
Loyalty at a Cost

She sighed over having to explain all this to her dimwitted boyfriend. "We all know Harry hates drawing attention to himself. His grades could do that if they rose too high or dropped too low. Professor Dumbledore said it would help Harry if I looked over his work to make sure his grades didn't cause him to stand out. Or cause people to question his future occupation choice. He said Harry wanted to be a middle of the class student. Neither too bright. Nor too dumb. But his early training of him caused Harry to not really know or understand what was normal knowledge for kids our age.

Or raised in a completely muggle environment. So sometimes he'd do an assignment too well. I needed to go over what he'd write and adjust it for the middle of the class ranking he wanted to maintain. When he'd write an essay that would cause his grade to rise too much, I'd write a different one and use the spell the Headmaster taught me to change my writing to match his. Then I'd switch the new essay for the one he wrote on our way into the classroom. It was pretty easy to do, really. And he's so stupid he never once caught me at it. He never even questioned why I was handing him his assignment roll on those few occasions when I didn't manage the switch before we sat down."

Minerva glowered furiously. She turned on Albus and with a very thick accent slurred, "You paid a student to defraud another of their rightful grades, causing a skewing of the student standings? Did yeh ev'n bahthah tah think abou' the cost tah Ms. Granger should it evah behcum known what she did fer yeh? Merlin knows, yeh neveh bathahed tah think abou' Mr. Pottah feelings. Or reputation. Clearly, wha he'd be thinkin' 'bout somethin' nevah once entered yeh mind at tal."

Albus quickly forgot all his half formed schemes to use the trio's markings against his puppet in the all consuming need to smooth over this new crisis. He scrambled quickly to find an explanation that would suffice never realizing it was already too late. MS. Granger had already burned the masts down to the hull on that particular ship. "Now, now, Minerva. Don't get your temper all worked up. There was no harm done. Harry passed all his necessary classes and what grades he received has little or no bearing on the information he gained over the course of the year. And Ms. Granger kept up with all her own work just fine.

Her standing in the rankings wasn't affected at all by the little bit of extra work she was doing to keep attention off of our Harry. The dear boy has enough attention focus on him as it is. He should be thankful she was willing to do this for him and that I thought of it. Nor has it in any way hindered his possible future prospects. He can still become the auror he told you he wishes to become. Just like his Father was." He was desperately trying to remind her of James hoping to derail her back into her usual litany of how Harry was such a disappointment to the memory of James. Whether it would've worked or not he never got to discover as Severus decided to weigh in on the matter.

"Oh, that's where you're wrong, Headmaster," purred Severus.

"You see, when I discovered the assignments I'd been grading as Mr. Potter's weren't actually his work, - because I do have samples of the work he has turned in so far this year to compare the old work to - and discovered who's work it actually was, I also decided to look at the work of that student. I do have recent copies of that students work as well, you know. It was rather easy to discover Ms. Granger has been turning in Mr. Potter's work as her own since half way through her first year here."

"So her standing, at least in my classroom has indeed been affected by what you asked her to do. Because the marks I have been giving her for what I assumed was her work actually aren't the marks she should have been given at all. They were Mr. Potter's rightful marks while his were hers. Mr. Potter should've been competing with Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Greengrass for the top position in my class while Ms. Granger should have been barely scraping by with an Acceptable. Had I known what her true level of understanding was, I could have assigned her to a remedial class to improve her understanding because her brewing ability is above average. Only her theoretical work is lacking. But because of her deceit, I didn't do any such thing and now she is five years behind in understanding the theory behind potions and catching up in time to pass her Owls is nigh on impossible for her."


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