
Harry Potter : Degenerate Reborn In The World Of Harry Potter

(On hiatus not dropped, I am pumping out chapters for the Game of thrones fanfiction) This Novel Is Written For Those Who Have Read And Enjoyed My Previous Novel Exclusively. If You Can't Handle That One You Surely Won't Handle This One. also it's a crackfic so turn brain off if necessary, I'm still new to writing. A Degenerate is Reborn into the world of Harry Potter into the Tonks Family. As the son of Edward Tonks and Andromeda Black. As a relative of the Most ancient and Noble House of Black, incest and lusting for power is in his blood....with a Beautiful Older sister and mother in the house nothing and no one will stop him from getting what he wants. ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ R18 ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ Not to be viewed by those under 18 years of age. Extreme graphic content, Extreme Depictions of Violence, Graphic Sexual Content. (Rated A) I recommend you begin reading my other story first. . . All characters depicted in this story are 18 years old or older and are purely fictional and are not meant to represent any real person. This story is an artistic un-closeted display of the repressed undertones present in the Harry Potter series of literature and is granted artistic freedom of representation. No money is made off of this work and only my Original characters belong to me.

SERBMADHAUS · Bücher und Literatur
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14 Chs

Ch 1 Well Shit Im A Tonks..........But I See This As An Absolute Win.

(First chapter please read my other story first, if you don't then this one won't make sense since this story is for those who have already read my other novel)


I awoke with a Massive Headache and Pain Coursing through my whole body.

'The last thing I remembered is I had nutted gallons inside of the Night Kings Wife after Tying him up with valyrian steel chains and making him watch....after that I have hazy visions of Fortuna and our little daughter coursing through my mind but I don't remember anything else.'

I was laying in a twin sized bed covered in thick dark blue quilts.

As I looked around me I realized I wasn't in Westeros anymore...There was a big dark brown owl perched on a desk on the other side of the room.

There seemed to be no electronics present here although It didn't exactly feel like a medieval world.

There was a painting of two dragons Fighting on the wall and the image seemed to be moving....

'Fuck.....I Guess I'm in Harry Potter now but I don't remember why the fuck I'm here.'

As soon as I thought that a gold letter appeared out of nowhere.

it glided through the air and landed in my hand perfectly.....I could feel an aura in the letter.....it was the sacred aura of my Goddess Fortuna coursing through it.

I unfolded the letter and began to read.


'Hi My Love 💕 It's your first wife here!

I Had some problems sending you

to the next world since the god of

reincarnation tried to stop it.....

Don't worry though I killed that old hag

quite easily thanks to the tasty souls

you sent me😋 No other God has

gotten any souls In millennia

except for me so I'm the boss

up here now! Our daughter is

finally crawling and can't wait to

meet you! Enjoy your time in

the new world, your wives and

daughters from Westeros are here

with me as well so don't worry

since you'll meet them again.

Anyways, I've left you the dimensional

Store like before so if you need anything

don't hesitate to take it.

Much Love from - Fortuna Goddess of Fate,

Wife to The best hubby in existence,

Ruler Of The Heavens, One Above All,

Mother to the cutie Cassia~

P.S. I left you some Vampiric powers

since you love using them 😘


After I finished reading the letter it disappeared into a flash of Golden light and memories from this body came back to me.

It seemed I was Transferred into the body of Helios Octavius Tonks, The son of Edward Tonks and Andromeda Black, I had Nymphadora Tonks as my older sister in this life.....I'd never had an older sister in any life, I'd be sure and make her mine.

Helios...Octavius.....half Greek half Roman....my parents had an odd naming sense since my sister was named Nymphadora.


I lay in bed taking in all the memories that possessed this body.....my family was fine but I'd have to make some adjustments going forwards since I didn't want another man in the house.

It was early July 1990 and Big Sis was on summer vacation and I had a year to get my affairs in order before begining My first year at Hogwarts.

I noticed a bandage wrapped around my head and I could smell the medical salve spread on my head.

Seems this body had some sort of accident prior to me taking it over but when I checked the wound it was already closed up so I took off the bandages.

My body was a lot smaller than in my past life, scrawny arms and long jet Black hair that reached past my shoulders.

I undid my pants and looked inside...I only found disappointment so the first thing I did was access my dimensional store and grab a bright red potion with pink steaks running across it.

As soon as I drank it I felt the vitality and strength rush though my body.....I felt a surge of strength wash over me before passing out.

I awoke some unknown time later and sensed the differences in my body.

The strengthening and vitality potion did wonders for this tiny body.

When I looked under my pajamas again I was pleasantly surprised.....nowhere near my past life but more than enough to work with.

It would also unlock the potential in this body so I should have good growth spurts as I age....I really didn't want to be a short king...

I looked at a standing mirror beside the bed and looked at my face...quite cute, a near spitting image of a young Timothée Chalamet but with jet black hair, and pale blue eyes that wouldn't look out of place on a white walker.

Looks were good enough for my liking but I still needed to grow, I was not a fan of being small and not muscular.

I lay in bed for another half hour trying to remember what had happened in the last life... but the only image of westeros I could remember was Me fucking the Night Kings Wife, turns out she even had an Ice Hymen since the dead man couldn't get it up hehehe.

As I was amusing myself in the thought there was a knock on the door.

"Little Heli~ Are you awake little brother?" I heard the sweet caring voice of My Big Sis in this life.

"Come in....I'm awake." She opened the door and walked towards me quickly and put a gentle hand on my head.

She looked almost exactly like Jennifer Lawrence but with a much better body.

As she walked towards me I noticed just how thick she was, She was nothing like In the books...Her short pink hair contrasted perfectly with her thighs which looked like they could crush watermelons, and her big perky breasts jumped up and down with every step.....I just couldn't take my eyes off of them since she wore a thin gray dress and no bra so her hard nipples clearly poked an outline through the fabric.


I used my senses and inhaled her sweet scent...Yess!!!

She's Still a virgin....I'm in luck 🤞

I heard she was the girlfriend of Charles Weasley but they had broken up.....good thing that filthy rat didn't touch my precious sister or I'd have to skin him alive.

"What exactly are you staring at young man~"

Nymphadora said with a teasing smile and a bonk to the top of my head.

"I.....I don't...I don't know Big Sis.....I Just thought you looked really beautiful..."

I responded shyly....I would have her soon but I had to play my cards right.

"Aren't you a bit young to be thinking about girls like that Little Heli" She asked while ruffling my hair.

"I don't think of any girls like that!!!! Just you Big Sis....." I responded and I noticed a small blush on her cheeks

"If only my boyfriend had thought of me like you do." She said a bit sadly.

"You have a boyfriend!!! why?!?!?" I asked a while faking bit of anger.

She just responded with a big hug which buried me in her Giant, Juicy Bazookas.

"I don't have a boyfriend anymore.....he cheated because I wouldn't sleep with him.... then he broke up when I found out..." She told me while holding me tightly.

If I didn't have some of my Vampiric powers I might have worried about suffocating in the huge bouncy mounds but since I was fine i just buried myself deeper into her sweet smelling breasts.

She then started talking nonsense about what happened with her boyfriend but I couldn't care less since I was enjoying the soft feeling of my big sisters melons, I would periodically give them a subtle squeeze or rub her nipple with my lips as if on accident.

After a while she separated and smiled at me with a blush and I could smell a bit of arousal from her.

She knew exactly what she was doing by burying me in her tits and I knew it.

"Alright Little Heli~ I have to go take a bath so I'll have to leave you here." She spoke as she got up to walk away.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her thick ass and thighs as she walked away, it seemed like she had two basketballs hidden in her skin tight dress.

She turned back as she was walking out the door and caught me staring at her ass which made her smile.

"Big Sis can I join you in the bath....we used to do it when we were younger right?" I asked innocently but she already knew I was lusting after her.

She bit her lip for a moment before nodding

"Come on, you know I like to take long baths and I don't want to waste time." She said so I got out of bed and followed after her.

Goddess help me I wanted to sink my teeth into her thighs as we walked to the bath but I had to resist....this wasn't Westeros so I had to remain calm.

We entered the bathroom to reveal a large tub that could fit four people. The rest of the bathroom was oddly japanese styled, I even spotted an inflatable soapland bed on the edge of the washing area.

Nymphadora waved her wand and it was already filling with hot water as soon as we entered the room.

She first took of her flats and then rolled off her stockings....I stared the entire time

Then she turned away from me and slipped off her dress in one smoothe motion.

Her body was even more tempting than I realized, but I used my hematomancy to keep a boner from popping up just yet.

then she turned around without even attempting to hide the goods..... her giant tits were perfectly perky, pink nipples tipped them both and I felt like licking and sucking them right away.

Her pussy was hidden because she was standing upright but I could see her bush clearly, it was a landing strip with hair that was just as pink as the hair on her head.

"Time for you to undress as well Little Heli~"

She told me teasingly.

I quickly took off my brown shirt and gray pajama to reveal my seven inch cock... it was still soft so it would grow much more.

When Nymphadora saw it her eyes went wide in shock.....

I just walked past her and entered the washing area as if nothing of had happened.

she stood awestruck for some time before

following behind me with a weird glint in her eyes.

We both settled on the washing area next to the tub for a moment before I offered to start washing her, she agreed and I began to wash her hair first.

I had so much experience with women that turning her on just from washing her hair was easy for me.

As I massaged her head with soap she began to Release subtle moans then she quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

I continued washing her head before moving on to her shoulders and I did the same thing and massaged her taught muscles while washing her...it felt as if she'd never been massaged because the surprise coming from her was easily detectable.

Her moans grew perceptible again as I rubbed her beautiful pale skin.

I moved on to her back and began loosening all her muscles down as she slowly melted in my hands.

Her moans grew louder and louder as I ended her back then I reached out to the front and began lathering up her big tits with soap as I slowly and methodically massaged them.

They were so soft and heavy in my hands that it seemed like my hands would disappear in them if I pressed to hard.

At this point I began to rub teasingly around her areolas getting closer and closer to her erect nipples with every moment.

when I finally reached her sensitive nipples Nymphadora shuddered as soon as I held both of her perky pink nipples in between my fingers.... her body was already feeling loose and hot from my massage so she was not thinking clearly and didn't even think to stop me.

I then took both of her nipples and gave them a hard twist which made her whole body tense up stiff as her eyes rolled up and get tongue stuck out like aheago.

She then started squirting hard in a mind-blowing orgasm her squirt was the most impressive I'd ever seen as it showered the entire area in front of her.

Her hips bucked on the stool a few times as she orgasmed from my massage then she started panting heavily as if she were out of breath...that's when she noticed something big and hard poking into her ass from behind as I continued to rub her nipples and kept her orgasm wave continue.

She tried to stop me but I just whispered

"Calm down Big Sis and let me wash

you....I know you need it...."

Her mind was muddled with pleasure so she subconsciously nodded and just let it keep happening.

I continued to tease her nipples for a few minutes until I had her on edge again before giving both of those red strawberries another hard twist and she bucked and squirted all over the ground again as her thick milky thighs were dripping with even more love juice.

She was slumping back in me in the stool so I decided it was time to get her to lie down before I continued the massage/Wash.

I guided her out of the small stool and onto the inflatable bed.

I had her lay down facing up as she avoided even looking at me in shame from what she was allowing me to do.....but she couldn't resist the bliss that came from my little hands.

When she saw the hard thing that was poking her back just a moment ago I saw the desire in her eyes.

I started by lathering her thick thighs and meaty calves up with soap and beginning to wash her soft skin.

I started at her feet where I got the first good look at her pussy, it was fat and her lips were perfectly plump while the slit itself was small and perfectly bubblegum pink, it oozed sweet smelling love juice non-stop and I badly wanted a taste.

I wanted to get my head in there already but I knew that patience is virtue and I'd need to wait a few moments.

I massaged her feet as they began to suds up I made sure to hit every sensitive spot on her feet with skill which elicited a muffled moan from her every time.

Quickly her mind was lost again In a sea of ecstacy as I rubbed her feet for a few minutes before sliding up to her meaty calves.

They were extremely tense so I used extra pressure and faster movements to loosen them up but once they were properly loosened her soft skin felt wonderful as I allowed my cock to graze against them for a split second before pulling back.

Nymphadora also noticed this but she was so lost in pleasure that she didnt seem to mind.

Once I slid up to her thighs I noticed her moans began to increase more and more with every rub of her milky white skin.

She knew I would soon massage her gushing pussy but she just didn't know exactly when and with every rub I moved closer and closer as she subconsciously spread her thighs apart to allow me access to her sacred place.

I kept massaging her thighs without ever touching her pussy and she orgasmed lightly twice and squirted onto the Inflatable massage bed.

As she was cumming a second time I rose from beside her and got onto the bed while nearing her untouched gushing pink kitten.

"Big Sis the juice that keeps coming out smells so sweet.....do you mind if I taste it."

I asked and I saw her eyes widen in the realization and shock.

Before she even had a chance to answer I shoved my tongue against her pussy and started to ruthlessly attack her lips, slit, and clit without remorse.

I wrapped my arms around her thighs and held on tightly and kept licking and flicking as she tried to push me off for the first few minutes.

After some time had passed her protests turned into moaning as instead of pushing me away she began to push my head into her gushing hole and wrapped her legs around my body.

She started cumming for the second time from my tongue as her sweet strawberry nectar sprayed into my mouth and I drank all of it while keeping up my attack with every lick.

I continued to eat her out for half an hour as she came six times from her little brothers tongue.

After the sixth orgasm her eyes rolled back and she fainted from the extreme unknown pleasure.

I felt like that was enough to erode whatever misgivings she might have, I was sure she had melted into my hands fully after something that intense.....although I was sure it would require more effort to make her comfortable with the idea.

I laid next to her cradled in her arm while rubbing one of her giant breasts as I listened to her labored breathing.

I took a glance at her and admired her beautiful curves, she was slim-thick with a little extra thick just like I liked them.

Her soft skin on mine made me extra hard and I would need relief soon.

Her breathing slowly stabilized as she came back to consciousness.

She looked at me with glazed eyes for a moment before coming in for a kiss..... it was long and before long her tongue began to enter my mouth as I tasted her sweet saliva.

We slowly got used to the French kissing and slowly increased the intensity as I bit her lip and sucked on her tongue while swallowing as much delicious spit as i could.

I began rubbing her breasts with one hand and grabbed her huge ass in the other as things started to heat up between us.

The Taboo aspect of this was making both of us extra horny as I could feel her body heating up as much as mine.

Before long she slid me on top of her and spread her legs which allowed my cock to rest up against her dripping slit.

We kept kissing as I began to rhythmically rub my cock against her pussy and she began to moan louder and louder.....but I wasn't putting it in until she begged me.

After she orgasmed once from the rubbing of the nine inch cock she stopped kissing me and moaned out.

"Heli~...Put it inside~!!!" She moaned In my ear.

I pretended to have trouble finding the hole until she did exactly what I wanted.

She grabbed my cock by the base, lined it up with her hole and wrapped her legs around be to push me inside.

My cock Instantly broke through her hymen as a bit of blood gushed out but she was so horny that it didn't even register as she kept pushing me in until my tip kissed her cervix.

She moaned heavily the entire time and when my tip reached the end she let out a small scream as she gushed squirt all over me.

I held it there and allowed her to recover from her orgasm by starting to slowly pump my cock in and out while constantly kissing her and holding her face gently just like a lover would.

"I Love You Big Sis." I spoke to her while looking in her beautiful brown eyes while I fucked her pussy.

She looked a bit shocked for a moment before her eyes widened a bit before softening at me

"And I Love You Little Heli~" She said before bringing my head in for another kiss.

After the kiss I broke away and began to fuck her for reals before talking in her ear as I thrust mercilessly. "That means you don't get any more boyfriends do you understand.....you are mine Big Sis.....Now And Always." I told her before giving her earlobe a bite which caused her to orgasm and squirt again.

She shuddered under me as her pussy contracted and massaged my cock that was buried inside of it.

"Say it! Say that you're mine!" I yelled at her as she was cumming

"Im~ YOURS~!!!! Now And Always~!!!!" She moaned out in ecstasy while cumming hard from the fucking.

That's when I unloaded inside her pussy with hot thick cum, her orgasm extended even longer at the feeling of more and more of her little brothers semen spurting into her womb with every thrust.

In the end I was spent as I lay there in top of her as we both panted heavily while intertwined in eachothers arms.

My cock served to plug up her womb which was filled to the brim in sticky white seed, she was lucky that I'd turned off baby making mode or she'd surely be pregnant already.

I had taken her virginity, and now she was mine....wether she liked it or not I wasnt letting Charlie Weasley or Remus Lupin get their grubby little hands on my sister in any way.

After fifteen minutes of both of us lying there motionless she asked me.

"Did you mean it.....that I'm yours now and always....?" She asked shyly while looking at the ceiling.

I just grabbed her face and looked into her eyes before giving her a long chaste kiss on her soft lips. "Now And Always.....and remember that If you go out with your ex I'll kill him." and before she could respond I began kissing her again and she just melted under the attack.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It was now a few hours after our bath and I was laying in Nymphadoras room as we both went to sleep in each other's arms.

We had talked for hours about all sorts of things Turns out both of my parents are respected Wizarding World Lawyers, my father is a muggleborn and my mother is a pure blood.....I'd be sure and use that to my advantage later on.

Nymphadora also showed me her metamophagi ability and she said I could turn into any woman I wanted....when I told her I just wanted to be with my big Sis she smiled sweetly and brought me in even tighter.

There was no need to fantasize about other women with such a perfect specimen in front of me after all.

I grew closer and closer as we talked and I began to see her as both my Big Sis and My new Wife...

Then We both slowly dozed off to sleep💤. . . . . . .

(And Scene ... what did yall think, this might be my best work yet, I'll be sure and include lots of magic and lemons in all the chapters.)