
the end of the first year

it has been a few days after Christmas and the golden trio are in serious thought, before the break had begun, ryan had been called by the ministry for a confidential meeting, so he had left the school and had yet to return, in the meanwhile harry and the others had concluded that, snape was the one behind all the abnormalities and was the one who was helping voldemort stay alive by trying to get the philosophers stone,

they had also learned that a man in a pub had learned how to get past fluffy from a drunk hagrid which they once again suspected was snape, so they had followed a trail to fluffy who was already asleep and after getting past him, they had to face three more trials , the devil's snare , a man eating plant, the search for the key to the door and finally a life sized chess game,

during the trials . hermoine and ron had gotten injured and harry was the only one who made it into the room,

it was soon revealed that it was the incompetent teacher of the defence against the dark arts professor Quirrell, who was behind everything that had happened and that snape was always trying to save harry,harry soon learned that the philosopher's stone was actually with him the whole time, this leads us to his current predicament,

"hand over the stone and i will full fill your greatest wish!!" said voldemort to which harry laughed and said,

"my wish to become a strong wizard just like my brother , is something that i have to complete myself , it is not something that can be given!!" he exclaimed, before the enraged voldemort could do anything , clapping sounds resounded throughout the place, the two people turned towards the sound to see ryan, but he looked completely different from always,

he wore a white shirt which had his top two buttons opened , over which he wore a black trench coat which extended till his ankles, he also wore a black jeans , along with a silver belt, combined with his black gloves , he looked looked like he was ready for a war,

"ryan??" harry shouted , but the one most shocked was none other than voldemort himself,

"YOU!!!!, why are you here??, i thought you had left for the ministery??" to which ryan smirked and said,

"long time no see eh?, how long has it been since i last killed you??" ryan asked in a provoking way, immediately voldemort tried to flee but he was stopped in his tracks after what he saw was behind him,

a wall of weapons, hanging in mid air,

all of these weapons were noble phantasms of the highest degree created by ryan using the first true magic, the denial of nothingness,

then suddenly from all around the room many black robed people came out carrying wands at the ready all aimed at voldemort,

it was the aurors of the ministry ,

but voldemort then tried to use an area of effect curse, but before he could, ryan used heavens feel to once again destroy the fragment of his soul, killing him along with Quirrell,

harry walked towards his brother and asked

"ryan what are you doing here??" he asked to which ryan replied

"did you think that i would seriously miss someone causing trouble for my brother?, ever since the first day , i always thought that something was wrong with Quirrell, so i used a small familiar of mine to tail him, i eventually found out that somehow he was able to use rudimentary form of prana manipulation, this did not make any sense until i was called for investigation regarding the bank robbery, that is when i had my first doubts about him began, then i informed the ministry of my findings and my doubt's , at first some of the members were unwilling to aid me , but thanks to tonks here, i was able to convince them for support, after which i followed every one of his movements, his killing of the unicorns, him tricking hagrid and giving him the dragon egg, i had recorded everything using my camera and i also showed them my memory , then we planned an ambush at this place, but unexpectedly , you and your friends managed to find this place by yourself, honestly, as a teacher , i will be taking away a 100 points from you three each for you stupid stunt, but considering your qualities that you three have shown, i can give 300 points each to all three of you" he said to which harry and the now arrived hermoine grinned , but the next piece of news instantly smashed harry's happy mood,

"of course, mom also knows exactly what you have been doing, and everything you did upto this point is also being sent to mom live" ryan said as he pointed towards a floating ball with a wings which had a camera lens focused on harry,

"she is going to kill me isn't she??" harry asked to which ryan hummed and said,

"first she will smack you silly, then she will ground you for the entire summer vacation but then, yeah, she will kill you" he said to which harry fell on all fours comically while hermoine stared dumbly at the two brothers,

"but anyway , sorry that i had missed Christmas with you, because of our ambush plan, but as compensation, here , your Christmas gift" ryan said as he handed harry a package, after harry opened it all the aurors along with hermoine gasped at what was inside,

a wand that looked like it was made from a crystal, on the pommel of the wand, there were three colourful jewels, one in red, another in blue and another in green,

"i made this wand myself, the wand itself is made from the magic core of a crystal demon in china, the red jewel is the magic core of a fire dragon from romania, the blue one is the magic core of a kraken in the atlantic, and the green one is the magic core of a low level nature spirit, this wand will most definitely amplify all of your magic by more than a 100 times, so i suggest that you keep this wand as an emergency purpose only" he said , but by the time he had completed his long speech everyone except harry had already fainted,

at first when they had heard the term crystal demon, they were already scared to death, this demon was famous for being a wizard killer, and required an entire army of aurors to subdue even one of them, but judjing by the size of the wand, ryan must have killed at least a dozen of them considering that the size of their magic core was no more than 1 cm , when said the fire dragon from romania, hermoine had fainted while the aurors looked on the verge of escaping from the place, the fire dragon was a superior form of Hungarian Horntail, but unlike it's lesser kin it did not live in hungary but lived in romania, it was called the fire dragon because of it's scaled which looked like hot molten magma burning bright orange, and it's notorious fire breath which is said to have the temperature of the sun itself, in a given point of time there will only ever exist 8 fire dragons, no more, no less, the cause is said to be caused by a curse put on the species by an ancient warlock , as for when he said the kraken and the nature spirit, the aurors had already fainted ,

all in all, the want that harry was casually waving around was actually worth the entire country of Britain ,


after all of the children were taken to bed and ron was taken to the medical wing, Dumbledore walked into the room where Quirrell had perished to see the aurors packing up and getting ready to leave the castle, at the centre of the room ryan was observing the stone under a light from the roof,

"all this mess, for the sake of something like this??" ryan said without even turning back as the headmaster said,

"i think we should destroy it-" " no we won't " ryan interrupted him,

"this is the life work of wizard, even if you are the chief warlock , it does not give you the right to destroy someone's hard work, besides, i have already used my authority as the exotic symbol analyst to take possession over the stone, i will first give it back to Nicolas Flamel so that he has enough time to make another stone so that he can create his elixer of life, after which i will take back the stone and store it in my pocket dimension from which NO ONE will be able to steal it from, is that acceptable, headmaster??" he said to which the said man reluctantly nodded, even if he had any objections he cannot do anything because the authority of an Exotic Symbol Analyst far outweighs the authority of chief warlock

and thus the first year in hogwarts came to an end,