
A Society in Decline

And why then didn't he do something to prevent it from occurring? They had no reason to accept his word for it because both knew he himself hadn't left the grounds. But he fully expected both of them to believe him simply because that's what he said had happened. He offered them no proof except to bring them to the infirmary the following morning where he'd expected Harry to confirm it for him. As if that would be proof enough.

Or worse yet. His words to them contradicted something else he had said. Or evidence gathered. Such as in the case of Sirius Black where in 1981 he was the one to tell them Sirius Black was the Potter Secret keeper and should be quietly shut away for the good of society. Then after the werewolf incident in Harry's third year, he tried to turn around and tell the Minister he was an innocent man wrongly convicted.

 In neither situation did he offer any proof and in both cases he expected his word to be the deciding factor. And in both cases he was lying. The first time his lies were believed and they got Sirius sent to Azkaban without the courtesy of a trial. But in the second instance, he claimed Sirius was convicted. This time the Minister refused to believe him and Amelia claimed she wouldn't act without proof since Sirius Black was now Dementor Kissed. Clearing him now would do nothing but stir up the people to no good end while eating up resources she didn't have to spare for a man who couldn't be helped.

Between them, Albus and Cornelius decided who was guilty of what in Magical Britain. And everyone else, the public, fell in line with their decision. They might grumble about it in the streets, stores and cafes or the privacy of their homes. But they'd never stand up and try to change it or point out the inconsistencies in their decisions. Yes, justice was for sale in Magical Britain.

The accepted newspaper made a habit out of printing gossip, rumor and innuendo as truth and no one gave it a second thought. The magical press told the populace what to think about the issues and the people who ran their world. But the people seemed perfectly content to let them, never once questioning what they read. Often the reporters took their direction from the Ministry, choosing to write their stories according to how the Ministry wanted a story to seem. While they could rip into the Ministry just as easily as they did anyone else, it wasn't likely they would. And if they did it, was because someone higher up in the ministry and far more popular or influential wanted said person destroyed.

While there were other sources of news like the Wireless, they weren't hard copy. People could listen and hear what the reporters said on the radio and even agree with the commentators. But later in the day when they wanted to refer to something they heard, to prove it they had to go to the paper which often didn't slant the top stories in the same direction. So the paper was the main source of news for the masses and their writings were seen as proof of the truth. Or at least what the Ministry decided was the truth.

And Voldemort… well there wasn't really anything that was right about him. He was just wrong from the word go and nothing would ever change that. As far as Harry had been able to get in his research, Voldemort had killed his first victim when he was sixteen.

 And he had killed her right here in the school for which he then blamed another, younger, student when it seemed his actions would have unintended consequences that didn't please him. What was pathetic was most people knew about it and they even knew the identity of the person he had framed, but they did nothing to right the wrong they'd done him. Even to this day, Hagrid didn't have the legal right to carry his wand openly or to sit his owls. Because long ago Voldemort had said he killed a girl he didn't kill.

Harry had set that matter as right as best he could and because of that, he had Hagrid's total and complete loyalty. Hagrid, through Madam Maxime who was contacted by Harry during the summer after his second year, had arranged for Hagird to take his Owls and then his Newts in France. So Hagrid was legal to carry and use a wand in France though he still couldn't in Britain. The only reason Hagrid was still at Hogwarts was because Harry was here. He had no intention of remaining here once Harry finished school.

Dumbledore might think Hagrid was only completely loyal to himself but Dumbledore hadn't gotten Hagrid a new wand or books to study and learn from. Dumbledore hadn't kept the Ministry from sending Hagrid to Azkaban back in Harry's second year. Dumbledore hadn't used his position and authority to right the wrong done to Hagrid. Harry had done what he could though and not for what he could get from Hagrid or what Hagrid could do for him. He'd done it simply because he could. Dumbledore had only ever acted on Hagrid's behalf when there was something Dumbledore believed Hagrid could do for him in return. Example:

He'd tried to send Hagrid to round up the giants this past summer and get them to agree to fight on Dumbledore's behalf when the war broke out again. As if a human-raised outcast half giant could ever convince full blooded giants to do the bidding of a mere human who wouldn't come to them himself. Harry had persuaded Hagrid to go to France instead and spend the summer visiting with Madam Maxime while buying himself a house there so he'd have someplace to live after Harry finished school. Madam Maxime was teaching Hagrid to speak French and even had a job lined up for him when he finished at Hogwarts.

But with all these people in very high positions in this society, even if Harry wanted to do something to set things back on the right track again, he wouldn't succeed. Knock any one of them down and out, and the others just became worse. The proof of that was the Tri-Wizard contest wherein two of the main competitors died and no one protested their deaths. Even though one was a very famous quiditch player of international fame. Fleur Delacour had survived but it had been a near thing for her and she'd spent the summer in recovery from her injuries. Harry seriously doubted anyone would have protested had she actually died as well. Certainly no one was protesting her very severe injuries. She would spend the rest of her life with visible reminders of what had happened to her. Yet no one cared.

So no Harry had no intention of doing anything for this world. All he intended to do was finish his studies so he could retain his wand rights and keep his core unbound and his memories unviolated. Then he would get himself emancipated and go somewhere else. Somewhere he could be safe with his owl and forget his life before he got there. With Dobby, Winky and the goblins on his side he knew he had a very good chance to disappear once he had sat for his Owls.


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