Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.
Even if what they did was for the right reasons, they had to believe it was wrong. Neither McGonagal or Dumbledore were likely to believe that. Wrong for the right reasons is still wrong but only children were likely to hold that viewpoint. Adults saw too many shades of grey to still think like that. So even if Granger and the two Weaselys also truly felt they were right in what they did to him, they still knew their actions and words were wrong.
Even though Harry knew Dumbledore wanted him dead, he also knew the old man actually did believe it was for the Greater Good. He didn't for one second believe what he was doing to Harry was wrong. Harry even knew why the old man wanted him dead.
Being the sole heir of the Marauders, made him a very wealthy young man while Dumbledore was nearly broke. Dumbledore had no idea Harry was actually richer than even he knew. Because he had no idea Harry was the heir to Gryffindor, Evansleigha and Peverell as well. With Potter and Black wealth added to those, Harry was, or would be, Lord of the Five.
Not to mention the masses saw Harry as their Hero. Not Albus as they used to. Both Harry's wealth and his fame brought him a lot of political power in this society and Albus wanted that almost as much as he wanted the other two. Yes, Albus still believed he would hold the superior position but in truth he didn't. Or wouldn't. Once Harry achieved his majority.
There was no Greater Good involved. Or at least, the only Greater Good was Albus Dumbledore's Greater Good. He wanted Harry's inheritance, political power and fame. Plain and simple. Dumbledore had very expensive tastes and he had a reputation for generosity he couldn't meet on his own merit. Which was why he had been dipping into Harry's accounts to begin with. The current Ministry had little if any use for those with nothing but lint in their pockets.
That was the thing about people who only gave you their loyalty so long as you paid them. If you stopped, well. Their loyalty also ended. He needed to pay the people he was using to betray Harry and the only way he could do that was if he helped himself to Harry's money while trying to keep him ignorant of the facts. Because if Harry knew about his wealth, well naturally Harry would question what Albus was doing with it.
And just as naturally he wouldn't agree with paying people for their loyalty and support. Because at Harry's age you didn't have to pay people to be loyal to you. If you had to pay them, then they weren't and that was all there was to it. But that was business as usual at the Ministry. If justice was for sale you could damn well bet everything else was as well. And Albus had been a part of the Ministry for far too many years now for that habit not to carry over into his out of the Ministry life.
But there was also Albus' lifestyle and taste to consider. If not for his dipping into Harry's vaults and his separate paydays, he would struggle each and every month to pay his living expenses. He didn't earn any pay for being on the ICW. That position was more like a charity fund raiser where people volunteered their time and expertise. He did get paid from his seat on the Wizengamot and as Headmaster here. But not nearly as much as he spent to keep up his image to the public. It was his access to the school accounts set up to meet the needs of keeping the Castle up and running and covering the needs of the student body that wasn't listed on the supply list or covered by the tuition that helped him maintain his image. Because let's face facts here. The students lived here day in and day out for the entire school year. Twice a year they had the opportunity to go home for a couple of weeks at the most. Then they had to return. They needed good food and clean clothes to wear.
They needed adequate healthcare and things to do in their spare time that didn't include doing homework. So new books were needed for the library as that was the only entertainment here the students didn't pay for themselves. So yes there was a school budget fund Albus had control over. And if he was dipping into Harry's accounts you could almost guarantee he was dipping into that fund as well. Which might explain why there was no show nights or concerts here and why things like that stupid Ball last year was such a big deal. But then they didn't have music clubs, art classes, or drama classes to learn or practice those skills either.
Because his two rightful pay sources didn't grant him the lifestyle he felt he deserved and had grown used to. But he couldn't afford to siphon off much from the school accounts as they were periodically checked by the School Board. And really, considering the only things to do here outside of classes and homework was play quiditch or go to the Library, that fund probably wasn't very large. So that had left the bulk of his needs to be met by Harry's accounts which, until recently, the goblins had been happy to go along with. They no longer were and that was keeping the old man distracted from the school which was probably the only reason Harry was actually having a quiet year.
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