
The Letter

I woke up early in the morning to my alarm clock that was beeping loudly. It was Saturday morning.

My mom could be heard from upstairs, she was doing the dishes. I rolled over and hit the button on my alarm and the beeping noise stopped. I opened my eyes weakly. I pulled the covers off me and stood up. It was cold and my warmth from my bed drained from my body. I walked over to the door and twisted the shiny, black metal door knob. The door swung open and revealed a skinny hallway with another door to the right. I knocked on the door and entered. My eight-year-old little brother named Jeremiah was sitting at his desk playing Call Of Duty on his PC. He was wearing a black and white headset and he was clicking his mouse rapidly.

"Hey," I said tiredly, "get off the games bozo. Today we have to go meet up with your girlfriend."

"Taylor? Where are we meeting her?" J.J. Asked over the sound of his video game.

I answered, "Yes, Taylor. We have to meet her at the play ground near the skate park. I'm going to meet up with Grayson, Carter, Tyler, Harris, and Devin there too. I have to get ready. When I come back down, be ready to leave."

J.J. Sighed and said, "All right…"

I turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I continued walking to find a staircase leading to a door with a blurred window. I walked up the stairs and a small 'tap' happened when my foot hit the cement step. I opened the teal door and stepped up into the kitchen.

"Hello Harper, how did you sleep?" Mum asked me.

"Good. Do we have Captain Crunch?" I replied.

My mum said, "Yes, it's in the pantry."

I said walking to the pantry, "Okay, thank you mum."

I opened the wooden pantry door with a squeak. I rummaged around and found my cereal box. I grabbed it and closed the door. Zeus, our grey Great Dane with blue eyes came galloping in. He jumped onto me with his paws on my shoulders. He sniffed my face and I kissed his head. I stroked his head.

I walked to the cabinet and grabbed a bowl. I pulled out a drawer and grabbed a silver spoon. I opened the refrigerator and poured milk into my bowl. I went and sat down at one of the three stools we had at our kitchen island. I started eating my bowl of cereal. The back door flung open and dad came in holding a black leash. Tied to the opposite end was a tan Pit bull.

"Hi Bruno!" I said with a drip of milk falling down my chin.

Bruno barked at me. Dad unhooked his leash from his collar and he bolted to me and rubbed his head on my leg.

"Hey Harper. Where's J.J.?" Asked dad.

"Downstairs playing COD." I said as I continued eating.

Dad said, "Okay. You guys are leaving for the park later, right?"

I answered, "Yep, after I get ready."

"Okay, hurry up."

"I am, I am."

I finished my breakfast and put my bowl in the dishwasher. I walked down to the basement and into my bedroom. I opened the closet door and looked through my shirts. I came across a over sized AC/DC T-shirt and took it off the white hanger. I pulled off my shirt and put on the fresh one. I walked to my dresser and checked my pant drawer. I found a pair of black ripped jeans and put them on. I grabbed a belt that hung on a hook and put it through my pant loops.

On my desk laid three rings and a necklace with a dragon holding a gem. I put them on and tied my black high top Converse onto my feet.

I went to J.J.'s room, he was still playing video games. I turned off his bedroom light, threw a pillow at his head and bolted upstairs. I heard a muffled scream as I entered the kitchen.

"What's that smirk for?" Mum asked me curiously.

"Oh, nothing." I chuckled, walking over to the front door.