
Harry Potter and The Stone of Y

After being left alone for the day by his hateful relatives, Harry Potter didn’t really expect his afternoon would be so eventful. All told, it was an ordinary looking stone that he found in the forest…except that it felt like it was calling out to him. Harry Potter with the power of Mega Mewtwo Y! —- It’s my very first time writing so please forgive any grammar mistakes. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as enjoyed writing it. Both Harry Potter and Pokemon franchises are not mine so please don’t sue me. The beautiful and gorgeous cover art belongs to its owner and is definitely not mine because I can’t even draw a tree to save my life.

CheeseWiz · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
21 Chs

Chapter 006 Rescue and Healing

Harry gazed down from his perch on the highest point he could find of the Potter manor. He smiled as he remembered the fun time he had celebrating his birthday for the first time ever with his new friends and family. He even introduced Mewtwo to them and they all accepted him. They were all amazed his grandparents even calling him the youngest Animagus they have ever seen and a magical one at that which was impossible. He tried looking for the term in the huge Potter Library and found out that an animagus was a wizard or witch skilled in Transfiguration and Potions and who has mastered transforming into an animal. An animagus could only acquired a mundane or a non-magical animal form. They couldn't even choose what form they would transform into. So seeing Harry's Mewtwo form was definitely a shock as there has never been any magical animagi ever recorded in history. His grandparents advised him to never show his other form to others if at all possible as it would serve as a trump card if ever he was in danger. Harry of course was not planning on flaunting Mewtwo to just anyone in the first place and gave everyone his word that he would be careful.

It was now Sunday afternoon and the sun was merrily shining away in the sky. Harry told the elves that he will be practicing some magic today and that they shouldn't be too alarmed.

Harry closed his eyes and focused. He had been itching to try his hand at some of the weather changing moves he learned from Mewtwo. Raising his hands to the sky slowly he opened his eyes and released the building energy in his small form.

'Sunny Day.'

The effect was immediate. The sun's rays turned harsh and the clouds above him were blown away. Harry could feel the intense solar energy beaming down at him filling him up with heat as the temperatures keep rising higher. Several moves flashed through his mind that he knew could benefit from the solar power but he didn't perform any for fear of harming the residents below or destroying his precious home. Thankfully weather changing moves were only temporary and after a few minutes the harsh sunlight return to as before.

Flying up until he could see where he was going, he turned to his left and flew over to the large lake close to the greenhouses. Doing a few barrel rolls he softly glided to the lake's shore. Snickering to himself at his antics Harry looked around. Like everything in the Potter estate the lake was deep and wide. Finding a large boulder a few feet away from him he floated over and settled on top. Now this next one he hasn't practised yet but now is a good time as any.

Harry moulded his energies and changed it to water type feeling the cool and crisp bluish power flowing through him.

'Rain Dance' he incanted in his head.

Slowly the bright summer sky filled with heavy clouds. Looking up Harry concentrated and felt the temperature drop like just before a storm. He smiled seeing the clouds darken but frowned slightly when nothing happened after a few moments.

The clouds remained that way just for a few more minutes but slowly dispersed returning the sun on the horizon.

"Well, I can't get everything right the first time." He said to himself dryly. He noticed that when moulding energies that Mewtwo wasn't inclined to it was a bit harder for him. The move Sunny Day was a little bit easier as he had memories of Mewtwo using it from time to time. There's also another move called Hail which as the name suggested chilled the clouds to a degree where they dropped moderately sized chunks of ice that pelted everything and anything within its scope. 'Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I need to master Rain Dance, first.' He grimaced at the thought of purposely subjecting himself to Hail. Maybe he was more inclined with healing spells. Casting Rest and Recovery seemed to come to him naturally.


Harry was walking down the hallway thinking of what his grandparents had told him. Charlus told him that there was a secret vault inside the house that only family members could access. During the war though his parents had nearly emptied it because Potter manor was susceptible to possible attack by the Death Eaters and relocated to Godric's Hollow. His grandparents were entirely against it but James and Lily were convinced that it was safer and it was suggested by close family friend, Albus Dumbledor. His eyes, narrowed at that name. That man had had too much influence on the Potters including keeping the Family Cloak and didn't even have the decency to return it. The way things had gone with trusting that man was that there was only one remaining Potter now. Dorea mentioned that the wards here were ancient and strong and his parents wouldn't have needed to leave as no unscrupulous Death Eater could breach the Potter lands without being fried to ashes by the wards. Anyway, the reason he was looking for it was because he needed a wand to practice his magic with. He couldn't purchase one as he was too young and could only acquire one when he got his Hogwarts Letter.

Getting into the family library he easily found the vault at the back based on the description he was given. The vault was all but invisible to a non-family member because of some special wards. Harry touched the shiny round metal door and anticipated the now-familiar process of blood donation. The door easily opened for him. After a short transformation and Recovery he finally stepped in the well-lit chamber. It was big chamber but nearly barren. There were some books, a few ancient armours and weapons, and a few crates containing gold and silver coins. Harry ignored all of these and went to the floated himself to the very back of the chamber where the wands were kept.

Harry was told that sometimes wands were stored here for safekeeping or maybe just to keep as a sentimental item. Potters whose bodies were never found for whatever reason also had their wands stored here. While he was reluctant at first to touch a dead person's personal item he didn't have much choice if he wanted to practice magic.

Casting out his mind he wanted to find one that would at least respond to him. He found one at the very back. Floating over curiously he looked at the old-looking wand on its stand with golden letters inscribed on it.

Edward the Potterer

10 BC - Undetermined

Elm and Wampus Cat Hair

12 inches

Harry raised his eyebrows. It seems this is one of those Potters whose body was never recovered. The Title though. Potterer not Potter. How Curious. He picked it up from its stand and the wand shuddered. It gave a feeling of eagerness but also…shame? Frowning pushed his mind into the wand. Hmmm. The piece of elm gave off a feeling like it was glad to help him but also like it was ashamed of itself of not being able to bring his power to full bear. How interesting. Are wands semi-sentient? He shrugged. It doesn't matter. He just happy to finally be able to practice magic.


It's been a few months since getting his wand and his studies are going great. Magic came to him easily. Honestly he was already halfway into Hogwarts 3rd Year School Curriculum. He would have advanced further into 4th year if he wasn't also studying for his muggle schooling. Harry went occasionally into muggle London proper to buy school books. Ever since transforming into Mewtwo he's been fully utilising his immensely developed brain. Honestly studying has never been more easy. His interest right now is in muggle Engineering and Computer Programming. In his memories Mewtwo knew the technology to create Pokeballs. It was an interesting bit of technology created for the purpose of containment and easy transport of Pokemon. Maybe he'll have a use for it in the future. He was also excited in remaking other technology like the ones in a place called a Pokemon Center. Honestly the technology to heal injuries overnight without magic is completely revolutionary. There were also others in the field of Bioengineering and DNA manipulation. Mewtwo was a master of cloning DNA, which hopefully he wouldn't use anytime soon and would shelve it into the further reaches of his mind. Yeah, he wouldn't touch that anytime soon. But there was also DNA restoration. Imagine reviving an extinct animal using only its fossil remains? Thaw would be completely awesome. He's always wanted a pet wooly mammoth. Hey! They're really cute alright? So right now he's making full use of his immense mental capabilities and study as much as he can.

It was nearly October 31st. Halloween. The night his parents were murdered. The night he was orphaned. The night everything was taken from him.

The old elf Shelley requested him to take in more elves to help out in the manor. Four elves doing all the work were nearly not enough for a place this size. His grandparents sadly told him house elves were a popular commodity among the rich so he would definitely find illegal trafficking of elves. They cautioned him to be careful as they really couldn't force him not to do anything as they were just portraits. They were still his grandparents however and solemnly promised that he would.

Harry was floating above Magical London sending waves of psychic energy easily encompassing everything in a sphere for miles with him as the source. Frowning he detected several beings in the direction of a dark alley. Knockturn. He was a bit overwhelmed at first. With the different negative emotions he was receiving. Fear, unwillingness, anger, desperation, acceptance. Mewtwo was an emotional being. Due to his immense psychic abilities he can also feel others' emotions.

'Calm Mind'

He calmed his roiling anger and hatred for these traffickers. Calm mind also has the added effect of enhancing his already formidable powers. Teleporting to the source of all these emotions while invisible what he saw almost broke his concentration.

The house elves' conditions were deplorable. The wrists and feet were shackled and several were shoved into tiny cells. There even little elflings in there!

Taking a deep breath he let himself be seen by the pitiful creatures sending his words directly into their minds.

'Do you want to be free?'

The house elves were shocked! They could feel the incalculable power this being- no this god!- possessed. Looking at each other one of the elves walked forward near the cell bars his shackles clinging in the dark dungeon. All the others held their breaths.

"Oh, Great One! I is being Omer. A house elf, sir. Will…will Great One really help us?" He asked full of hope.

'Yes. I will offer sanctuary to those who seek it. Do you want to be free of this place?' He asked Omer but still every single one of them heard his kind voice in their minds. Harry was a little irked at being called by another title but he forced his thoughts on the matter.

"Yes! Great One! Please! Please! Our magic is bound and we cannot escape. Even the little ones. " Omer asked, no, wailed desperately clinging to the bars in a tight grip.

'Then you shall have it. But first…' Harry looked at the far end of the dungeon where the door blasted open. A male figure was angrily muttering to himself a wand in hand as he walked past the door. Harry made himself invisible.

"You there! What is all this racket?! Didn't I say no food for you if you disobey me? Huh?!" The man was dressed in some type of gaudy robes. It was made of expensive material. But despite that it didn't detract from the wizard's greasy hair, yellow teeth, and just overall filthy look. Before the man even took several steps past the door, he was sent careening by an invisible force into a wall beside him knocking him out.

Turning visible once again Harry made sure scanned for more human signature above that might further interfere. Find two more above him he sent out a Telekineses hold a Teleported both of them down in front of him.

"Wha..? Shit! What's happening?" "What in the world?" Both of them looked at Mewtwo in shock. They've never seen any creature like him before! Coupled that they couldn't even move and their wands pathetically easily taken away from them like taking candy from a child, it instantly evolved into terror.

"Please! No, let us go!""We'll do anything!" Mewtwo looked at whimpering fools below him. Are these really wizards? These weak fools dare to enslave others? Mewtwo tore into their minds not being gentle about it and made sure there were no others unaccounted for traffickers. After getting all the information that he could from all three of their minds he mercilessly erased all of their memories, their very being, turning them into mere vegetables. He didn't regret anything.

Turning back to the elves who were looking at him with awe and reverence, the softly gestured with his hand and suddenly all the door cells and shackles were unlocked freeing them. Crying and hugging each other in relief and joy at their newfound freedom the little creatures knelt down at him and thanked him profusely. Harry nearly twitched in embarrassment but held himself together and addressed all of them.

'I promised you freedom and sanctuary and you shall have it. I will now transport you to my home. Do not resist.'

Reaching out with his powers he encompassed easily.

'Moppy, Tilly, Shelley, Loki. I am sending elves to you. Please direct them to the Ballroom.'

With that single warning from miles away Mewtwo Teleported the dozens house elves to Potter manor. Nodding to himself he teleported himself again back to his original position above London. He still has work to do.