
Harry Potter: Challenging Fate

An amalgamation of memories occur when a lonely soul takes over Harry Potter's body during the forth year. How will he survive the tournament? With a couple of spells and support of his loved ones.

ShinXResolve · Bücher und Literatur
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11 Chs



Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.


Under the dark of night a lonely shadow was making it's way towards a hut near the forest. Having reached the door the figure knocked. Loud footsteps were heard coming closer.

The half-giant opened the door. "Be quiet." Closing the door behind him Hagrid walked towards the Forbidden Forest.

At the entrance another person could be seen waiting for something. "An unusual hour for a rendezvous Mr. Hagrid." A woman's melodious voice with a thick french accent entered their ears.

The half-giant kissed the Beauxbatons Headmistress's hand "Madame Maxime, what I've wanted to show yer just came in. It's in the forest."

The woman scrutinized the honest oaf of a man. "Hopefully it's promising monsieur." She said with haughtiness.

Hagrid laught and ensured it was. "Let's go shall we?" He lent her his hand and started escorting Maxime into the woods.

Harry was amused by his friend's plans to gain her affection. He trailed behind the pair, cautiously watching his steps. After a couple of minutes the group heard shouting and roars.

Hagrid signaled Maxime to be quiet. She wasn't supposed to see this after all. Steady but surely the group reached the cusp of a settlement within the woods. Many wizards and witches were going around nervously guarding enormous covered in cloth crates.

As Maxime wanted to ask a question a roar caused the ground to tremble. One of the covers fell down showing a specimen of a Chinese Fireball Dragon. Fire shot out of it's snout sowing destruction everywhere. The heat and rage awakened the other dragons.

"Majestic." Maxime covered her mouth in amazement. Hagrid nodded in agreement.

Harry encircled the makeshift camp and observed the creatures. He walked up closer and saw the Hungarian Horntail. It started hitting against it's cage trying to break free. The dragon tamers shouted out spells in an attempt to subdue the raging monster.

"Let's see what works." Harry started by casting Sai. But it didn't seem to faze the angered dragon. "Troublesome." He sighed.

His options were limited as he didn't want people to know we was here. He started painted red symbols in the air. "Geki." A red hue engulfed the target making it stop for a second. Just before the dragon could break it a volley of Stupify hit it's head making it finally fall.

Harry quickly retreated from the camp. On his way back he saw the Durmstrang's headmaster exiting the forest and heading for the ship. It seems most of the Champions will get the news before sunrise


As he entered the common room Hermione ran up and hugged him. Ron raised from his chair and made his way to the duo. "Did you see them?" He asked.

Harry nodded. "Four dragons. From what I've heard mothers." Blood drained from his friends faces.

"Nesting dragons? They're insane!" The witch said in a high pitch voice.

The redhead leaned against the wall. "Charlie talked about them once. Bloody those are."

"Before you both start panicking we still have something to do." Harry walked up to the fireplace. "Can you both stand guard?"

The duo walked towards their respective spots. "Sirius, are you there?" Harry lowered his head trying to catch any change to the fire.

After a few sparks a head appeared in the flames. "Hi there Prongslet."Harry's Godfather showed up. "It's good to see you."

Sporting a smile the boy replied. "I couldn't wait either."

Harry told what he learnt about the trial. "Any bright ideas, Oh shining one?" He smirked.

The elder man barked out in laughter, but shortly changed to an grim expression. "It's not fun and games Harry. You have to hope you get the harmless one."

Sirius threw out a couple of options for Harry to consider. "Before we end, there's two more things. I've told the Head of DMLE about you."

"Are you serious?" The man looked at his godson as if he grew two heads.

Harry chuckled. "That's you, you old fart. She'll try to call off the pursuit order. As you didn't get a trail in the first place." That somehow calmed his godfather.

"That's great and all, but why are you grinning?" The man looked suspiciously at his pup. "Surely there's another reason."

"I've got the bird." Harry smiled. Hermione in fact." He said with pride.

The man laught. "Truly Prongs son." He remarked. "Although she's not red." Sirius added with a wink.

"But she's smart, strong and," Harry looked towards the girl's dorm, "she loves me." He said teary-eyed.

"Lily would be proud, pup." Sirius said with an audible hoarseness in his voice. I'm sure she is."


With only one day to spare Harry opted out of going to classes. Fortunately, Hermione didn't go balistic, but Ron got an earful for trying the same. While his friends were drowning in plants in the morning Harry ventured into the room of requirements. Contrary to everyone's belief he was chill as a cucumber. He just didn't want to exacerbate the Voldermort situation.

"Wouldn't want him running out on me." He smirked after ending his practice.

On the way to the Great Hall for lunch he found an unusual sight.

"On your own?" Harry walked up towards the older student. "Who would've thought, Cedric."

The bright sun of the badgers turned towards the incoming boy. "It's been a while Mr. Potter." Cedric smiled. "How have you been?"

"Surprisingly good." They continued walking. "It seems our favorite reporter had her eyes on you today." Harry tried not to chuckle. "Our very own male Veela. 'What's his secret for glowing skin?'" Cedric shuddered from remembering his fans asking for skin care tips.

"How about we don't talk about it?" The older boy blushed in embarrassment. "Prepared for tomorrow?"

Harry looked around and casted a silencing ward. "I don't think a day is enough for what we'll see tomorrow Cedric." He took out a piece of paper. "Read this."

Unsure of his intentions Cedric still took the offered parchment. However, he quickly became pale after reading. "Dragons?" He looked in disbelief."

Harry nodded. "Arrived just yesterday. Nesting mother's in fact." He patted the Hufflepuff on the arm. "I'll see you around."

Having left the badger behind Harry reached the Great Hall and sat down next to his girlfriend.

"Now we can say everyone's been informed. " He pointed towards the slowly walking disgruntled figure.

"You did the the right thing." Hermione smiled. "He'll probably exhaust himself today." She mused.

"Earth to Harry!" Parvati shouted. "Geez, it's almost as if you forgot about the world after getting with her." She smirked.

Embracing his girlfriend with a side hug. "But she is my whole world." He said eliciting waves of cheers and jealousy.

"What about me?" A Luna appeared next to him.

He pinched her cheek. "My little moon." He said foundly. "Brighting up the midnight sky."

He felt his foot hurting. Hermione was twisting her shoe while trying to keep appearances. "It was nice of you honey." Harry gulped at the undertone of future consequences.

Unbeknownst to them Luna was blushing at the praise. "Thank you." Nobody heard her meek gratitude.

"And what about me." A resolute redhead entered the picture. Making all of her brothers cast a side glare promising vengeance.

Nervously sweating Harry was judging his options. The girls giggled while Harry banged his head on the table. "You'll become the death of me." He muttered making the table laugh at his expense.

"Not so brave now, Mr. Playboy?" Lavender fluttered her eyebrows in a teasing manner.


"What were you doing earlier?" Hermione hissed at her roommates in their dorm room. Ginny and surprisingly Luna got in on the action as well. The girls wondered how did she get inside.

The gossiping duo waved of the fuming girl. "A little bit of flirting didn't hurt nobody." Parvati said unabashedly.

"You know he's always been hot commodity for us girls." Lavender added. "And you dared take him out of the dating market just when he became conscious of us."

"We're not blind Hermione." Lavender sighed. "His eyes light up whenever you're mentioned."

"But you have to understand our plight." Ginny interjected. "We've lived our wholes lives with stories about him." She said with tears in her eyes. "And he somehow is even better in person."

Luna hugged her friend. Hermione didn't know what to say. Both of the younger girls had something in common with her. "He and his saving other's complex." She sat down and sighed.

An uncomfortable silence permeated the room. Nobody knew what to expect from this conversation.

"And what do you want from me?" Hermione eventually said. "Don't think I'll break up with Harry just so you can live off your fantasies." The girls recoiled a bit from her murderous gaze.

Luna not caring about the lioness's stare, she took out a familiar tome. "I believe this is the solution to our problem." She said with some mischief in her voice.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "If you believe a book will make me leave Harry then you're wrong."

Ginny chuckled. "Just read from the silver bookmark." She gave the dreamy blonde a wink.

"Can we get the shorter version?" Lavender scowled at the enormous size of the tome. "Hopefully in four sentences or less." Parvati swatted her friend's behind making her squeak.

"Behave if you want those kissable lips darling." The Indian girl smirked.

Having enough of this conversation Hermione dived into reading. After an hour of studying. She looked towards the others in the room. "I'm not alright with this." She started.

"No ones said you have to." Luna replied. "However, you've got to understand that here in the Wizarding World we have different opinions on marriage and relationships."

"Especially when it comes to inheritance. Some girls will definitely make the guy marry into the family." Parvati added. "Susan Bones and even Luna are just one of many."

The bushy haired girl sat silently making the girls nervous. She looked at them. "Aren't you disgusted with the notion of sharing a man?" She asked.

"Better share a man than marry an old fart." Lavender scowled. "It's already hard to find a reliable suitor. There aren't that many boys our age to begin with."

Parvati nodded. "And we'll not talk about those in Slytherin." She remarked with disdain. "Frankly I'm surprised why haven't any older girls wrapped Harry around their fingers yet."

The girls giggled at the dense boy. "Maybe he just didn't understand their advances. Katie sure looked like she wanted to jump him last year." Ginny started laughing.

"Really?" Hermione was shocked by this.

"That happened when the both of you had a falling out. Because off a broom no less." Lavender scoffed. "At least he did a proper confession."Hermione froze hearing this.

"And you couldn't resist saying that, couldn't you?" Parvati wanted to strangle her roommate.

After returning from her thoughts Hermione saw the two girls fight with pillows while the younger ones where cheering them on.

Not knowing what to do with this predicament she decided to head to her afternoon classes. After taking a last look at the now four fighting girls she sighed. "Will this be my future?"


A tired Harry left the room of requirements. He used his privilege of absence to finish his preparations for the trail. Not wanting to deal with a crowd the boy decided to eat at the kitchens. On his way there he got stopped by professor Moody.

"Are you prepared boy?" The man inquired with his rough voice.

"Of course Professor." Harry replied. "I'm trying to play into my specialty. "He almost laught.

Nodding Moody said his piece about being constantly vigilant and left. Shaking his head Harry entered the kitchens and breathed in the inviting smells. Taking a spot at a nearby table he asked one of the elves for some sandwiches and tea. While he was eating two witches entered the room.

"Harry?" Susan walked towards the teen. "First time seeing you here. Had enough of your fame." She winked mischievously.

Turning around he saw the familiar auburn witch with her friend Hannah Abbot. "Care to join me?"

The girls sat down in front of him. "I believe this is the first time we actually speak." The blonde Hufflepuff said.

"Can't say I've had many opportunities to talk with the two daffodils of our year." Harry replied. "However, I've heard much about the both of you."

The girls rolled their eyes. "We can suspect why." Susan sneered.

"Let's just say they appreciate the finer things in life." He said while chewing. "Can't blame them as you're both breathtakingly beautiful."

Blushing the witches cooled off with some pumpkin juice. "Quite the flattery Mr. Potter." Susan started. "Ms. Granger would be displeased with your fowardness towards other girls."

Choking he tried to regain his composure. "She showed her dissatisfaction today." He said embarrassed. "Sometimes I forget about my honesty."

"You both caused quite a stir in Hogwarts." Susan played with tomatoes on her plate. "The savior is taken." She grinned at his blush.

Harry's eyes were full of love when he thought about Hermione. Making the girls a little jealous. "I wish someone also looked at me like that." Hannah pouted.

"Oh really?" Susan interjected. "Then maybe you should look at your Herbology partner more." She teased.

"Should I tell the lucky boy the good news?" He smirked knowingly. "I'm sure he'd be happy to take you to the ball."

"So you know that as well?" Bones was impressed as the administration went to great lengths to make everything secret.

"Let's say I have my ways." He smiled.

Not liking how the two were ignoring her Hannah butted in. "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

"I'm as ready as I could be." He shrugged. "Not much could be done to prepare."

Susan scrutinized the boy before her. Sensing he knew something more. "Are you the reason why Cedric suddenly went into a frenzy?"

Sweat dropped from Harry's forehead. Her eyes seemed to want to interrogate his soul. "Let's just say that you'll have something to look for tomorrow." Not going to take any more chances he quickly finished his dinner. "Good night fair maidens. Hopefully I can count on your support."

Seeing as the boy left with haste the girls giggled. "Even the boy wonder had to fold before you." Hannah said with mirth.

"He escaped." Her friend replied. "But he didn't because of fear." She saw at the last moment a hint of playfulness in his emerald eyes. "He's not making it easy." She whispered in a mischievous tone.


"Could you ask for Hermione to come down?" A first year girl nervously blushed and nodded. She quickly ran up the stairs leaving Harry scratching his chin in amusement.

Making himself comfortable on the sofa he quietly waited for his girlfriend. The common room was empty as many decided to turn to bed earlier. As he was sitting Hedwig decided to come by and brood.

"I'm sorry girl." He patted her. "You're so gorgeous that I couldn't risk your well-being." She was still mad he didn't send mail to Sirius with her.

"Even the owl?" Hermione sighed at her boyfriend's proclivity to shower others with affection.

"Jealous?" He turned around and was stunned by what he saw. She was wearing a rather flattering red nightgown. Her hair was tied into a messy ponytail making her neck more visible. He looked towards her face and saw her nervously biting her lower lip. He stood up. Seeing this Hermione gripped the side of her nightdress tightly. Her heartbeat quickened with every step closer he took.

Finally standing in front of her he reached for the small of her back and pulled the girl close to him. "You look wonderful tonight." As she closed her eyes he lowered his head and kissed her hungry for attention lips.

They reluctantly ended the kiss and made their way before the fireplace. He placed her on his lap and embraced the now shy girl. She brought her head to Harry's chest and breathed in his scent. The teen laid down a bit on the couch to make them both comfortable and started to delicately massage her back. He smiled taking pleasure in making her purr in delight.

Seeing her relaxed Harry decided to bite the bullet. "What's been troubling you Mione?" He raised her chin. "Did something happen?"

The girl looked into his eyes. A mix of hurt, fondness and adoration could be seen in the oceans of green in front of her.

"I worry that I'll lose you." She said with some tears flowing down her face.

Harry placed kisses right beneath her eyes. Drinking away the pearls of sadness. "Is it about the tournament?" He asked. "Or did I make you think I'll leave for another?" She tensed when he said the latter.

"Look at me". Nervously raising her head she saw a heartwarming smile. Harry flicked her forehead making her question his audacity. But before she could smother him with complaints he continued his thought. "I love you Hermione. And I won't leave you for anyone." He pressed his lips on hers.

The pair succumbed to their need for closeness and continued kissing with passion. Hermione decided to release all of the frustration and took away as much love as she could. She almost desperately clutched to his body as if in fear that this was only a dream.

After the snogging Hermione finally said what was on her mind. Harry listened to her explanation of the situation with the girls. "And that's it?" He asked.

"That's the only thing you have to say?" She punched him softly on the chest. "I'm losing my mind here." Hermione whispered.

He kissed the top of her head. "Do you think I'd collect girls as if it was a game?" He chuckled. "Although I can't say much about the future there's one thing for certain."

"And what's that?" She said while playing with his hair.

Cupping her chin he looked straight in her eyes. "That you're going to be by my side until the end." He kissed her nose.

She huffed. "And what makes you think I'll stay." She started giggling as he started tickling her.

"I have a hunch." The boy smiled. "And that's what I wish for." He whispered into her ear.

With a big smile she dived back into the crook of his neck and let him continue saying sweet nothings.