
Magic's Judgemen

"You don't understand, Headmaster. Professor McGonagal is right. Harry didn't use dark magic against us at all. He may have started this," She waved her dominate hand towards her face to indicate her branding. "but it wasn't his magic that branded us." She frowned as she felt her rune swelling. "No, that isn't true either. Harry didn't start this. We did." The tingle of the swelling receded and she sighed in quiet relief. The last thing she wanted was blood streaming down her face like Hermione had right now. Or to be fighting to remain awake and aware as she was.

"He only chose to use old magic against us to make us pay for our crimes against him. He didn't even choose what form that magic would take against us for our wrongs done to him. All he did was trick us into confessing our guilt and then call for Magic's Judgment on us."

"Shut up, Ginny," Ron bellowed. "I did nothing wrong. Neither did you. We did exactly what the Headmaster told us to do when he told us to do it. That brat had no right marking us like this. I'm not his servant and neither are you. Nor do I enjoy walking around with the mark his magic forced on me being the first thing anyone sees when they look at me."

But Ginny didn't care what her brother said. She'd come to terms with things and knew he was wrong. "Oh? she asked in a falsely sweet voice. "He asked you to hit Harry in the back with a chunk of plaster knocking him into the passage into the chamber head first? I wasn't aware he told you to try and kill our Patron, Ronald."

She turned back to the Headmaster who was frowning more heavily now. "It was our own magic that did the marking. And it's our magic that holds them in place now. Not his." She continued speaking more quietly as her own shame rose to haunt her. "He can't get rid of our brands because doing so would mean sending his magic to battle against our own innate magic. That would hurt us and he doesn't want to when it isn't necessary. He said the marks will disappear when we have atoned for our wrongdoing against him and met the conditions he set for us."

"And according to what Professor McGonagal told us, the magic he called upon, when we confronted him about our payments, isn't dark magic at all. It was old magic. Judgement magic. He tricked us into confessing the wrongs we've each committed against him in front of witnesses and then called upon the old forgotten magic of days and times past to render it's judgment. We were found guilty by magic by the guilt we each felt in our hearts and minds. We did know what you were asking us to do was wrong, Headmaster. But we chose to do it anyway."

"What?" asked Albus weakly, his mind racing as he tried to understand what had happened.

Hermione and Ron were both grumbling about how they didn't feel any such guilt and how Ginny needed to shut it if she didn't want to lose the last two people who'd even talk to her these days. Both knew her confession could very easily cost them their last possible support in this issue because they both knew they'd disobeyed the Headmaster. He didn't take being disobeyed lightly and neither wanted him to be angry with them because both of them knew those who disobeyed him suffered for it greatly. But Ginny wasn't listening to them.

Ginny ignored the grumbling of her brother and his girl as she continued speaking. "Back in September, when you left the Castle for a few days, we were really upset and angry over the recall of our vault keys. I know you told us to leave the matter in your hands and you'd get them returned to us but we knew you'd met with him right before you left the Castle. So we figured you'd softened him up for us or something. I'm not really sure what we were thinking actually because now that I think about it that was a really stupid idea."

"Anyway, Hermione convinced Ron and I there wasn't any need to wait for you to get our vault keys back for us. She convinced us Harry was so stupid we could easily bully him into returning them to us without him ever realizing what the keys actually went to. So we decided to track him down and confront him. I know you told us not to but we wanted access to our money again. We were arrogant and stupid. Both Ron and I had school supplies we wanted to replace because what Mum bought for us was in really poor shape and embarrassing. And Hermione wanted more books, of course. Plus, she wanted to remind our peers Harry was under her heel making her superior to them all somehow."

"We got Professor McGonagal to tell us where we'd most likely find him by hinting we wanted him to return to the Tower common room and hang out with us. You know our routine. We wanted to establish our dominance. Get him into the tower where Ron could trounce him at chess again making everyone believe Harry was so stupid even Ron is smarter than he is. And he'd be browbeaten by Hermione over homework assignments so our tower mates would spread the word he was so dumb he couldn't even pass his classes without her help. While I hung off his side establishing for all our friends that I was his special girl. But we never actually planned to bring him back to the tower at that time. All we really wanted was our keys. She told us we'd most likely find him in the Library so we went there without a moment's pause."


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