
Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

***This is a Harry Potter pre-canon fic.*** [The fic also involves Kingdom Building and real-world muggle geopolitics.] 1969, London Magnus, a 9-year-old boy got lost while watching a parade with his mummy. He looked around for her but only tired himself out, eventually taking a break under a tree in a park. But, that moment changed not just his, but also the destiny of the entire world. Because that tree was not normal, it contained inheritances from an ancient world-renowned wizard and a certain king. The tree had waited centuries for someone worthy and finally, it had found one. But what was so special that made little Magnus worthy? It's not possible that no other 9-year-old child ever slept under the tree in the past centuries. "OH! What a surprise, but a welcome one. At least, now I can rest easy that I made the right choice." The ancient tree thought to itself. ______________________ Tags: No Harem, Kind MC, Strong MC, decently strong to OP MC, Some Kingdom building. More of a slice-of-life story. NOTE: Severus will not end up with Lily. *Daily Updates* [A/N: MC will not magically become stronger and learn everything from chapter 1. He will learn through experience and hard work like normal people. (Except for some stuff that comes naturally to him.) Also, this story exists in the omniverse ruled by Grandpa Universe] _____________________ For advance chapters and more fics -www.patreon.com/misterimmortal ______________________ ***I do not own anything written in this fic except my OC characters.***

MisterImmortal · Bücher und Literatur
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504 Chs

357. Back To The Boring School

Magnus shrugged, "My problem is not with communism, it's a concept that sounds beautiful. The problem is, nowhere communism is followed by the books. Compared to democracy, communism leaves bigger chances of fuck-ups of giant scales happening. Anyway, how will you help me defeat it?"

"By making sure that it does not get into the western society. Mr Pendragon, I saw how destructive communism is, it does not give people freedom or a better life, it's an ideology based on suppressing people and making the government so powerful that nobody can fight it.

"My last official assignment was in India, I was sent as a translator to the ambassador, nobody there knew I was a KGB agent. In India, we were giving money to all the influential people who were greedy, corrupt and had low moral ground. We gave them free trips to the Soviet Union and made them meet party officials. Our aim was to do what the British did, but much worse. Their government thought we were being good socialist friends, but our hands of friendship had poisonous spikes hidden." Yuri revealed. [A/N: This is real information.]

"Are they doing the same in the United Kingdom and the US?" Magnus asked him seriously.

Yuri nodded, "Yes, Mr Prendragon. We have infiltrated the west since even before the world war. How do you think USSR was able to create nuclear weapons so fast? We had our people in the Manhattan project from the start."

Magnus nodded, still laying on the grass and enjoying the sun, "Hmmm, how can you help me determine who is a communist and who isn't?"

"On an individual level, it is hard, unless you have the means to gather information about every person," Yuri said.

Bobby interjected, "We are headed there, as a person who's too much into technology, I can see the world moving towards being so interconnected that anybody can find out about the entire life of another person."

Yuri was amazed, "Then, the threat of communism will be greater. Mr Pendragon, as I know communism and Soviet Deep State well, I can help you investigate any person or organisation that you want. I can tell you if they are related to the communist party or not."

Magnus appreciated this help, "Fine, first, I want you to investigate every single MP and see if they are communist. You will get paid by Tonks & Tonks, but you will not be involved in any company business. I still don't trust you, you have to win it."

"And I appreciate your honesty, if you had trusted me then I would have suspected you," Yuri replied honestly.

"Cool, you can go now and report to Tonks & Tonks office." He sent the man away. Bobby stayed and sat beside him.

"So, how's your life going, Bobby?" Magnus asked.

"Well, it's all going fine and too good actually. But for some reason, a lot of companies around the world have lost their CEOs, a lot of big owners are missing." Bobby said in a worried tone.

Magnus remembered something, "Ah, I forgot to tell you, it was Illuminati. All these company's owners were a part of the evil society which caused damage to the world for their own growth. They were headed by Rothschild, Hitler, Rasputin and the likes. I killed them all and took over their wealth. So yeah, now my assets are worth more than 300 Billion dollars[A/N: In today's amount it is 1.5 Trillion]. Though nobody knows."

( ̄▽ ̄)

"FUCK! You are richer than the entire United Kingdom, and this is just your muggle wealth. THIS IS CRAZY! But... it's good for our business, this means we can now cooperate easily with each other." Bobby was excited.

"Yup, but I am going to make the country rich as well. Soon, we will be shocking the world with our economic numbers. As soon as the new law is passed that I had suggested, we will change. The Entrepreneurship Act will allow people to take loans on easier terms as long as they can convince that their business plan will work. I am also opening a Royal Investment Fund.

"During the Industrial Revolution, we were so innovative, but that tag was taken from us by the US. They have a much friendlier environment for inventors. Soon, our own Silicon Valley will also be completed, then we can make big changes to the computer world. The future of the United Kingdom is bright." Magnus happily summarised.

Bobby also laid down on the grass, happy with what he heard, "It's sad, people don't even know that we are doing so much for the country and the world."

"Don't worry, soon they will. Propaganda is an important aspect of staying in power. I was taught this by some old man." Magnus remembered the words of Shiroken.

"Now, I am going to sleep for a few minutes." Magnus closed his eyes and relaxed.


Bhutan, a small country of a hundred thousand people, the lives of people was simple here, wake up, work in the fields and go to sleep. People were self-sufficient.

But, in the new era of globalisation, there were many things one could spend their money on. There were telephones, televisions, cable connections, electricity. Expenses were increasing but the income was the same as before.

When King Wangchuk announced that many new reforms and investments were soon going to come, people were sceptical. However, in just a year, they saw their lives change, there were so many jobs available in the market that they could keep on working in fields, live a healthy life and still have so much money left to do whatever they want.

Emrys Construction became the biggest construction company that made eco-homes. The lives of people changed so drastically that in just one year the country went from being poor to middle income.

Magnus made sure to drum his deeds to the world.


1975 came to an end, the 2nd semester of the 5th year started in Hogwarts. Magnus enjoyed his time with family but now had to go.

"Bye-bye big brother." Maximus, Aurelia and Clementia waved their tiny hands cutely.

Magnus hugged them, "Bye, take care of mum, okay?"

The dark-haired Clementia then took out a small paper from her pocket and gave it to him shyly, "Big brother, I made this for you and brother Rag."

Magnus looked, it was a simple family drawing made with crayons. It was bad, but the feelings mattered. He kissed her forehead, "Thank you, sweetie, I will frame this and keep it in my room in the school."

She nodded silently. For some reason, she was a very quiet and calm child. She rather liked to stay alone and play with toys than play with her siblings.

Ragnar looked at the drawing and fawned over it, "Awww... this is the best art ever."

Maximus and Aurelia felt jealous by this and they loudly proclaimed, "Big brother, we will make a drawing and send one too."

They kissed them as well, with Magnus saying, "Sure, I will eagerly wait for them. Summer here will bring them to me." Summer quickly puffed her chest in pride as her name was called.

Then they got on the train and headed back to the school. However, as they were passing by the cabins, they saw the Gryffindor four in a room, what stood out was that Lily was also there, sitting beside James, too close actually.

"Did they start dating?" Emma wondered vocally.

Magnus quickly moved, "Who knows, nobody cares, they deserve each other, a bunch of heartless people."

He didn't really see Lily as that heartless but believed she could have handled Severus' situation better. Still, Severus did feel a bit sad, it was normal human nature.

"Sev, don't think much about them. If she likes dating an asshole then so be it. James is... well he's just an average wizard, not even good at quidditch, which he boasts." Magnus tried to console him. [A/N: Due to Magnus, James could not come out as a rising star.]

"I know, Magnus. I am not saying anything about it. I am quite happy with my life. I am again close to my mother, she's happy, I have a big house, money and name, what else can I ask for?" Severus replied smartly.

Ragnar laughed and nodded, "Correct, them bitches be crazy, man. You should find a retarded crazy witch as well, like Magnus."


"Did he just call me retarded?" Emma suddenly stood up angrily.

Severus nodded, "Yes, he did just that."

Emma glared at him and took out a broom from the expansion pouch. Then she started beating him with it, "YOU USELESS HORNY LIZARD!"

"Bwahahaha... Ah... I love this girl." Magnus just laughed and enjoyed the scene.

[A/N: Well, Since the novel's name starts with "Harry Potter," he should at least be born. Though nothing will be the same. Anyway, I am not planning on bringing Severus and Lily together in any way in the future, nor will he become Harry's forced God Father.]

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You can read 20 Advanced chapters and Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

1 Stone = 1 Boring Banana. [Effect: Be able to control the amount of boredness in your life. TIP: Use it to study by decreasing boredness.]

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