
The Game of Power

She began to plead with the Headmaster. "Make him undo it. Please. I don't deserve this. I can't return home with this… this… disgusting thing on my face. I just can't."

Minerva spoke before the Headmaster could. "You've been told and told, Ms. Granger. The power to remove that mark is in your own hands. And it is his right as your Patron to discipline you in any manner he sees fit. That you so clearly do not like said punishment strongly suggests it is most appropriate for you."

Severus nodded and from his corner added, "Mr. Potter can't remove it for you even if he wanted to. Which given why it's there, and the whopping lie you just told the Headmaster, I'm sure he doesn't. The children of this school aren't afraid of Mr. Potter and you very well know it, Ms. Granger. They're staying away from you and your cohort because they despise you."

"What, Severus? Ms. Granger lied to me? How? Did Harry mark her as she said? Is he refusing to remove the mark now?"

"She lied when she said the other students are afraid of Mr. Potter. They are not. She lied when she said she has begged him to remove it. She hasn't. She demanded he remove it but she never asked him to do so. Nor did she beg it of him. She has demanded we, the staff, punish him for branding her and her cohort while making him apologize to them for his actions against them. We chose not to because what he did isn't against school rules and we have no authority to do so. She lied when she said the student body is upset he marked them. They aren't. The students are upset with the three of them because the student body knows those marks would NOT be there if they didn't deserve to wear them."

Minerva took over. "As for the removal of the marks, Ms. Granger has been told multiple times, and by multiple people, the removal of the mark is in her own hands. Not Mr. Potter's or anyone else's. She refuses to listen because that isn't what she wants to hear. So she keeps insisting he remove them and that we, the staff, make him comply with her demands. Naturally, we won't because we know he can't."

Albus was looking from one person to another as the teenagers began to argue with the adults over the matter. He couldn't believe this. Harry had marked them and the teachers seemed to believe he had the right to do so. These children were Albus' pawns. How dare that brat mark them! But wait. How did he manage this? And why?

He interrupted the fight to ask, "Why did he do this and why did no one stop him? This isn't something that should've been allowed at Hogwarts, Minerva. The only magic that results in marking people against their will or without their consent is of the Darkest Magic imaginable. Not even Tom used this foul magic when he branded his followers. From what I'm hearing, the children didn't consent to being marked as Tom's followers did. That they bears these marks so clearly against their will says the magic Mr. Potter used to effect it is of the darkest magic imaginable."

He shook his head in mock disappointment and adopted a very grave look as he chided his Professors. "You should've stopped him from using Dark Magic here. The last thing we need is Harry Potter turning dark in our halls. What will the public think when it gets out we allowed their hero to go dark on them. Mr. Potter must be punished for this offense and made to remove his branding immediately. Then we must isolate him from the student body and curtail his movements and closely supervise all his interactions and study materials. We can not let this continue or we will have another Dark Lord on our hands."

Severus rolled his eyes and snorted. He wasn't surprised at the Headmaster's ploys. Minerva also rolled her eyes as she muttered, "Oh stuff it, Albus. You're just trying to play your games again and this time I'm not biting. He's not a budding Dark Lord and there was nothing dark about this. It was old magic. I'll grant you that much. But it wasn't dark." Severus smiled slightly. Maybe his lectures to her had finally taken root.

Hermione's chin shot into the air as she heard the Headmaster confirm her own beliefs about the disfiguring mark. She began to smirk. Somehow she just knew the Headmaster was going to make Harry pay for disfiguring her and she planned to enjoy every second of it. She'd suffered for months now because of that brat and even her grades had fallen. He would pay for twice as long as she had suffered. Plus, however long it took her to get her grades back to where they belonged. She dearly wanted to tell the Professors, "I told you so," but didn't dare be that disrespectful towards them. Though they deserved it. With their recent behavior, they'd only dock more points and give her another detention.

Of course, it went without saying the Headmaster would make the brat remove his branding. Probably within the hour. She crossed her arms under her breasts and pranced over to one of the more comfortable chairs where she could observe the coming fight when Harry was called here to explain himself and undo what he had done to her. She really needed to sit down as her head was swimming as the brand tried to render her into a state of unconsciousness again. Her smirk fell as Ginny managed to get her voice heard for the first time that night.


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