the threats he must overcome. But with the help of new friends and allies, Thomas begins to uncover a sinister plot that threatens not only the magical world but also the human world. As he delves deeper into the mystery, Thomas realizes that he may be the only one who can stop the coming catastrophe. Will he be able to harness his newfound powers and save both worlds, or will he succumb to the forces of darkness? Find out in this thrilling crossover between Harry Potter and Highschool DxD, filled with magic, action, and suspense. Notice : I do not own Harry Potter and Highschool DxD, nor its characters.The only thing I own is my own MC and the way the world would end in the end. Also the photo is made using an AI,for those who are wondering.

MeatBunKun · Bücher und Literatur
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111 Chs

Chapter 55 - Detention (2)

Once Filch had left, Hagrid turned his attention to Thomas and Michael. With a subtle shift in his tone, he spoke to them apologetically while ensuring Malfoy wouldn't suspect anything regarding Norbert.

"Sorry 'bout that, lads," Hagrid whispered, his voice filled with genuine regret. "Filch can be a right pain sometimes. But don't you worry, I'll make sure no harm comes to ya. Just stick with me and follow my lead, it's the least I could to for ya."

Thomas and Michael nodded in response, knowing very well, that Hagrid was feeling bad for being the reason behind their detention, but there was nothing he could do to make their punishment easier.

Just as they were about to walk into the forest, Malfoy, who's usual air of arrogance was nowhere to be seen, mustered the courage to speak his mind.

"I'm not going in that Forest," Malfoy declared defiantly, his voice tinged with panic. The fear in his tone brought a subtle smirk to Thomas and Michael's faces, finding solace in Malfoy's discomfort.

Hagrid, towering over them with a stern expression, met Malfoy's defiance head-on. "Yeh are if yeh want ter stay at Hogwarts," he retorted fiercely, determination evident in his voice. "Yeh've done wrong an' now yeh've got ter pay fer it."

Malfoy's confidence wavered, his eyes darting nervously between Hagrid and the foreboding forest. The consequences of his actions were beginning to sink in, and he realized that he had no choice but to face the forest's mysteries, or else his mother would give him one of the worse earfuls in his life.

"But this is servant stuff, it's not for students to do. I thought we'd be writing lines or something. If my father knew I was doing this, he'd ..."

Thomas couldn't help but roll his eyes at Malfoy's complaints. "Oh, come on, Malfoy," he retorted, his tone laced with exasperation. "It's time to man up already. We're here because we broke the rules. It's not about what your father would say, it's about taking responsibility for our actions. So for once accept that you are wrong and move on."

Michael nodded in agreement, "Tom is right. It's time to think for yourself, Malfoy, instead of always worrying about what your father would say or think. This is your chance to prove that you can handle the challenges that come your way."

Hagrid, overhearing their conversation, stepped closer to Malfoy, his gaze unwavering. "Tell yer what," he growled. "If yeh think yer father'd rather you were expelled, then get back off ter the castle an' pack. Go on!"

Malfoy faltered, his initial defiance crumbling under Hagrid's unwavering stance. He glanced nervously at Thomas and Michael, realizing that the two Ravenclaw boys were not scared at all, instead they seemed ready to face the forest and its inhabitants.

Thomas placed a reassuring hand on Malfoy's shoulder, "We're all in this together, Malfoy, even though we don't like each other," he said, his words carrying a sense of camaraderie. "But sadly for you and us, we have to work together whether we like it or not so let's at least get along until we return back to the castle."

Malfoy hesitated, his pride warring with his growing understanding of the situation. After a moment, he let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Fine," he murmured begrudgingly. "But I'm not doing any of Hagrid's dirty work willingly."

Hagrid, satisfied with Malfoy's reluctant acceptance, nodded approvingly. "Good. Now let's get on with it," he said, his voice gruff yet tinged with an underlying warmth. "The forest awaits, and we've got a job to do."

After that Hagrid led Thomas, Michael, and Malfoy to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. His lamp illuminated the darkness, casting eerie shadows that danced among the trees. Suddenly they stopped when Hagrid kneel down and touch something, while the boys' eyes were drawn to the mysterious glimmering substance on the ground.

"Look there," Hagrid said, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and determination. "See that stuff shinin' on the ground? Silvery stuff? That's unicorn blood. There's a unicorn in there, been hurt badly by summat. This is the second time in a week. I found one dead last Wednesday."

"And what if whatever hurt the unicorn finds us first?" said Malfoy, unable to keep the fear out of his voice.

"There's nothin' that lives in the Forest that'll hurt yeh if yer with me or Fang," said Hagrid. "An' keep ter the path. Right, now, we're gonna split inter two parties an' follow the trail in diff'rent directions. There's blood all over the place, it must've bin staggerin' around since last night at least."

As soon as Hagrid said that, Thomas crouch beside him to touch the blood, ""We might have to put it out of its misery, Hagrid. I might not be as knowledgeable as you, but there's no way a creature could have hurt a unicorn in such a matter that a puddle big enough to, forgive me for saying this, drink from it was left behind with nobody in sight or carcass left behind."

Malfoy, though still uneasy, seemed to grasp the severity of the situation, "What could have done this to a unicorn?"

Unbeknownst to the others, Bahamut, stirred within him, sensing an unsettling presence nearby.

[Thomas, be on your guard. There is something dark and malefic watching us. Its eyes, filled with malice, are fixed upon you, for some reason] Bahamut's voice resonated within Thomas's mind, urging his host to be careful.

Thomas's heart skipped a beat before his entire dement went into battle thanks to Bahamut's warning. His gaze darted around, searching for any signs of danger.

"What happened, Tom?" Michael whisper, glancing at his friend, seeing how his friend had suddenly reached for his wand.

Thomas took a deep breath, attempting to steady himself. "Yeah, something doesn't feel right," he whispered back, his voice laced with concern. "My sacred gear warned me of a malefic presence nearby. We need to stay vigilant."

As they continued their trek through the dense forest, Thomas's senses remained on high alert. Every rustle of leaves, every whisper of the wind, seemed amplified, echoing the presence of an unseen malevolence.

[Thomas, stay focused. Trust your instincts and be prepared for any threat that may arise. I've trained you to fight beings stronger than whatever is watching you, but that doesn't make you immortal.] Bahamut's voice echoed within Thomas's consciousness, serving as a constant reminder to remain vigilant.

Thomas gripped his arm, drawing strength from the power within. He knew that he possessed the means to confront the darkness that lurked within the forest and to protect his friends, but frankly, something felt amiss.

Just as they went past another tree, a distant eerie sound was heard, making Malfoy stop in his tracks and hide behind a tree, "I want Fang," said Malfoy quickly, looking at Fang's long teeth.

"All right, but I warn yeh, he's a bigger coward than you," said Hagrid. "So me, Michael, and I will go one way an' Draco, Thomas an' Fang'll go the other. Now, if any of us finds the unicorn, we'll send up green sparks, right? Get yer wands out an' practice now, that's it, an' if anyone gets in trouble, send up red sparks, an' we'll all come an' find yeh , so, be careful, let's go."

Draco reluctantly nodded, gripping his wand tightly as he exchanged glances with Thomas. They had been forced to work together, but that didn't mean he could suffer the Ravenclaw boy. After a minute or so of walking in silence, Draco couldn't contain his curiosity any longer.

"How come you aren't scared?" Draco whispered, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity.

Thomas paused for a moment, his gaze fixed ahead as he carefully chose his words. "Fear is a part of life, Malfoy," he replied softly. "But I've faced death more than once. I've seen things that would make your blood run cold. It changes you, makes you realize what truly matters and how close we are to it every single day."

Draco's eyes widened slightly, and his usual arrogance was replaced for the first time since he talk with Thomas with curiosity. Despite being arrogant, his mother and father taught him how to distinguish lies from truths, and today, every single word Thomas and even his friend had said was true, with no lie hidden between them. That made Draco realize that unlike what he had thought about these mud… muggle-born wizards, there were some that had seen things that maybe not even his parents had seen in their lives.

"Don't get me wrong, I may not always show it, but fear is there," Thomas continued, "However I was forced to learn how to channel it, to use it as fuel to protect those I care about. I don't like you at all and I believe the feeling is mutual, but for the sake of our survival, we have to work together. And right now, finding that unicorn is more important than anything else. "

Draco nodded in response choosing not to speak. Both of them knew that survival depended on their cooperation, setting aside their differences for the sake of their mission was the mature thing to do in their circumstances.

With Fang leading the way, the trio ventured deeper into the forest, their wands held at the ready. The dense foliage cast eerie shadows, and every rustle of leaves sent shivers down their spines. But they pressed on, overpowering the fear that threatened to consume them.

They followed the faint glimmer of moonlight filtering through the treetops, when Fang's ears perked up, sensing something in the distance, as they continued their search for the injured unicorn.

Thomas's senses heightened as he caught the faint sound of something being dragged along the forest floor, most likely the same sound that Fang had heard. It resembled the soft rustling of fabric, a cloak perhaps, but its source remained obscured in the darkness. He instinctively halted, his grip tightening around his wand as he considered his options.

Draco noticed Thomas's sudden pause and turned to face him, concern written all over his face.

With caution in his voice, Thomas whispered, "Did you hear that? Something's not right." His mind raced, contemplating the potential dangers that lurked in the shadows. Should they retreat? Should they confront whatever was approaching? The decision weighed heavily upon him.

Draco's eyes darted around nervously, his grip on his wand tightening too. "What do we do, Grayson? Should we go back?"

Thomas contemplated their limited options, weighing the risks of turning back and contacting Hagrid versus the unknown that lay ahead. He knew that finding the unicorn wasn't easy, but they couldn't ignore the potential threat closing in on them.

"We can't afford to go back just yet," Thomas replied, after a few seconds. "But we need to be cautious. Stay close and be prepared to defend ourselves."

As the boys and the dog cautiously moved forward, a sudden presence loomed behind them. Turning swiftly, they were confronted by the sight of a towering figure, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

Initially mistaking the boys for hunters, the centaur's piercing gaze narrowed, ready to defend the sacred forest he called home. However, as his eyes fell upon Fang, recognition sparked within him, and his stance softened.

Lowering his bow and arrow, the centaur stepped forward, "What brings you into the depths of the forest at this hour, young ones? And why have you brought this loyal companion with you?"

Thomas took a moment to steady himself, "We are searching for a wounded unicorn," he responded, his voice steady. "We've come to aid it, not harm it. We mean no threat to the forest or its inhabitants."

"We are with Hagrid. He instructed us to search for the injured unicorn and send up green sparks if we find it."

The centaur's gaze shifted between the boys, assessing their sincerity, before he finally speaks again, "The forest harbors many secrets, and its creatures are fiercely protected. But if your intentions are noble, I shall guide you."

<Visit my patr3on for more chapters for this novel (at least five chapter ahead - right now there are more than 30 chapters there ) >

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Special thanks to my Tier 3 patrons : 

Rick Villarreal ,


Edward Parsons,Blake Barnes

B,Ayub Abdi

Travis cox,Maxime Anne Louise

Cristian Prestridge

Tier 4 patrons :

Fallout Armagedon


And to my Tier 6 patrons :

Aaron H

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts