
The Cost of Choices

She, unlike Ron and Hermione, had given up any and all ideas of forcing Harry into removing the mark. She had heard what the Professor was telling them and did understand even if they did succeed in cornering him and trying to force him to remove them, it wouldn't work. His magic wasn't anchoring the mark to her face. Her own magic was. That meant he couldn't remove it unless he was willing to battle her magic to do so. And she was smart enough to realize that would hurt her. Badly.

She'd also given up any pretense of having friends or even people willing to listen to her or follow her direction. She didn't have any clout with the student base any more. This mark had told everyone she wasn't and never had been Harry's girlfriend and future wife no matter what she said to the contrary. At best, it let them all know she was nothing but his bought and paid for bit of fluff on the side. Because the rumors that had swirled around the Castle made certain to include what Harry thought her future prospects would be. And he'd said flat-out he thought her future to be that of someone's mistress. Not wife.

To her way of thinking, that was why he had marked her. Because he didn't want anyone else to marry her. And in that he'd succeeded. No upstanding boy with deep coffers ever would, considering this mark would tell everyone exactly who she was. She knew the story of Harry marking them had already escaped the Castle. Sue Bones had made that clear to them shortly after it happened when they'd been loudly complaining about it in the halls. So even when she finished school, she wouldn't be able to find someone who wouldn't know her on sight.

Unlike Hermione, Ginny wasn't enrolled in Runes so she didn't know what was branded on her face until she had asked Professor Babbling about it at the end of September. The Professor had shown no concern for her feelings and bluntly told her the truth. She was the bought and paid for property of Harry James Potter. When Ginny had gasped and turned red, the Professor looked her in the eye and flatly said, "What did you think taking coin to be his potential woman made you, Girl? You may have thought you had a promise of being his wife in the future but did you really? That's called a betrothal contract, Girl. And if you'd had one of those, that mark wouldn't be on your face now."

"Because you took his coin knowing exactly what it entailed, you agreed to be his kept female. That he didn't actually broker the deal with you or have any knowledge of the arrangement, just degrades your status even further since the person who did broker it, is in no position to act in that manner legally on his behalf. Which is why there was no contract attached to the offer." She had stressed that last sentence to make sure Ginny heard her and got her point.

"You didn't even have the intelligence to get yourself a residence out of the arrangement. So he isn't even required to keep you in a real house. And didn't you attend the Yule Ball with Mr. Longbottom? I'm sure I'm not the only person who remembers seeing you there with him. That rune on your face says you had no right to be there with him at all. Add to that, your conduct with Mr. Corner and Mr. Thomas and that labels you as an untrustworthy whore who cheated on her patron. And that is exactly what that rune will tell anyone who can read it."

"But I haven't… I… Professor Dumbledore said," stuttered Ginny.

Professor Babbling cut her off. "I don't care what lies the Headmaster told you. Nor apparently does Mr. Potter. The fact of the matter is, the Headmaster wasn't the one you were to hold yourself in abeyance for. Mr. Potter was. It was his coin you were knowingly taking." "What is even more disgusting is that you owed Mr. Potter your life for him saving you in your first year here. Your own magic should have told you the Headmaster was lying when he said Mr. Potter didn't save your life because the phoenix was his pet and bonded to him. Your magic pulls towards Mr. Potter. Not the Headmaster. Because it knows Mr. Potter risked his own life to save you. Not the Headmaster. But instead of trying to rep[ay your debt to him, you aided others in tearing him down and trying to ruin him. Both his reputation and honor as well as his person. You're magically born and bred, Girl. There is no excuse for what you and your brother have done to him all these years."

Ginny had sighed as her shoulders drooped. She glumly nodded to show she understood the Professor. Once more the Professor stated the most salient points for Ginny just to make sure the girl understood her. "You owed him your loyalty and respectability from the moment you agreed to be his girl when he was ready to date and you didn't give it to him. He deserves a virtuous girl. Not used goods. Not even the Headmaster set a time frame on that. You took coin to hold yourself free for Mr. Potter's use. You knowingly took coin to be with him which means you owed him your fidelity. Then you stepped out with not one but possibly three other boys without first clearing it with him. You were raised in this world unlike Ms. Granger. You know that is against the rules, Ms. Weasely so don't try your lies on me."

She had leaned forward to pin the girl in her place. "And that you bear that rune now tells me you knew exactly what you were doing at the time you did it. That mark wouldn't be there if you didn't. You were judged by your own magic and soul, Ginerva Weasely. And you were found guilty. Now leave my classroom as I have a class to teach and you aren't in it."


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