Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.
Hermione was too convinced she was always correct in her beliefs and Ron was simply too hot-headed to ever stop and think before he spoke. Harry often thought about asking Ron if the old adage 'ignorance is bliss' was really true or not. But he figured the question would more than likely go over his head without mussing his hair.
More than once the pair had tried to drag Harry into trouble with her citing he was the one who had seen Voldemort return and could confirm what they were saying was the real truth. But it had never worked because while Harry wouldn't deny their claims, he wouldn't confirm them either. And the swelling of their faces seemed to her to mean they were lying about him being their source of information. Because as she understood it those marks were only to swell up when they were lying again. Which really, they were. While he fully believed Dumbledore had told them he'd confirmed it to himself, Harry hadn't told them any such thing. They'd been told lying to or about him wouldn't be tolerated any more.
They'd also been told they could no longer act against him in thought, word or deed. Trying to get him into trouble with a teacher qualified as acting against him. Which was being disloyal to him yet again. While his silence might not have been showing loyalty towards them, the magic of the runes had never called for him to be loyal to them. They owed him loyalty. He didn't owe them.
It was well into October now, almost the end of the month and the Unholy Trio were learning full force just how miserable a school year could be when you were always in trouble and had no one really willing to help you or even just be near you. Especially Ron and Hermione. They were used to being the most popular kids in Gryffindor simply because they were always the ones with the freshest word on Harry and his doings. But now no one trusted them. No one would listen to them. No one even wanted to talk to them at all. Other than each other and Ginny, they had no one to talk with or hang out with.
Not that they actually had time just to hang out and talk to their classmates. When they weren't in class or serving a detention or attending a mandatory meeting in Professor McGonagal's office, Hermione insisted on doing research to find a way to punish Harry for hurting them. She was obsessed with the idea. Their waking time was completely full, due to their inability to understand the game was no longer in their favor. None of them would learn to just shut up and deal with the situation.
Hermione kept insisting Harry had used Dark Magic against them when even Professor McGonagal had told them it was Judgement Magic which is neither light nor dark. No one could get it through her head it wasn't Harry's magic that had been used to mark her but her own. She wanted to be the victim here and since she was the one with the ugly tattoo on her face she hadn't asked for, no one could get it through her head she was no such thing. Harry had been her victim for years when he didn't deserve it. Everyone tried to tell her she deserved the mark and to just learn to live with it. But she didn't want to. She wanted to make him remove it and then she wanted him punished. And if no one was willing to punish him for her, she'd just have to do it herself.
Ron just kept ranting and raving. He was angry. Plain and simple. And when Ron was angry, he just couldn't help but share it. Any little excuse to vent he took. The whole school had heard how upset he was over the drastic change in his school life. He completely blamed Harry for his misfortune and not for a second would he hear anyone who tried to point out it was his own bad or lack of judgement that had created the situation that had allowed everyone to find out what a traitorous friend he truly was.
His favorite topic for ranting was Quiditch. He just couldn't understand why Angelina had kicked him off the team. Nor would Professor McGonagal or Madam Hooch make Angelina re-instate him. He didn't see it was exactly the same situation as the times he'd convinced the team to expel Harry. Only this time the allegations were true. And while he did know Harry was a good Seeker, in his eyes, he was a better Keeper than Harry had been Seeker. Every chance he got to corner Angelina, he presented her with new plays she could train the team in and badgered her to let him back on the team so they could win more games.
And then there was the plays he kept trying to present to her as new strategies to win more games. Every time the team lost a game, Ron would go ballistic and claim it was because she wasn't listening to him and giving his plays a chance. He simply wouldn't understand his dreamt up plays wouldn't work. That they were dangerous and would only succeed in getting someone seriously hurt or killed. Because not everyone could fly like Harry could. Hell, no one could fly like Harry could. Somehow he had convinced himself that being a master chess player on a family owned board, also meant he was a Master Strategist and by using that gift, he was a natural choice as the go-to guy for new plays on the quiditch field as well. His position as Team Keeper also meant he was the natural choice for the next Team Captain when Angelina graduated so he kept trying to show her the plays he dreamt up and trying to force her to use them. The rest of the newly structured team took to running interference for her as there was no talking to Ron on the matter.
Ginerva was spending the bulk of what free time she had trying to find a way to cover the rune on her face and crying over the destruction of her looks. She just didn't understand why if Harry hadn't wanted her he hadn't just said so. Instead, he had marred her beauty making it so no one else would want her either. That wasn't fair. She deserved a good future but with this ugly mark, it wasn't likely to happen. So she spent what free time she could find in her room crying as she tried and failed to cover the blemish.
Not for a second did she stop to realize she'd taken his coin without his knowledge or permission to be his potential woman. Operative word there. Potential. Not certain. Not wife or lover or girlfriend either. Just woman. And more than once he had actually told her he did not, and never would, want her. In that manner or any other. Yet she had kept taking his coin and hanging around him trying to force the issue against his clearly stated will. More than once she'd spread rumors throughout the school stating that she would be his bride because they had an agreement. And more than once she'd turned another girl away with vicious lies simply because she felt threatened by the girl. But by taking his coin for that purpose, she'd ruined any possible chance she might ever have had at a good future for herself. And now everyone in the school knew she had. It was bad enough they all thought her to be a thief. No. Knew her to be a thief. But knowing they all knew she'd taken coin from him to keep herself free for his needs just made her shame complete.
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