
Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Follow Alvin's journey in the world of Harry Potter with a card drawing system. If you want to support and motivate me to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack. *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel Harry Potter book.* *This novel is not mine. It is obtained from a Chinese fan-fic platform.*

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Chapter 267: Violet

It has been more than a month since the students and teachers from the three schools came to Hogwarts, and they are gradually getting used to life here.

In addition to the Triwizard Tournament's qualified Champions, many young wizards also came from several schools to conduct school exchanges and gain knowledge.

However, most of the little wizards who came were fifth graders and above.

The reason for this is also because the students in the lower grades can't learn anything even if they come, so they should have a good class in the school.

Teachers from several other schools have recently started mixed classes. Alvin also took the time to listen to a few words and found that his level was not as good as several professors at Hogwarts, so he stopped going.

In the beginning, Alvin also had expectations for Durmstrang's professor. He wanted to see if they would teach some knowledge about Dark Arts.

After all, Durmstrang is famous for teaching Dark Arts. Unfortunately, this professor seems to be a little bit reluctant to let go. The scale in the classroom is not as big as Sirius, and he will only teach according to the textbook.

Alvin also lost interest.

A few days ago, Dumbledore found Alvin and hoped he would give an open class. This class, regardless of age or school, can be heard by interested students.

The content of the course is Alchemy.

As an Alchemist master in the wizarding world, Alvin's level has long surpassed the Alchemy professor at Hogwarts. This proposal was also proposed by the other party.

It is not easy to hear a lecture from an Alchemist master, and the professor would not miss such a good opportunity.

And Alvin thought about it for a while and agreed to Dumbledore's request. It just so happened that he had something he wanted to promote.

Due to the large number of people, Alvin also set up the class in the Great Hall, then expanded the space for other classrooms.

This afternoon is the time for class. After lunch, almost everyone did not leave the Great Hall, waiting for Alvin to arrive.

They are still looking forward to today's class. Alchemy is a high-end technology even in the Wizarding world.

Therefore, in many people's eyes, Alchemy is synonymous with mystery and high-end.

Many people wondered what Alvin would say in the open class and whether they would understand.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Professor McGonagall waved his Wand and changed the arrangement of the Great Hall. Placing all the tables and chairs horizontally gave everyone a better view.

A giant blackboard was also temporarily placed in front of the Great Hall for Alvin's use.

Cassandra sat in the front row, looking expectant.

In this world, as the largest supplier of broomsticks and potions in America Country, Cassandra's family naturally became an Alchemist family.

Alchemy is a necessary technique for making broomsticks. Since Cassandra was a child, she has received knowledge of Alchemy and knows its difficulty.

She believes that no one understands Alchemy better than her peers.

The appearance of Alvin shattered her pride. Today, she should look at how Alvin can come this far.

When Professor McGonagall had done all this, Alvin came in from the side door of the Great Hall.

Today's Alvin is also extraordinarily handsome. To meet the status of a teacher for one day, he deliberately chose a black suit.

The whole person seemed to be a lot more mature, and many little witches had tears flowing from the corners of their mouths.

But the most eye-catching is not Alvin, but a young girl behind him.

The girl had a beautiful face, her long soft golden hair was twisted into a bun, tied with a crimson ribbon, and she wore a snow-white dress and a Prussian blue jacket.

The girl's delicate face showed a very serious expression, holding a cardboard box and following behind Alvin step by step.

The little wizards in the audience talked a lot. They had never seen this girl before, and she was not a Hogwarts student because of her age. Could it be a new professor?

"Violet, just put things here."

Alvin pointed to the desk in front of him, and the girl nodded immediately. "Okay, Master."

Putting the cardboard box on the table, Violet hurriedly stood beside Alvin again.

Alvin looked at everyone with a smile, added an Amplifying Charm, and started today's class.

"I am honored that so many people will be interested in my class. I thought that such a boring subject as Alchemy would have few people coming to listen. After all, this delays your precious appointment time."

There was a burst of laughter from the audience, and it was obvious that Alvin had recently said the main theme in the castle was love.

A girl from Ilvermorny stood up and shouted loudly. "Mr. Gaunt, I will come no matter what you say. I am here to see you!"

The students' laughter grew louder, and there were not a few little wizards with this idea. This school exchange made Alvin many fans from other schools.

Cassandra frowned slightly and glanced at the girl with displeased. Are these people here to listen to the class or to make trouble?

Alvin didn't care about the girl's boldness and said easily. "Don't worry. Even if you came to see me, I would make your trip worthwhile."

Immediately afterward, he pointed at Violet and said to everyone. "I saw many people curious about Violet's identity, so I will introduce it to you."

"This is Violet Evergarden, the Auto Memories Doll I made and my main research assistant now. She will also show you the attractiveness of Alchemy in today's class."

Violet nodded stiffly as if trying to squeeze out a smile, but unfortunately, she failed in the end.

But everyone didn't care but sent warm applause instead.

Some wizards looked at Alvin enviously, knowing Alchemy was good and had such a beautiful assistant. They want one too!

The corners of Alvin's mouth twitched, and his heart was also very proud.

Violet is his carefully polished work and can be said to be his pinnacle.

Ever since putting the Minions on Nico's side, Alvin has wanted to prepare a new Alchemy Creature for himself.

After seeing that Kevin and the others made a mess of Nico's House, he also gave up his plan to make a few more Minions.

Several backup candidates were chosen, and Alvin struggled between choosing Ganyu, Klee, and Violet. Then he decided on the Auto Memories Doll named Violet.

To make Violet, Alvin also spent countless precious materials. Also, he used several kinds of Dark Arts to give Violet a real body of flesh and blood.

It can be said that this is no longer an Alchemy Creature, but a real Violet created by Alvin.

However, to avoid causing a bigger sensation, he would only say that Violet was just a doll when he introduced it to the outside world.

Pulling his thoughts back to reality, Alvin asked the first question.

"What is Alchemy?"

Hermione and Cassandra raised their hands simultaneously, and Alvin chose Hermione decisively.

I will earn Hermione's wrath for a while if I choose Cassandra.

"Alchemy was a branch of magic and an ancient science concerned with studying the composition, structure, and magical properties of the four basic elements and the transmutation of substances. It was thus intimately connected with Potion-making, chemistry, and transformation magic."

"Alchemy is also concerned with philosophy. One interpretation of alchemical literature. Which was known to be dominated by mystical and metaphysical speculation, was that the study of Alchemy was symbolic of a spiritual journey. Leading the Alchemist from ignorance (base metal) to enlightenment (gold)."

Hermione answered Alvin's question perfectly, looking at him with praise.

"Perfect! 10 points for Gryffindor!" Thumbs up to Hermione, Alvin looked at Professor McGonagall, sitting on the side. "Professor, should I have this right?"

Professor McGonagall nodded with a smile.

Signal Hermione to sit down. Alvin opened the box, took out a few items, and showed them to everyone.

Necklace, Quill, Floo powder, and a Teapot.

"This Necklace is a protective object made by me, which can resist dozens of spells in a row."

Some wizards from pure-blood families opened their mouths in surprise. They had never seen such a powerful magical object.

"The function of this Quill is to make the holder's mind more agile and focused."

Alvin raised his Quill, and Harry was jealous. With this thing, can his homework speed be improved a lot?

He decided to go to Alvin to buy two after class and give one to Ron.

"As for Floo powder and Portkey, I won't introduce them too much. Most of you have come into contact with them."

Alvin pointed to these four magical objects. "In fact, these items contain the existence of Alchemy, so Alchemy is not out of reach. It has been popularized in our daily life."

"There are many other examples. Broomsticks, Quidditch Ball, and even your Wand can be considered magical objects."

"However, the content of my class today is not to teach you how to make a qualified magical object but to introduce you to some of the most basic. Enchanting."

Advanced Chapters can be found here (www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack)

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