
Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Follow Alvin's journey in the world of Harry Potter with a card drawing system. If you want to support and motivate me to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack. *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel Harry Potter book.* *This novel is not mine. It is obtained from a Chinese fan-fic platform.*

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Chapter 125: Profiteer Alvin

"Backbone?" Fred scratched his head, somewhat confused about the meaning of this strange name.

But Alvin has decided so, so it's called Backbone.

Cho was curious and wanted to test the efficacy of Backbone and the pair of glasses that the twins named "Sleepy Glasses."

Fred sensibly took out two brand new sets and gave them to Cho, "This one is for you, and the other is for Alvin."

After experiencing the effect, Cho was pleasantly surprised and said: "I think everyone needs these two items in the History of Magic class. Professor Binns's class is tormenting."

History of Magic is arguably the most boring of all Hogwarts lessons.

And Professor Binns, who is in charge of teaching this class, is also the only ghost teacher in the school.

According to legend, he died while sitting in the office one day, but Professor Binns did not realize this. He left his body in the office and turned into a ghost to teach the students.

Alvin wondered whether the school had ever paid Professor Binns a salary. If not, he would be an old capitalist.

His class was incredibly dull, coupled with the ghost's steady and consistent tone. Each lesson could successfully hypnotize many little wizards.

Alvin heard Cho's sigh, and he nodded in agreement. Every time he was in Professor Binns' class, he could yawn, but he was too embarrassed to lie on the table and fall asleep, so he could only hold on.

"How much are you going to sell?" Alvin asked the twins about the price.

Speaking of this, the twins are a bit tangled. Although they have some talent in this, they still have too little business experience.

"Our cost is five sickles, and we will sell ten sickles. What do you think, Alvin?"

Alvin heard their pricing and shook his head. These two were still too young.

"It's not right for you, don't just count the cost of materials, isn't your time money? Isn't your technology money?"

"In my opinion, directly sell a Galleon!"

Alvin made the final call.

The twins were dumbfounded. George stammered and said, "However, will a little wizard buy? You must know that a Galleon can buy a lot of snacks and candy."

Alvin persuaded bitterly: "Think about it, little wizards are sleepy and afraid to sleep in class, and they are afraid of being discovered by the professor when they fall asleep. Is it expensive to spend one Galleon to buy peace of mind?"

The twins and Cho shook their heads together, "Not expensive!"

"Isn't that enough? And you have to make some changes to this dress, make it more beautiful, and then call it a collector's edition, selling three Galleons. I believe those little snakes in Slytherin will pay for this."

Alvin gushed about his business idea.

"By the way, make your rune carving a little shallower. This little mage had to change one every semester."

Listening to Alvin's suggestion, several people seemed to have been refreshed and looked unbelievable.

It turns out that there are so many routines in sales.

Finally, after speaking for nearly ten minutes, Alvin stopped, and his mouth was dry.

With a wave of the wand, a pot of black tea was summoned, and he sat next to him and drank the tea, leaving some time for the twins to digest.

Sitting across from Alvin, Cho asked, "Where did you learn all this and how to do business?"

"Those sales tactics in the Muggle world are much better than mine." Alvin looked at Cho with the expression little knowledge.

If he brought the techniques in the previous world to the magic world, he would be an eye-opener for this group of 'honest' wizards.

George and Fred also awoke and looked at Alvin with admiration. They now regard Alvin as their idol in life.

Alvin is saying they can make money wearing women's clothing, and they believe it.

After solving the final price problem, half of it is completed, and the rest is to see how George and Fred operate.

But Alvin didn't care about these things. He just did it out of his interest and didn't think about how much Galleons he could earn from these gadgets.

Alvin, who has most of the control of Knockturn Alley, Galleon, has no meaning.

Galleon can buy many things in this world, but there are also many things that Galleon can't buy.

For the next period, Fred and George were too busy to see anyone, and even the weekly tutoring group did not attend for two weeks in a row.

"The last time I saw them was the last time."

It was a piece of crap from Ron's Defence Against the Dark Arts tutoring group over the weekend, but it could tell just how hot the twin brothers' business was.

Alvin heard from Fred that they also brought Lee Jordan and put him in charge of some simple tasks.

Now the order has been lined up to 100 pieces, and it is estimated that the two of them will not be able to finish it next month.

So they pulled Lee Jordan over to be a tool man, and the pay was just a limited-edition suit.

"Especially the Slytherin ones, well, in your words, Alvin, they're taking advantage of them, and almost every one of them sent a piece of their clothes for George and me to help them remodel and all kinds of gorgeous glasses."

Fred said gloatingly that he and George launched a more expensive customized service, bringing their raw materials, costing ten Galleons for one processing.

Now they are really in pain and happy.

Alvin was silent. He didn't expect the twins to be better, and there was a custom trick, but Lee Jordan was miserable and was bought so easily.

Looking at Fred, who went back to the Dorms to work after reporting the situation to himself, Alvin was worried that the two of them would suddenly die.

Alvin was startled by Fred's two big dark circles just now.

After thinking about it, he should find a chance to let Harry bring a few bottles of Invigoration Draught for the two.

Well, Alvin is a good boss.

Advanced Chapters can be found here (www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack)

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