Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.
"Colin Creevey was following you. Trying to figure out what was wrong with you so he could help you. Because he believed Professor McGonagain when she said our tower mates are our family. He didn't know she was lying to him and Gryffindors only stand by those who prove their strength and pack mentality. He liked you and he thought you were worth helping. You were a fellow Gryffindor. A girl in his year."
'A part of his new school family. He was trying to be a good housemate and brother. Something he had a lot of experience being considering he has four younger siblings two of which are girls giving him experience your own brothers don't have. He was trying to be loyal and show you support. '
"But how did you repay him for his efforts? You turned the basilisk loose on him and he's dead now. His parents will never understand what happened to him. Or why. He'll never turn twelve." Severus shook his head at the name Potter had given one of the most respected individuals in the Castle. McGonagain. He'd have to remember that one.
"His oldest younger brother is here in the Castle now. Has been for three years now. What have you done to help Denis understand what happened to his brother? To come to terms with the huge hole in his family where Colin once stood? With losing Colin? Oh yes, that's right. You pointed him in my direction. Told him I was the reason Colin died. Because I didn't stop the monster fast enough to save Colin. Let him take out his rage and grief on me while you played the victim. He felt I deserved his attacks because he was defending both you and his brother. Because of the lies you told him."
She squirmed and darted glances from the corner of her eyes to the other occupied tables in the room. She wanted to shut him up but she didn't know how. He was telling everyone her secrets and though she'd done the same to him over the years, she found she really didn't like it now that it was her secrets being shared about. This wasn't supposed to happen to her. Him, yes. The Headmaster said it would help him build character. Be able to face his life as the Chosen One. The Sacrifice for the People. Denis taking out his rage and grief on him was just another sacrifice Harry was making for her. He was sacrificing his personal health while he helped Denis deal with his loss. and it wasn't like Denis would or could kill or permanently injured him. He was the Chosen One. A freak that couldn't be hurt like normal people could. Not even that basilisk had really hurt him. So how could Denis?
She came out of her thoughts to hear him say, "But you did, didn't you? What did Colin do that made him unworthy of his life while you keep living? He could've been someone, Ms. Weasely. He had a talent that would've seen him become a productive citizen one day. Maybe even famous in his own right. There's no way of saying what Colin and his camera would have gone on to do if he'd lived."
Ginny squirmed but had nothing to say. She knew she was responsible for Colin Creevey's death though she'd spent the last three years denying it. There was no way she'd ever admit it out loud though. Never. Her involvement in the opening of the Chamber had been hushed up to protect her from the consequences of her immaturity. Admitting Colin's death was her fault would undermine the Headmaster's efforts to hush the whole situation up. Not to mention, do her reputation no good. She owed it to herself and her family to keep her mouth shut about the incident.
"But you? So far as I can tell, all you'll amount to is somebody's trophy wife. Or, given your sticky fingers, more than likely their little secret something on the side until they tire of you and move on to a fresher face and new bedchamber tricks. It does seem to be all you're interested in learning about if all the whispers I hear about you in the broom closets around here are true. And considering you stood here bold as brass and declared yourself a bought and paid for whore, it shouldn't surprise you that's all you'll ever amount to."
"I suppose that's actually a good thing for everyone involved. You won't really have all that much of a problem when your parents tell you who you're to marry and spread your legs for, will you? Provided they can actually find a man willing to marry you, that is. Honorable men don't tend to like marrying used goods." Her eyes flashed angrily as she heard him tear into her. But he wasn't finished yet.
"I haven't heard a word of remorse or regret from you for Colin's death or endangering my life trying to rescue you from your own stupidity. Nor you urging your brother to issue an apology to me for his blatant attempt at manslaughter. I've not heard a word of thanks from you for either your rescue or my near death down there effecting said rescue. Both of which I was owed from you. Wasn't I Ginerva? But you can't admit that, can you? Admitting you owe me an apology and your thanks means admitting you did something wrong. Admitting a boy died because of your bad act. Admitting you put the entire school in danger because you wanted a diary to write in and spill your daydreams within."
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