
Harry Potter but AU???

You know the drill, I died and got wishes, than I replaced the main character and lived happily ever after... or at least that's what it is supposed to be like, so why, in instead of reincarnating in my favorite book I am stuck in this AU where I am not sure what's gonna happen? Good thing I love fan-fictions? I don't own Harry Potter, if I did Harry would never have forgiven Ron in years four and seven and the cursed child would have never been written

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Chapter 130- end of the third year

(AN: from now in Harry thinks about Lupin as Remus)

Harry's POV

After getting out of the memories and leaving the room of requirements a few minutes before his past self arrived, Harry went to Remus to give him instructions.

"Remus, I need five things from you."

"What's it my lord?" Remus looked excited to be told what to do.

"First of all just call me Harry." The excited look on his face changed into horror.

"I can't! You are the prophesied savior, my family was preparing ourself to serve you for 350 years."

"I understand, but I need you to try, if you must, call me boss."

"Y-Yes, boss!"

"Secondly, right now we need to keep the fact you serve me quiet, so you can't tell anyone, not even your family this fact, plus, in the out side world you will call me Harry. Do you understand?"

"Yes boss."

"Thirdly, I need you to go to Fenghuang and make them agree to let me study there for the summer."

"That won't be a problem boss, anyone who learned there can have one apprentice of his go study there, it is one of the old rules they made, with the other being that outsiders can be excepted into the school if they manage to climb the mountain without the use of magic."

"Excellent. Fourthly, I am a little bit of seer, and I found out Voldemort is going to return back to life next year, and while I haven't managed to find a way to avert it, I might need you to be a spy for me at the order of the Phoenix, as I will need to know their plans."

If it was the previous Remus, he would have refuse, this Remus on the other hand...

"Yes boss!" Was excited about it.

"Lastly, I'm in the middle of study that might cure your illness, and I need to study you, in the human and wolf form, therefore, from now on, three days a month, you would come stay with me as I study."

As the werewolf once again agreed with excitement, Harry finally investigated about Sirius.

"Sirius? Well, the headmaster told me he was saved by James before the minister, who isn't listening to anyone, managed to have the Dementors give him a kiss."

"So he is free?"

"Yes, and now he is going to live in the Potter's house."

'Shit' Harry cursed in his heart, 'I hoped for him to be isolated from the Potters and have Remus convince him to distance himself from them, not to mention that by having no one living in Grimmauld Place meant that I won't have much chance at getting the locket.'

"I need you to convince Sirius to let you in Grimmauld Place, and get me from there a golden locket with a serpentine S in glittering green stone inlay on the front."

"Yes boss."

"Start worth getting me excepted into Fenghuang and then work on your other tasks."

With that said, Harry left the room.

The next few days were calm.

With no classes left Harry had enough free time before the year was over to create one last thing.

With two professional video camera he got the Greengrass to buy for him, bits of programs he took from GAI, the use of blacksmithing, and a rune based Shrinking Charm, Harry created a small, bug look-like doll that can scan its surroundings and copy everything it sees into its memory, the only thing he needed is to grant it the ability to move, luckily, with a ritual he already done before it wasn't much of a problem, the only thing he needed was the twins.

George's POV

George was exhausted, what would you expect from someone who just finished the O.W.Ls?

If someone would have ever told him that he and his twin would ever try that hard on test he would have laughed at their jokes.

Why would they ever want good grades? What would they need them for?

It wasn't like they would ever want to work at the ministry, they are going to open their own shop!

But then Luna and Harry came.

Luna, or as they started to call her- little seer, for she can always see the obvious that everyone seem to ignore, was the one who pointed out as they talked about how Percy was freaking out because of his N.E.W.T tests and how he is going to become a ministry worker, that non of the tests were needed to be a ministry worker, unless it was something specific, like auror or obliviator, even their father, the head of the department of misuse of muggle artifacts, didn't study muggle studies.

And when they started laughing about their brother needless worry and studying, she pointed out that while prank shops don't need test scores, to create some of their pranks they do need advance classes.

And with Harry mentioning how they only need to try on those tests as the N.E.W.Ts only affect you if you want to work at the ministry or have apprenticeship, not to mention Fred pointing out how funny would it be to show up in Snape's advance classes, they begun studying to the few classes they wanted to pass.

Potions- to create better prank candies, not to mention it would piss of Snape.

Runes- to create better prank items.

Charms- because they promised Professor Flitwick.

DADA- because it is interesting.

They had no need to study for transfigurations, as when they learned animagus transformation they became extremely good in them, and the other classes were unimportant to them, so they just left them alone.

In the end, with them also creating a broom with Harry, they were so exhausted they didn't have the strength for their usual end of the year pranking, so when Harry came to ask for their help they just said "go away."

Well George said it, Fred just made some noises.

In the end Harry just mumbled he would have to make do, and that he should have enough in himself for something before leaving.

But George didn't care, he was already asleep.

Harry's POV

Knowing the twins won't help him, started putting his magic in the container every three hours, letting it be filled.

It took until there was only one day left for the year when he finally had enough power to do his ritual, and even that only because the doll was small. Making sure nothing is wrong, Harry gave GAI permission to start the ritual, creating his second golem, who he called SCAMER- Such a Cute AI making Ebooks Reality.

If GAI is his assistance, SCAMER is his portable book thief.

And with him, he is gonna take all the knowledge from Fenghuang.

A day later

Luna's POV

As Luna got out of the train she once again sighed.

Harry already left school that morning, and she already missed him.

At least this year she knew they would meat during the summer, after all, they have a plan for the quidditch championship.

End of third year

Chaco out Harry’s stats

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