
Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Follow Alvin's journey in the world of Harry Potter with a card drawing system. If you want to support and motivate me to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack. *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel Harry Potter book.* *This novel is not mine. It is obtained from a Chinese fan-fic platform.*

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Chapter 526: Years Of Change

With this grand year-end dinner, the young wizards who will be known as the golden generation in the future have also bid farewell to their school careers completely.

Many of Ravenclaw's students join Cassandra's business department before they graduate and are often paid handsomely.

Students from other houses also have a good way out.

Two years flew by.

In the past two years, the development of the world seems to have pressed the fast-forward button.

Compared to two years ago, everyone's lives have changed dramatically.

Hundreds of millions of Muggle magic riots turned into wizard reserves.

Some of the best of them have mastered a fair amount of magic.

No matter what country you're in, the most you see on TV is no longer talk shows but lectures and tricks about magic.

There is a series of cooking spells specifically for housewives, and there are a series of spells for construction workers.

There are also beginner guides for various people who have just experienced a magic riot.

The whole world has changed, and people don't ask how your stock is going up when they say hello, but what spells you've learned.

If you master the spell related to your work, you can get promoted, raise your salary, and marry a beautiful girl.

Bloodshed and violence are equally inevitable, along with the awakening of extraordinary power.

Even though Alvin had already used the Fidelius Charm to seal most of the Dark Arts, it greatly reduced the lethality of the spells spreading.

However, even a Levitation Charm can kill someone if you have malicious intentions.

In North America, there was one such vicious incident.

After learning the Levitation Charm, a construction worker hangs his supervisor on a street lamp.

Subsequently, due to the aging of the equipment, the street lamp accidentally leaked, directly burning the boss.

The incident also caused a sensation at the time, and the Law Enforcement Division in North America hesitated and put him in prison under the custody of the Dementors for six months.

Initially, after hearing the sentence, many peoples protested.

Killing someone is only imprisoned for six months, even if it is an unintentional mistake, is too understated.

But six months later, when the worker was released, the whole person was already crazy and died in his home not long after.

People then learned that the prisons of the wizarding world were completely different from what they imagined.

It was a punishment worse than death.

Knockturn Alley, almost all the shops from Diagon Alley moved out to here, which has been expanded several times.

And Knockturn Alley also completely disconnected from Diagon Alley and became independent.

It has become a legendary place, as Alvin has lived here most of his time.

"Honey, are you going to see my biography tomorrow?"

Cho, who was two years older and at the peak of her girlish appearance, hugged Alvin's neck affectionately.

Now she has become the owner of the Tutshill Tornados team and the brightest star on the team.

This season's Tutshill Tornados team has risen from the original bottom to fifth place in the league.

"No problem, take Astoria with you, and we'll cheer for you together."

Alvin gently stroked the girl's hair, which made Cho dazzle for a while.

This guy's every move tugged at her heartstrings.

Alvin didn't know that Cho was interested in him again.

"Astoria is almost made Lady Greengrass crazy. After only one year in the Ministry of Magic, she changed five departments."

"I must teach her a good lesson when I return this time."

Cho couldn't help but give him a blank look when she heard this.

This man does not spoil that girl for such a fuss.

Teach her a good lesson? She will give you two winks of the star eye, and you have to hold it again.

Maybe due to being the youngest, coupled with Luna's unusual maturity, Astoria was raised as a daughter by Alvin.

And Astoria is also sneaky. No matter how much she makes a fuss outside, she is obedient in front of Alvin.

This is even more favored.

When she was in school, she was a lawless little devil, and the students did not dare to mess with her.

Now that she has graduated, it is even more amazing.

Lady Greengrass also discovered this, so she deliberately brought Astoria, who wanted to stick to Alvin's side, closer to the Ministry of Magic.

The result is still nothing that has changed.

With the title of Lady Quasi-Gaunt, few people in this world dare to discipline her.

What's more, the Ministry of Magic is the place where Alvin's power is most entrenched.

They could only let this young lady fool around.

Knowing it, Cho did not continue this conversation but changed the topic.

"I heard that the Quidditch League is going to expand. Is there such a thing?"

"That's right." Alvin nodded. "Harry came to me not long ago for this matter."

He intends to learn the football system of the Muggle world and build a superleague across Europe.

The wizarding world is attractive with magic and Quidditch as the hottest sport.

Who can refuse the sport of soaring above the sky on a broken broom?

As a result, Quidditch quickly surpassed all sports to become the most-watched game.

The flying broom factories of the whole world do have many new ones being established, and the order has already been lined up for three years.

And the people also have many more self-organized teams.

Yesterday, when Alvin watched TV, he also saw that the civilian team established by Japan and England defeated the Turkey team by an absolute advantage.

The total score came to 600:200, a huge difference.

And Cho's eyes brightened a little after getting Alvin's affirmative reply.

"Then I must lead the Tutshill Tornados team to become the strongest Quidditch team in the future!"

"You definitely will."

Alvin said spoiledly.